MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 539 Please sleep with me

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Lin Wu felt that he had been soaked in the body fluids of the vagina. He washed himself for a full hour before finally getting himself clean and fragrant.

There was a hair dryer in the bathroom. Lin Wu was impatient and only dried his hair halfway before changing clothes and going out.

Bo Yuting and You Yuan were still there outside, and they looked at it when they heard the door opening.

Bo Yuting noticed at a glance that Lin Wu's hair was still wet, and stepped forward and asked, "Why didn't you blow dry your hair?"

Lin Wu said slowly: "I'm too lazy to blow."

 You Yuan next to him threw the clean towel he brought over.

Bo Yuting didn't look back, she caught it accurately and helped Lin Wu wrap her hair to avoid catching cold from the wind.

"Go back to your room and don't sleep. Wait for your boyfriend. I'll redress your wound after washing." Bo Yuting glanced at her hand and said.

Lin Wu nodded, picked up the bag and left.

 You Yuan then turned around and entered the bathroom.

“Wait a minute.” Bo Yuting suddenly stopped him.

 You Yuan turned back expressionlessly.

“Second brother,” Bo Yuting said, successfully seeing You Yuan frowning, but he didn’t say anything more to You Yuan and said, “Will you stay here for a few more days until the Gu family comes to pick up Lin Wu?”

You Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this: "What do you mean? Didn't you promise Xiaosi that you would come to pick her up?"

Bo Yuting's tone was as usual: "If I can still come by then, of course I will come. But there is always a contingency in everything, and this is not quite normal."

 You Yuan Ding glanced at him.

 Finally, You Yuandao said: "You'd better make sure you're fine. Otherwise, it will affect Xiao Si's work."

 After saying that, he turned around and went in.

Bo Yuting stood there for a while and murmured: "It will be fine. I can't bear to let go of so many good days with the little girl in the future."


After Bo Yuting also washed up, he tidied himself up hastily and went upstairs to find Bo Wu.

Bo Wu is still in Zheng Yuan’s room.

Zheng Yuan's wound was a bit painful. The doctor waited for Bo Wu to scrub and clean his whole body, then re-disinfected it, gave him anesthetic and sewed a few more stitches, and finally applied medicine and bandage.

When Bo Yuting arrived, the doctor was about to prepare the infusion for Zheng Yuan and left, and Bo Wu was about to leave to clean up himself.

Seeing Bo Yuting, Bo Wu thought he was here to ask about Zheng Yuan's situation on Lin Wu's behalf, so he explained everything clearly before he could ask.

Bo Yuting also listened. After Bo Wu finished speaking, he said, "I will leave tomorrow. You can stay and help take care of Zheng Yuan, and listen to the little girl."

Bo Wu nodded.

Bo Yuting asked again: "I previously gave the formula to the medical organization for making phoenix tattoos, and later asked Bo Qi to send some new stone ingredients to assist in the experiment. This is your responsibility to supervise. The current progress How about it?"

Bo Wu has been working on this matter and is very aware of the progress. When he asked, he immediately replied: "Master Jiu, all the experiments done so far have failed. Later, Mr. Yang found out what you were doing and asked me how to do it. I went to study the formula and information, but Mr. Yang found that the formula seemed incomplete. The current experimental failure is due to the lack of a very important drug primer that allows all the ingredients to interact and react to create the tattoo you want."

Bo Wu returned to Beijing not long ago just to tell Bo Yuting about this important matter. Unexpectedly, he found out about Bo Yuting's incident as soon as he returned, and then he hurried to the northwest.

“Master Jiu, it seems we can’t make a real tattoo. Will the subsequent experiments continue?” Bo Wu asked.

Bo Yuting said: "Continue."

Bo Wuah said, "But we don't know what Mr. Yang said is missing..."

"I know now." Bo Yuting interrupted him, "You can contact my teacher later and tell him to continue his experiments. I will go to him with the missing ones and make a real tattoo."

Bo Wu was surprised, and said habitually: "Master Jiu, do you need to tell Miss Lin about this?"

 After he finished speaking, he felt that he had asked nonsense.

 Only Miss Lin has a real tattoo. Master Jiu now knows how to get it. Miss Lin must have told him...

"Don't tell her." Bo Yuting said firmly, with a warning in his words, "While you are here, don't let her find out about this."

Bo Wuyi was stunned: "But it's not good to hide it from Miss Lin..."

"Who is your master?!" Bo Yuting's face turned cold.

Bo Wu's heart was beating fast, and he quickly lowered his head and responded: "Yes, Master, Bo Wu has remembered it!"

Bo Yuting then left, went to the doctor to get some things, and then went to Lin Wu's room.

When he arrived, Bo Yuting found that Lin Wu had not locked the door. He opened the door directly and went in. At a glance, he saw Lin Wu nestled in the bed, already asleep.

His expression softened a little, and he closed the door and went over.

Lin Wu's hands were casually placed on the bed, and the gauze wrapped on them was in a mess.

Bo Yuting gently placed the tray on the bedside table, leaned over and squatted down to repackage the medicine for her.

 This movement woke the little girl.

Lin Wu opened his eyes in a daze and saw it was him, but did not move, yawned and continued to sleep.

Bo Yuting leaned close to her and whispered: "In Black Bei Mountain, I tore the rips in your clothes to treat your wounds, but it's not possible now."

Lin Wu still had his eyes closed, and he cooperatively lifted the quilt.

She was too sleepy and wanted to sleep as soon as she came back. In order to sleep more comfortably, she only wore a loose sweatshirt and knee-length shorts. There were many scrapes and scratches on her two slender legs. She pulled her sweater up, revealing gauze randomly wrapped around her waist. Bo Yuting could only feel heartbroken after seeing it.

Afraid that the little girl would catch cold, Bo Yu treated her wound as quickly as possible, applied medicine, and then covered her with a quilt.

 The remaining ones are on the face and arms.

Lin Wu turned sideways, rolled up his sleeves, then fell asleep and let him do it by himself.

Faintly aware that the man was done, Lin Wu retracted his hand to cover himself with the quilt to sleep, but was held down by the man.

 “Wuxi.” The man called her softly.

Lin Wu became more awake and blinked at him.

"Your wounds were caused by a vaginal child. My boyfriend is not sure if there are any unknown toxins after soaking them in corpse liquid. I need to take some of your blood for testing, just in case. Otherwise, my boyfriend will not feel at ease. Okay?" the man asked She discussed it.

 Of course, Lin Wu nodded.

 The man took out the syringe and blood vessels he had prepared, inserted a needle into her arm, and took out half of the tube.

"Are you ready?" Lin Wu asked with a yawn.

Bo Yuting carefully sealed the blood vessel and said with a smile, "Okay, you can continue to sleep."

 He stood up to leave.

Lin Wu looked at him and suddenly felt an impulse to grab his hand without thinking.

 “What’s wrong?” the man lowered his head and asked.

Lin Wu thought that the two of them were about to separate again, and couldn't help but said: "I can't sleep alone, so you can sleep with me."

The man laughed: "Like last time, I waited until you fell asleep before leaving? Okay, I will give the drawn blood to the specialist first, and then I will come back to accompany you."


Lin Wu propped up most of his body on the bed, and his long, dry hair fell and swayed. She moved to the side, leaving enough space for an adult man to lie down, and patted the bed.

 “You have been tired for a long time too, let’s sleep together.”

Bo Yuting was stunned for a moment, his throat felt dry and tight. His deep voice was also hoarse, "Are you sure? Do you really want your boyfriend to sleep here?"

Lin Wu nodded slowly, and when he didn't move, he said, "If you don't want to, just forget it..."

Before he finished speaking, the man had put down the tray and got on the bed so fast that Lin Wu was stunned.

When she came back to her senses, the man was already lying down, reaching out to her, taking the initiative to act coquettishly: "Then my boyfriend wants to hug her, come here."

Lin Wu pointed to the tray: "But don't you still send blood..."

 “There’s no hurry, it’s not too late to go after you wake up.”

Bo Yuting will not miss this rare opportunity, not even a minute or a second.

 He directly held the little girl's hand, pulled the little girl into his arms with a little force, rubbed her cheek, and said with a low smile: "Sleep is the most important thing."

This was the first time Lin Wu came into contact with a man like this, and the man's hot body temperature was clearly visible through the material of her clothes, which made her brain a little bit down and unable to think about anything.

She didn't dare to move, and said dryly: "Well, then go to sleep."

"Huh? Is the step wrong? Is there something missing before going to bed?" The man intertwined his fingers with her little by little and asked with a half-smile.

 “What’s missing?”

Lin Wu raised his head in confusion and met the man's deep eyes.

  She trembled for no reason, and the man's other hand clasped the back of her neck and pressed her towards him.

 The man kissed her forehead gently.

 A touch that is brief and far away is the easiest way for people to let go of their guard and relax.

Immediately, the man's hot lips reluctantly lingered across her eyebrows, then to the tip of her nose, across her lightly red cheeks, and finally swallowed all the sobs that escaped her lips and teeth without refusal, finally showing a shuddering expression. His strength no longer conceals his aggression.

Lin Wu was at a loss and his mind was even more blank.

 The man noticed it and became gentle again, guiding her to slowly adapt and respond to him.

Lin Wu’s learning ability is very good in all aspects, and he can quickly become proactive.

 But she also quickly understood that not everything can be learned.

 The man's breath was unsteady due to her initiative.

Lin Wu suddenly felt something making her feel uncomfortable. She subconsciously pushed it, but she heard Bo Yuting, who was holding her tightly, groan.

  She was stunned for a moment, and she suddenly understood what was going on, and froze immediately.

 Seeing that the little girl who had finally taken the initiative became dull again, Bo Yuting laughed hoarsely, kissed her forehead and whispered, "Do you mind if your boyfriend takes care of it here?"

Lin Wu buried her face in the crook of his neck and refused to speak.

Bo Yuting didn't want to scare the little girl anymore. He rubbed her head and said softly: "The boyfriend has gone back. He will come back later."

Lin Wu nodded casually.