MTL - A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy-Chapter 52 Resentment

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After both Shu Shu and Edgar left the lounge, Ian shut down the monitor and stopped paying attention to the following things.

He is not a gossip, he is not interested in spending time on these. To be honest, holding a party has made him feel annoyed. If not, he will not often hold a party for several years.

Taking out the contactor and connecting to the star network, Ian began to look at the various messages that had been filtered by the assistant. Chris saw it and began to look at various emails.

The two men took a long time and heard the knock on the door.

Today, there is a banquet. There are many people in the palace. So there are people watching outside the lounge. People who are not in the right place have absolutely no chance to get close to here. I am afraid that there are a few people. Ian said directly: "Come in."

The voice-activated door opened and the outside people came in. Ian discovered that the person who came was Meyer.

"Uncle Chris, Uncle Ian." After Meyer came in, he said hello: "I was sick after returning from Wassenah Planet. I didn't come to visit the two uncles in time. I came over early today, didn't bother. How about you?"

"It turned out that Xiao Meyer, I heard that you designed a class A mech in the planet of Wahina? It's really great," Ian said with a smile.

Ian has always liked Meyer. Before Edgar's disappearance, he even had the heart to meet Edgar and Meyer, but now that Edgar already has a favorite orc, he will rest his mind.

Chris also nodded to Meyer, and then saw Shu Shu who came in behind Ian.

Chris really appreciates Meyer. It’s a pity that his son didn’t be with Meyer, but now, compared to Meyer, Shu Shu is his own person...

"Shu Shu, why not eat underneath?" Chris, who has always been ignorant, asked, and revealed a smile that was almost invisible to Shu Shu.

Shu Shu didn't know how to keep up with it. He didn't know what to say at the same time, and felt that he was useless.

"Shu Shu is coming, come, I will introduce you to you." Ian stood up and took Shu Shu to introduce Meyer briefly, and introduced Mei Shu to Meyer.

Shu Shu was pulled by Ian, and Edgar was not seen. The whole person was very comfortable. Meyer’s heart was “squeaky”. He clearly felt that Ian and Chris were closer to Shu Shu.

Just because this person is a relative of Ian? Meyer was not happy, but his cultivation has always been very good, and he has never revealed it. Instead, he chatted with Ian.

Meyer talked about things that Ian was interested in, and the two talked very much, but Shu Shu heard the clouds in the fog, basically can't insert words.

It’s not long before he recognized the word, and the understanding of the capital star is even more superficial. At this time, the words that can be inserted are strange!

I heard that Meyer and Ian chatted about things that I couldn’t understand at all, and saw that Meiye couldn’t say anything good, Shu Shu suddenly had some self-defeating.

He always felt that he was very powerful. After all, he is a fairy, this world, only a few animals can be cultivated into a demon? But when he got to this place, what can he do with a fairy?

"Shu Shu, if you are bored, you can go to Edgar." Chris said.

When Shu Shu heard Chris's words, he came back to God. After returning to God, he felt that he was a bit inexplicable. How suddenly did he feel so sentimental?

"Right? Why didn't you see Edgar?" Meyer asked.

His voice just fell, the door was opened, and Edgar came in from the outside.

Edgar glanced around and looked at Shu Shu's body and let out a sigh of relief. He just went to the kitchen and went out and couldn't find Shu Shu. Only Cynthia stayed alone in the corner... ... Shu Shu doesn't understand anything. He is very worried about what Shu Shu will encounter. Now when he sees Shu Shu, nothing is done.

"Edgar, I haven't seen you for a long time." Meyer got up and said hello.

"I haven't seen you for a long time." Edgar nodded toward Meyer and asked, "Calvin? Didn't he come with you?" He grew up with Meyer Calvin, who used to be Meyer. Come to Calvin to find him.

"Calvin? I haven't seen him since I came back." Meyer smiled, his face a bit unsightly. He came alone to Edgar Edgar and generally didn't say anything to him. He could only call Calvin, now Edgar even pulled him and Calvin together.

"He should come soon, I told him to meet you?" Edgar said.

Meyer couldn't say anything, and finally said: "No, I came to visit Uncle Ian and Uncle Chris. Calvin's words, I will definitely see you."

Meyer also said that Edgar nodded and found that Shu Shu didn't seem too happy. The moment he asked, "What happened to you?"

"There is nothing." Shu Shudao, he would like to talk to his apprentice, let his apprentices not drive away, but did not want to ask in front of Meyer, he resisted.

Edgar couldn't see anything. He could only say: "Would you like something to eat? I let the kitchen come over?"

Shu Shu shook his head.

Edgar has not continued to speak, but Meyer suddenly asked Shu Shu: "Shu Shu, which planet did you live on before? I have been to some planets, maybe I have been to your hometown." He did not want to pay attention to Shu. Book, but Edgar has a different look at Shu Shu... Is there any place in Shu Shu that can make all the efforts he has made before in such a short time?

"I used to live on the planet of Gass." Shu Shudao.

"Is the Garth planet that Edgar is training? Is it beautiful?"

"It's pretty, there is a big forest."

"I heard that the forests on the planet of Gass are all virgin forests. I have not played in the virgin forests. It must be very interesting." Meyer said again.

Meyer looked very good and talked very well. Shu Shu didn't like him inexplicably before, but after talking about it, she felt that Meyer was not annoying. He was even strange and didn't understand himself. Well, hate Meyer.

Talking and talking about the dangers in the forest, Shu Shu even talked about the big tiger in the forest: "There are very big tigers in the forest, so tall and so big, it looks terrible. One of them still wants to eat me, then I was scared... I hate tigers the most."

"The tiger wants to eat you? What happened then?" Meyer asked curiously, and Ian and Chris also looked over - Shu Shu and Edgar also encountered such dangerous things?

"The tiger was killed by Edgar! Or Edgar is the best." Shu Shu glanced at Edgar happily, but did not want to see Edgar somewhat unhappy.

Shu Shu suddenly remembered that Edgar had said that things at that time could not tell others... Although he did not say Edgar and his current situation, but said things at that time, Edgar is angry?

Shu Shu didn't talk at the moment, but he didn't know that Edgar was actually a little depressed. Shu Shu actually talked with the orcs again, and he was so happy!

Although Meyer is a sub-orc, it is not like an orc, and even stronger than most orcs. People like him, when looking for an object, will definitely not mind if the orc is very strong, but it is likely to Want to find an orc who knows and knows, and Shu Shu... Is that just like that?

Shu Shu is also very good looking... The people of the Glot family like to look good!

Edgar was alert again.

"The banquet is about to begin, Calvin should have come at this time, Meyer, let's go down and see?" Edgar looked at Meyer.

Meyer heard that Shu Shu said that he was a little unhappy with Edgar’s relationship with Gasostar. He saw Edgar talking to himself and suddenly he was happy. Edgar wanted to go out with him. He even Will not refuse: "Good."

"I will go too!" Shu Shu said subconsciously.

"The banquet is about to begin. You ask your mother to tell you something about it." Edgar refused Shu Shu.

Shu Shu is even more depressed.

Edgar also said that he was reluctant to leave Meyer, and he was also depressed. He walked with Meyer.

Meyer followed Edgar and found that Edgar did not take him to the banquet hall. Instead, he took him to the back garden and jumped up.

Edgar was not very friendly to the Shu book. Was he really annoying that he would run into the virgin forest and need him to save the orcs?

Just thinking about it, Meyer felt that Edgar had stopped.

"Meyer, don't talk to Shushu in the future." Edgar suddenly said.

"What's wrong?" Meyer's heart moved, Edgar Mo did not want to crowd out Shu Shu, let him know how difficult it is to retreat?

Edgar considered it a bit and thought that it would be better to tell the brother who grew up with him: "I don't like him talking to others, he will be jealous."

Meyer had some reaction at a time, but jealous? Whose vinegar to eat?

After Edgar said this, he thought that he had other things to ask: "Meyer, I remember that you have many pursuers. What do you like most from your pursuers?"

"How come you suddenly ask this?" Meyer's voice was a bit dry.

"Besides eating, I don't know what else to give to Shu." Edgar said.

Meyer clenched her teeth and said after a while: "The animals that the Orcs like are generally clothes and jewelry, otherwise some new high-tech products should also like them."

"Shu Shu doesn't like it very much." Edgar said that the former Shu Shu is not interested, the latter... Shu Shu is not very useful.

"Then I don't know, I still have to ask myself." Meyer laughed, there was a kind of impulse to Edgar.

Edgar nodded. "Thank you, I will go back and think again."

Meyer smiled and restrained without revealing the same.