MTL - 80s Wedding Night: Cannon Fodder’s Original Partner is Gone-Chapter 332 Sudden coma

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   Chapter 332 Sudden coma

  Luo Ting regretted it.

   After he was rescued, he had a fever, and when he woke up, he couldn't remember anything. All he saw was his adoptive parents.

   Until a few years ago, when Luo Yi came home, he said that he met a young man who looked like him on the train. The other party also rescued Luo Yi, maybe it was their relatives.

   At that time, the adoptive parents were very excited and reacted very strongly. He felt that something was wrong and asked them what was going on, but they were even more excited.

   He became more and more suspicious, and secretly investigated afterwards, only to find out that he was not his own.

   So he checked the identity of the young man on the train, and finally found the Shen family.

   Luo Yi couldn't find these, but he was able to find them.

   He found out that the Shen family once lost a son. After counting the time, the other party was about the same age as him, and he became more and more certain of his guess.

   After that, he asked his adoptive father to ask, and the adoptive father finally said that he was picked up.

   However, when he proposed to see his biological parents, his adoptive mother rushed in and was very emotional, and he was not allowed to go to them.

   The adoptive parents cannot have children, and he has only one child in this life.

  They rescued him and raised him up, so naturally he couldn't leave them alone.

   So when he learned about the situation of the Shen family, he just secretly asked someone to help him to rehabilitate the Shen family, but he did not recognize them.

   But over the years, he has been secretly paying attention to the situation of the Shen family, and seeing that they are doing well, he is relieved.

   However, looking at the tears in his old father's eyes, Luo Ting suddenly regretted it.

   He felt that he was terribly wrong.

   He supported Shen Yue and looked at him nervously, but he didn't know how to speak.

   Gradually, his head suddenly hurt.

   It was just a dull pain at first, but he held it back.

   This is also an old problem, he has long been used to it.

   But gradually, the pain became more and more intense. Luo Ting frowned, just as he was about to say something, his entire body suddenly darkened and he fell directly to the ground.

   "A Ting!"

   Grandpa Shen screamed in fright, and Song Baozhu, who was next to him, was also shocked, and quickly reached out to support Luo Ting.

  Fortunately, she is strong enough, otherwise Luo Ting's size and weight would not be able to support her!

   Grandpa Shen asked anxiously from the side: "What's wrong with him? Why did he suddenly fall into a coma? Is it because he is not in good health, is there any illness?"

   He was too anxious to even care about being sad.

  Bone and flesh have been separated for many years. When his son disappeared, he and his wife were still in their prime.

   But now, his wife is crazy, and he has also become a bad old man. Even the young son of that year is now taller than him.

  The son even has white hair on his head.

  The years are ruthless, time flies, they have missed too many years.

   Grandpa Shen burst into tears, which is not only a heartache for the separation for many years, but also a pity for his wife's persistence in these years.

   Even though she is crazy, she still thinks about her lost son.

   So looking at Luo Ting, who was standing in front of him, familiar and unfamiliar, he didn't even know what to say.

   However, looking at Luo Ting, who had passed out in a coma, Grandpa Shen couldn't care about his sadness and feelings. He was only worried about this lost and found son.

  It's a good thing that my son survived. He finally found him. I really don't want to experience the tragedy of a white-haired man sending a black-haired man.

  Song Baozhu quickly took Luo Ting's pulse, then frowned and said, "His body is not bad, but he suddenly fell into a coma at this moment, maybe his brain was stimulated, so help him back first."

   After she finished speaking, her brows furrowed even tighter.

  Luo Ting's identity is unusual. At this moment, his people suddenly fell into a coma, and I am afraid that there will be a lot of trouble.

   Even so, she could only bite the bullet and help him back.

   Sure enough, as soon as the two bodyguards guarding the door of the ward saw them supporting Luo Ting back, they immediately stepped forward and looked at them sharply.

"what happened?"

"what happened to him?"

   As the two bodyguards said, they snatched Luo Ting away.

  Song Baozhu was a little nervous in her heart, but her face was calm: "He suddenly fell into a coma, I'll send him back."

   "Sudden coma? Why?"

   asked a bodyguard. Before Song Baozhu could speak, Mrs. Luo who was in the ward had already come out.

   When she saw Luo Ting who was in a coma, she immediately covered her mouth in shock and walked over quickly: "What happened to him? How could this be?"

   "Does he have a headache?" Song Baozhu quickly asked, "He had a sudden headache before, and then he passed out."

  Although Luo Ting didn't say anything, Song Baozhu had been observing him and naturally noticed his reaction.

   It was just that she only saw Luo Ting frowning, not sure that he had a headache.

   This man is too restrained.

   It wasn't until Luo Ting suddenly fell into a coma that she felt her pulse again, and she had no idea.

Mrs. Luo nodded hurriedly: "Yes, he does have a headache. I heard that he has had it since he was a child. Later... he was injured again, and it became more serious. He just had a headache again? Is it because of this that he suddenly fainted? In the past? What about now?"

  Song Baozhu felt a little calmer when she heard this, so she said, "His pulse and body temperature are temporarily normal. If you want, I can give him acupuncture to wake him up."

  With Mrs. Luo's words, it proves that Luo Ting does have a headache and can help her to clear some of her suspicions.

   But she said she wanted to help Luo Ting with acupuncture, but Mrs. Luo's face flashed obvious hesitation: "This...can acupuncture wake him up?"

  Song Baozhu's attitude was indifferent: "I can try it. If he still doesn't wake up after acupuncture, it means that his body has a serious problem."

   Mrs. Luo hesitated and said, "Then... why don't you see more doctors? He suddenly fell into a coma, I always think it's not a good thing, I'm afraid there is something serious."

   is obviously not trusting Song Baozhu.

   Song Baozhu had no objection, and directly asked the nurse to call other doctors.

   Luo Ting was called by her to talk alone before, and later went to see Grandpa Shen with her. He went out well, but now he was brought back in a coma, and people would suspect that she was normal.

   Soon, several doctors were called.

   It's just that after they checked Luo Ting's situation, their opinions were divided.

   Some people are in favor of acupuncture to wake Luo Ting, but some people do not support it.

   There are those who are hesitant, standing aside and not expressing their opinions.

   They fought back and forth, but Song Baozhu said nothing. She is still under suspicion. Since people suspect her, she is naturally not suitable to take action.

   As a result, several doctors quarreled for a while without any result, but Luo Ting, who had just been in a coma, suddenly woke up.

   He seemed uncomfortable, frowning before opening his eyes.

   After he opened his eyes, he glanced sharply at the arguing doctors, and was so frightened that they didn't dare to speak out.

  No way, Luo Ting's aura was too strong.

   He asked inexplicably: "What's the matter? Why are you here?"

   After he finished speaking, he suddenly saw Song Baozhu and Shen Yue who were far apart and stood in the corner.

   (end of this chapter)