MTL - A Naive Short-tempered Girl-v4 Chapter 467 Painful struggle

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Chapter 467: Painful struggle

### Chapter 630: Painful struggle

Yaoyao knew what Yu Aotian's words foreshadowed, and clearly felt that he was eager for the next step.


Contrary to physiology, he remained calm. Tears slipped down her eyes: "I ... can't do it."

I don't want too much explanation, and I don't want to say a lot of words of justice and perseverance.

Because Yu Aotian only needs a little temptation to know how much she desires at this moment. In the end, it just seemed that she didn't agree.

However, in this sentence alone, she believes that if Yu Aotian truly respects himself, he will naturally end all the images that should not happen.

"Ah ..." With a deep sigh, Yu Aotian lay beside her weakly, wiping the tears in the corner of her eyes with her fingertips. The expression hanging on his handsome face seemed so helpless at this moment.

For this man who reads countless women, how can she feel nothing from her confused eyes?

Of course, he felt the pain in the deep eyes of those big eyes covered by desire.

This is a struggle, psychological and physical.

If it wasn't that he didn't control himself today, how could she have such a painful struggle.

"Tomorrow ... I'll send you to Nanlu."


She wouldn't have such pains apart, and he wouldn't always have such hardships.

"Hmm ..." Yaoyao nodded weakly, slowly turning his back. Tears could not help flowing.

In spite of her restraint, Yu Aotian saw her shoulders shaking slightly: "Why are you crying?"

He doesn't understand ...

I do n’t understand, what does this tear represent ...

Actually, she was in pain all day! So painful!

Once, the place where they were most together was in the room. At that time, she could feel her lover's identity all the time.

Even if she was on the street once in a while, she could only look at his background from behind and silently followed him.

But today ...

Like a real couple, they are exposed to the world, holding hands, watching movies, eating, and shopping. It was a scene she couldn't imagine or dare to imagine before.

Unfortunately, this scene really came too late.

Coming at a time when she was already ashamed, it would only be a torture.

Of course, the greater torture is now!

‘Tomorrow ... I'll take you to Nanlu. ’

This is a respect and an understanding.

She really did not expect that Yu Aotian has now learned to respect and understand.


Nowadays, she can't get along with him alone, because there will always be an uncontrollable heartbeat and an uncontrollable heartbeat. But they cannot be together, nor can they be together.

The tears were grateful and moved. His letting go and understanding deeply touched her heartstrings.

Needless to say, once you do n’t meet, you wo n’t miss it, and you wo n’t have that kind of suffering ...

Silently closed his eyes, Yaoyao did not answer Yu Aotian's question.

Similarly, while Yu Aotian didn't know why her tears flowed, she didn't know Yu Aotian's understanding, not only for her, but also for himself.

That night ...

Yu Aotian didn't leave, just lying quietly beside her;

And she did not refuse, because for Yao Yao, this was only their last night. Even if they fell asleep separately, what could they tell the world? It's just being deceived and it seems very pitiful ...

Wind Group.

"Mr. Luo, this is some management experience I have summarized this weekend, please take a look." In the president's office, Yaoyao took the file of Hei Yanlong and read it carefully.

Above, the densely written hand-written records of management science are really very, very detailed, and you can see how much effort Hei Yanlong paid on this Saturday and Sunday.

"Mr. Hei, this valuable experience is really hard for you. However, you should leave this information to someone else."

"Huh?" Hei Yanlong frowned. "Woman, what do you mean?"

She smiled slightly and patted her hands ...

I saw Feng Kexin pushed the door and walked in: "Erh, Yan Long brother."

"Ke Xin?" Hei Yanlong's inky turn, vaguely predict something.

"Ke Xin, this is the management experience summed up by the vice general manager. It is very, very precious. I know that the school is about to take an exam. After you take the exam, take a look at this information."

"Um. OK. If it's okay, I'll go to Aoyun." Feng Kexin took the information and turned around.

Yao Yao helplessly rolled his eyes: "Ke Xin, you should also see that Qilian Senior is very desperate. I always think ... Qilian Senior seems to ... prefer some strong women?"

"Am I not strong enough yet?" Feng Kexin looked at Yao Yao with contempt. "At least, better than you?"

Khan, this ... is true!

"Erh, Yan Long brother, go ..." Said, Feng Kexin swayed out of the president's office.

These days, Yaoyao will call Feng Kexin to the company to learn from time to time, but unfortunately, every time she comes, she will go to Qilian Aoyun for the first time. There is really no way.

When the wind Kexin left, Hei Yanlong's expression gradually became serious: "Woman, you ... intend to give Feng's management to Kexin ?!"

"Well ... in the final analysis, Feng's family is Fengjia's industry. No matter how much my father trusts me, or how much you help me, the fact cannot be changed. I don't have the blood of Fengjia. , So I have no right to manage this company. "

From the moment he took over Fengshi, Yaoyao had already thought about it. He would temporarily become a transition of Fengshi, wait for Kexin to grow up, and directly transfer 40% of his Fengshi shares and management rights to Kexin. On her hand, she can retreat all over.

"You like this ... could hurt Feng's!"

Looking at the somber expression on Hei Yanlong's face, Yaoya frowned, "Why?"

"Perhaps, I shouldn't think about age. But Ke Xin is only 19 years old, and she still has the childishness of a girl. You really give the company to her. Can she ... manage it?"

"Khan, Vice President, have you forgotten, I am only 19 years old."

"Different." Hei Yanlong shook his head indifferently. "Compared with Ke Xin, your childishness is indeed heavier. But at the critical moment, you are very reliable."

As for the reason for its reliability, there is no doubt that it is Yao's IQ!

The stupidity, stupidity, and cuteness that emanate from her body are all childish that a 19-year-old girl may embody; but what cannot be changed and incomparable is her 205 IQ!

"Oh, even if Feng doesn't have me, isn't there still you? Besides, I give way, it doesn't mean to leave the company."

"Oh ..." Hei Yanlong just smiled slightly when he heard this. "It's rare. Some people, in order to fight for power and power, can kill and set fire. But you can get the right, you can get the power, you can do it. Rare, really rare ..."

### Chapter 631: Endure it!

"Mainly, my heart is not here. I don't like doing business at all. Nor is this material."

"If so what do you like?"

"Law." Her dream since childhood was politics, but she was strangled by her mother, so she could only change it to law. "Miss vice president, what is your dream?"

Regarding this issue, Hei Yanlong was silent for a moment, and immediately shifted the topic: "Are you happy to live in Yuaotian's house these two days?"

Dizzy, when Hei Yanlong asked this question again, why did he show a smile on his face? "I moved to his other place on Sunday, where ... without him!"

As agreed, Yu Aotian sent her to Nanlu and Sister Angel early in the morning on Sunday, after which he left.

"Huh? Isn't it safer to have Yu Aotian protect you personally? Why move away?"

"Because ..." The smile gradually faded, and she resignedly resignedly said, "I have to bear it! It's troublesome."

‘What if you meet someone who makes you feel good? ’

‘Bear. ’

‘Bear? This kind of thing ... can't stand it? ’

‘Bear it! ’

Hei Yanlong suddenly remembered the conversation between them on the phone. At that time, he felt that this woman had not tasted this kind of taste, so she didn't investigate it any more. Who knows? !!

"Women, can you be perverted? If you like it, let's be together. Chen Yi also wants you to be with Yu Aotian, right?" After this, his dark eyes flashed: "Oh, yes, Yu Aotian Kill your mother! "

"Oh. It's not just because of this matter between me and him. Anyway, it's complicated. So it's best for us not to meet." Yao Yao smiled entangledly.

"His ... not right. Why did you tell me about this?" He rested his chin on his desk with one hand, staring at her seriously. The look was as sharp as the killing.

Yao Yao smiled badly: "If I said, I take you as my girlfriend, you ... shouldn't you mind?"

The moment of ‘唰’, Hei Yanlong ’s face went black: “You **** woman! Have you taken me Hei Yanlong as a woman?”

"Hey, hey, hey, Mr. Hei, don't be angry. I really don't mean that. Girlfriends can also be male girlfriends. Mainly, you are a man, a good friend with Chen Yi, and my age. It's almost mature, and I'm very safe with you, so ... hehe. "She smiled sillyly.

At this moment, Hei Yanlong really didn't know what to say.

Especially the sentence ...

‘I ’m very safe with you’ really makes him very upset!

Yaoyao might have noticed something, and he pretended to be angry: "How far away is it for me! But ..." His expression changed: "Lao Tzu allows you to come and talk to me when you feel bad."

"Hey. By the way, Mr. Hei, I won't come to work tomorrow."


"I have to go to school to take the exam tomorrow."

"I see! Trouble! Let's go first."

"Well, hehe ..." Looking at the back of Hei Yanlong's departure, Yao Yao smiled lightly.

In fact, she also couldn't explain why she shared this private matter with Hei Yanlong, and always felt that Chen Yi smelled on him. This secret, which has been buried in my heart for a long time, was shared with Hei Yanlong at the same time as if it was shared with Feng Chenyi ...

His eyes gradually turned out of the floor-to-ceiling window, and he looked at the blue sky intently.

Chen Yi, how are you in heaven now?

In fact, I know that when we got married, you really cared, I slowly turned your love into a family relationship.

But, you know what?

Under the sky, not every couple can turn love into affection.

There are too many, too many couples. After falling in love for a few years, their love gradually faded, but why are they still together, and in the end they stay apart? It is because they have transformed that love into a family relationship that they will ultimately have a hard time sharing.

I believe that if you are still alive, one day or another, you will gradually turn your love for me into a family relationship.

I am even more convinced that at this moment, our marriage is the most secure, but unfortunately ... I did not wait, nor did you wait.

Now, I am gradually feeling the kind of heartbeat and entanglement that I like a person, you know, this taste is actually not very good. In particular, it is my relationship with Royal Sky.

Chen Yi, I already thought about it. After I deal with everything, I will leave this sky, the sky where I breathe and live together with Yu Aotian, and cut off this undesired feeling.

Even if ... maybe ... may give up revenge on my mother ...

Because ... I can't wait any longer ... I'm afraid ... I have fallen in love with my mother before I get revenge ...

A Bentley car parked slowly at the door of Royal Aotian Villa.

"Miss Luo, here it is." Yu Aotian sent a bodyguard to protect Yao Yao 24 hours in person, and the gentleman opened the door.

"Thank you." She thanked politely and quickly walked into the villa.

"Yao Yao, you're back." Nanlu walked in front of her with a smile.


The sisters, who haven't seen each other for a long time, talked all night as soon as they met yesterday, and now there are a pair of dark circles hanging on Nanlu's eyes.

"Oh, yes, Yaoyao, there are guests at home."

"A guest?" He walked quietly to the door of the living room.

I saw a middle-aged man in a suit sitting on the sofa.

"Who?" Yaoya asked in a low voice.

Nanlu resigned his mouth helplessly: "It's not yet a gift to the host. We're used to it."


If you think about it, now that Yu Aotian is the top three, there must be many senior officials desperately trying to bribe him and longing for his support.

And here is the only public residence of Yu Aotian. Those people will definitely come over from time to time to give gifts.


"Why are you asking them to come in ?!"

"Oh, those people are so dead that they don't leave the door. We told them to come in at a glance. Anyway, since you left, the master hasn't come here to live at all. If you tell them to come in, they can't wait for the master, and they die. . "

"It's not the problem!" Yaoyao pulled Nanlu aside in distress: "Listen to me, Nanlu, now Yu Aotian is a political politician, and he has received a lot of attention in words and deeds. These people came to bribe Yu Aotian, if they want to point their face, it's okay. If they meet those shameful people, they will hold on and give the bribe to Yu Aotian. Who can we say clearly ?! "

"They dare! Masters don't scarce them bribes!"

"Nanlu!" Seeing Nanlu still didn't quite understand what he meant, Yaoyao's eyes turned: "I'll give you an analogy. If there is a reporter at the door of the villa, they photograph someone entering Yuao. Tian ’s villa, and then photographed them out again. The title of Zhuan Tian was, Yu Aotian accepted a bribe. Even if Yu Aotian said that he did not accept a bribe, who knows? Is there any evidence? You did ask someone to come in, didn't you? Who knows who accepted the bribe ?! "

"Uh, yeah ... yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Why didn't we think of it!" Nanlu calmed down the gods at once, and knew how much their slackness might adversely affect Yu Aotian. The gift-giver is here, so I won't let them in. "

### Chapter 632: Put them in

"No!" The corner of his mouth slowly provoked a wicked smile, Yao Yao leaned over and glanced at the man in the living room: "You still let them in."


"Oh. But, you install an invisible monitor in the living room. In the first place, you can prove innocence for Yu Aotian; in the second place ... You can also grab out for Yu Aotian, who intends to disadvantage him. If it is If you are interested in dealing with Royal Sky, you will naturally take advantage of this opportunity to make a fuss. By then, Royal Sky will have a goal! "

Of course, the main thing is ...

This trick can also successfully excavate Zeng Kairui's party feathers.

As the so-called is not afraid of the thief stealing, it is afraid of the thief remembering, in case Zeng Kairui intends to use this trick to deal with Yu Aotian, wouldn't it be possible for Yu Aotian to beat it down? Hey……

"Yaoyao, you are really too smart! I read a lot of news. It was all the officials and wives who accidentally accepted the gifts of others, and those officials who were harmed were also involved. But if you have such a person around you, If a person who is attentive and understands the law is present, he will always be invincible. "Nanlu instantly admired Yao Yao for his five bodies.

But she reacted suddenly ...

Looks like, just now, one accidentally ... just ... helped Yu Aotian again, right?

Oh, it seems that people ... just have difficulty controlling their own minds!

"Nanlu." Yaoya smiled slightly, and begged to hold Nanlu's hand: "This matter, don't tell Yu Aotian, okay?"


"No reason, please, please ..."

Looking at the embarrassing look on Yao Yao's face, Nanlu didn't say anything, but just sighed heavily ...

"Tell you a little broken things, how can you do so hard ?!" Feng Chenrui growled angrily in the hotel room.

Several people in black frowned in perplexity: "Master Feng, now Luo Yaoyao is being guarded by the Chinese director for 24 hours. Once we make a shot, it may be a crime to assassinate a Chinese political figure. This will cause war. "

Feng Chenrui is also aware of the seriousness of this problem, but ... "You won't start when Aotian is absent ?!"

"This this……"

Looking at the embarrassment of those people, Feng Chenrui waved angrily and said, "Okay, okay, you go out first, then you will listen to my instructions."


When the men in black left, Feng Chenrui shook his fist dissatisfied: "It's really useless!" He quickly took out the phone and broadcast a number ...

"What's the matter?" A cold voice came from the phone.

Feng Chenrui smiled slyly: "Deputy Prime Minister Zeng ... disturbed you?"

"No. Just say it."

"That's the case. Before the bombing of the embassy, ​​thanks to your help, my operation would be so smooth. But ... who knows has angered Yu Aotian. Now Yu Aotian has been protecting Luo Yaoyao personally. I really don't know ... what to do. "

On the other side of the phone, Zeng Kairui flashed those subtle eyes, meaning: "If the technique is cleaner, in fact, no one will know who killed Yu Aotian. Isn't it? "

"Uh ... Deputy Prime Minister Zeng, what do you mean?"

At this time, Zeng Kairui was in a dark and secret room. He didn't wait for Feng Chenrui to finish his words, and then smiled, "Hehe. Just like that, I'll get busy first." The phone hung up.

Leo, standing in the back room, clasped his hands in front of him, his body half-relied on the wall: "Head, Feng Chenrui's straw bag ... Did you kill Aotian?"

"What do you think? If Yu Aotian is so dead, will I have such a headache?" Zeng Kairui said without expression.

Xie Yiqing's voice was uploaded from the sofa: "Godfather means, if you can kill, you can kill; if you can't kill, you don't kill him. But ..." She put her feet on the handle of the sofa and slowly put down: "Godfather Recently, you have been complaining about me and delaying Luo Yaoyao to deal with Yu Aotian. Now that you have chosen Feng Chenrui to kill Luo Yaoyao and Yu Aotian all the time, don't you think that it will delay the two people to kill each other? "

"Qing'er, I'm so disappointed in you ..." Zeng Kairui shook his head in a loss.

At this time, another mysterious male voice came from the door: "The purpose of the boss to use Feng Chenrui's guy is neither in Yuaotian nor Luo Yaoyao!"

Obviously, for the answer given by this voice, Zeng Kairui smiled with satisfaction: "Yes!"

Suddenly, Leo met Xie Yiqing and looked at the desk quickly.

Zeng Kairui crossed her hands at the desk and blocked half of her face: "I didn't expect Feng Chenrui to kill Luo Yaoyao or Yu Aotian, but ... his assassination can provoke Yass The war between our country and our country! "

"Boss? Your purpose is in Asland ?!" Leo looked at Zeng Kairui in surprise.

"Oh, the country of Aslan has always been the territory I want. Having it there is tantamount to owning the entire world!" The words full of ambition fell, which undoubtedly confirmed the existence of this piece of fat in Aslan How powerful.

Not just Zeng Kairui, in fact, many countries in the world are holding the military resources of Aslan!

"Okay, now, I want to say something that makes me headache." Zeng Kairui took a breath, and slowly laid his hands on the desk. "The spy returns, Yu Aotian masters it Recorded an important call from the British Vice President. "

"Ah ?!" Xie Yanqing's eyes widened inconceivably, and he rolled over and jumped directly to the desk: "Godfather, is your office or somewhere else, isn't there a special person cleaning the monitoring system every day? Why was it overheard by Royal Sky? "

"Xiao Qing'er, I have already said that Yu Aotian is simply invincible. As for his IQ, do you think it is useful to just clean up the monitoring system?"

Although Leo's words were full of the pursuit of Royal Sky, but Zeng Kairui did not deny the power of Royal Sky. "Well, who do you help me get back that monitoring record?"

"Let's go." At that moment, the mysterious voice at the door came again.

Zeng Kairui smiled slightly: "Lan You, it's not time for you to play yet." Subtle eyes turned to Xie Yunqing in front of him: "Qinger, you have been exposed, so ..."

"Okay, okay, okay. Leave it to me!" Xie Xingqing's mouth couldn't help but provoke a weird smile ...

Examination day.

For each university, the upgrade examination is a very important assessment; for the first university, the entrance examination is a vital influence for their future.

In the quiet corridor, Yao Yao curled up in the corner, holding the phone in her hand, and slowly broadcasting a number ...

After a while, the call was answered: "Girl, what's the matter?"

The moment she heard the voice of Long Mao, she cried aloud, "Wow!"

Suddenly, Long Ling was so scared that he almost fell off the chair: "Little ancestor, don't cry, what happened ?!"

"Woo ... I cheated and got caught while I was taking the test. The principal asked the parents, come over here, okay?"

### Chapter 633: Parents Asked

"Isn't it?" At this moment, the expression hanging on Long Yan's face was smiling for a while, helpless for a while, and painful for a while, and it was very complicated: "Okay ... OK. You ... wait a minute. I ... ... I'll be there. "

Hanging up the phone, Yaoyao wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes, and slowly walked into the principal's room: "School, principal, I already ... I have called my parents here." The sobbing voice made her speak all intermittent.

The principal raised his eyelids and said solemnly, "Well. Then you wait here."

"School ... principal, can you not punish me?" During the university, if you have punishment, it means that you have a stain on your life, which is extremely serious.

"I will talk to your parents about this."

"Woo ... I know, I know." Aggrieved standing under the wall, Yaoyao squeezed his little hand and kept sobbing.

After a while, the door of the principal's office was opened.

The principal looked at it, and was almost scared to fall off the chair: "Yu, Chairman Yu, why are you here?"

The breathless Yu Aotian calmed down the breathless breath, and the tense eyes immediately turned to Yao Yao who was standing at the wall root penalty station.

"How are you?" The watery eyes glowed with innocence and grievances, and there were two lovely teardrops in the corners of the eyes.

Yu Aotian hasn't seen small things like this for a long time, and he almost laughed. "Cough." He laughed at this moment, he tightened his throat and said coldly, "Your brother is okay, so please come over to me."

"But ... but he promised me that I would come over!" How shameful this thing is, how can you call Yu Aotian over?

But Yaoyao didn't know ...

Where would she be the only one who hated the shame?

Half an hour ago.

After Long Yan hung up Yaoyao's phone, he lay prone on the table and called to Yuao Tian: ‘Are you busy? Please ... help me ... ’

This is the first time that Yu Aotian heard Long Chan speak to himself in this tone, and asked nervously, ‘what happened? !! ’

‘唉…’ He sighed heavily: ‘Yaoyao… I ’ve been invited by my parents and asked me to go. ’

To tell the truth, at that time, Yu Aotian had heard his words and had his heart broken with a gun! ‘Are you asking for a parent? Then you go! ’

‘Aotian… I beg you, if you have time, go over for me. Last time, when Long Qi started a club in school, I was invited to ask the bald headmaster to scold him; who knows, now Yaoyao asks parents to call me over. I really don't want to ... shame in the past! ’

Long Yan really **** wants to sigh a long time, is he a professional acting parent?

That's why, after receiving a call from Yaoyao, his expression will be full of taste.

I want to laugh because I feel so cute when I hear Yao crying;

Unfortunately, she was caught cheating;

The pain is ... he'll be counted by that bald principal again.

Seeing this, Yu Aotian had to take over the job and came here in person.

"Principal, I came here as Luo Yaoyao's parent." Yu Aotian pulled out his chair expressionlessly and sat up.

Then the principal heard: "Ah?" Isn't this difficult? How dare he count down Yu Aotian? !!

"Luo Yaoyao's parents died and her husband died. Her father-in-law is in her 60s. You should know this. So I will count her half a relative for the time being."

"Oh, this is the case. Chairman Yu, I know that Luo Yaoyao's situation is very special. She is also the general manager of Feng's enterprise. But ... But it can't drive the whole class to cheat, right? "The principal stood in front of Yu Aotian and smiled helplessly.

"Driving the whole class to cheat?" Yu Aotian heard this, and Guangguang quickly cast a shot at Yao Yao who was standing in the corner.

She bowed her head in shame and sobbed again in a low voice.

"Oh ... yes, yes, this is Luo Yaoyao's fault." In the past, the extremely glorious Yu Aotian, at this moment, had a feeling of being unable to lift his head. Now he finally knows why Long Ling died Here, I knew he would not come. "So what do you want to do ...?"

"In principle, you should be punished, what do you say? President Yu ..." The principal's attitude towards Yu Aotian was extremely polite.

He frowned slightly and glanced at Yao Yao again.

The little hand kept swinging, and that look was full of begging.

Seeing this, Yu Aotian took a sigh of embarrassment, and her expression cooled down instantly: "No!"

"Ah? Then ... that ... that ... it's up to you to decide."

This is a difficult problem.

If Yu Aotian used the power to suppress this, it would not be impossible, but the problem ... it would be very troublesome afterwards.

If it weren't resolved by power, it would seem impossible.

Big hand, slowly raised a fist. "You're the principal, whatever you want to do. But ... I don't want to see the traces of punishment on Luo Yaoyao's files!"


"Okay, that's it, I still have work to do. Luo Yaoyao, I'll take it first." After saying that, Yu Aotian shook her head to Yao Yao and quickly walked out of the principal's office. The problem was thrown back directly to the principal.

"Thank you." On the campus, Yaoyao wiped her tears, thanked Yuao Tian aggrieved.

He stooped slightly, and helplessly scraped the tip of her nose: "The little thing is to send you to places I can't see, and you still always trouble me. You say ... what should I do with you?"

Raising her eyes, looking at the spoiled look in Yu Aotian's eyes, she lowered her head quickly.

I thought they could be separated for a while. Who knows, they will meet again because of cheating.

It seems that Heaven tied a monkey rubber band tightly to them. The more you want to escape, the monkey rubber band will smash them together again.

"I, I don't want to ..."

"You said, you have nothing to do to cheat? With your IQ, you can't answer those papers, do you cheat with the whole class?"

This is where Yao Yao is wronged. She clenched her fists: "It's not like this!" All of a sudden, she cried again.

"Baby, don't cry. Say, what's going on?"

"Woo ... Xiaoman, Xiaoman said before the exam and asked me to text the answer after answering the question. So ... So I finished the test paper early and thought about sending the answer to her. Who knows ... ... who knows ... I accidentally grouped the message into groups and the whole class received it ... I received my answer. "

Looking at her crying more and more fiercely, Yu Aotian pouted with patience and smiled. For a long time, she pressed down the smile on her face and asked curiously, "Then your classmates reported you cheating?"

"No!" This is where Yao Yao's second grievance is: "Everyone has my answer, and they will finish the test papers soon. One of the boys may be too boring to use his mobile phone to steal food. Teacher When I saw it, his phone was confiscated. As a result, I found the answer I sent him. Wow ... "

"噗 ..." Regardless of the image, Yu Aotian crouched on the ground and laughed ~ ~ The first book