Married to his secret crush-Chapter 429 - Aborting It

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Mia looked at Jun Zixuan who was standing rooted to his spot, looking at the closed door in a daze.

''I felt like Mei was calling me,'' She whispered.

And it seemed to have got Jun Zixuan's attention as he turned around to look at her, ''She… maybe she dreamt of you. She was calling your name on the way to hospital,'' he whispered, his voice sounded hoarse.

Shi Luo was initially confused by what Mia said but given that it extracted a reaction from Jun Zixuan, she did not look too much into it.

''Zixuan, what happened to her?" Mia asked.

Jun Zixuan shook his head quietly. He did not know what happened either. He asked her on their way back from the underground mansion if she was alright or if she felt any discomfort but she said she was completely fine and he still decided to bring her to the hospital the next day.

She was sleeping so peacefully like a baby and all of a sudden, she was in his arms, sweating, crying and shivering and all he could do was hold her in his arms while feeling a sinking rush of helplessness in his heart.

''She is…'' Jun Zixuan opened his mouth to say something but his words were interrupted as the door opened and the doctor walked out, ''President Jun,'' the middle-aged man greeted him politely.

''How is she?' Jun Zixuan asked.

''The patient's condition is not good because of the sedatives in her body. We extracted all the sedatives that she had consumed but it is still…'' The man hesitated, not knowing how to say it.

Jun Zixuan frowned. Sedatives… Han Sheng! It has to be that man! "Still…?" He glanced at the doctor questioningly and impatience reflected in his eyes.

''Still, Mrs. Jun's health condition is not good. Dr. Tony, her previous doctor recognized the patient when you came and he sent me her past records when I asked for it. Given how serious her PCOS was, it is already very difficult for her to be pregnant in the first place. But even after she got pregnant, it is going to be a risk to her own life if she keeps the child. Her condition can be monitored but it will still include risks and even if something did not happen to the mother, the child might not…. Survive…''

''What's her condition right now?" Jun Zixuan interrupted him and he spoke in a deeper voice.

"The slow acting sedatives in her body has affected the child and if we take the risk to keep it, then the mother's life might be in danger and there are chances that the child will die in the mother's womb or will be born with disabilities,'' As the doctor continued speaking, Jun Zixuan's expressions shifted and his fingers curled into a fist.

Meanwhile, Shi Luo and Mia were both stunned having been unaware of Yu Mei's pregnancy. ''Zixuan… Mei is pregnant?" Shi Luo managed to utter after a long time.

Jun Zixuan did not answer but his expressions were more than enough to answer it.

''...We don't have much time…'' The doctor spoke even though he was intimidated by the man's cold aura, ''You need to make the decision fast whether you want to take this risk or not.''

With that said, he turned around to leave but paused a moment later, ''President Jun, there will be zero chances of Mrs. Jun conceiving again in the future if this child is aborted.''

As the Doctor left, Jun Zixuan glanced at the closed door.

Shi Luo felt a bit numb. She never expected something like this to happen…, Everything started dawning on her. No wonder yesterday, Jun Zixuan was looking at a baby magazine while sitting in her office. She did not?give it much thought at that time but now everything made sense.

But what she could not understand was why would Yu Mei take sedatives?

She knew her friend very well to know that no matter what the situation might be, Yu Mei would not opt for things like this.

And the only option left to consider was that someone injected it in her body or forced her to take it but who?

As she contemplated over it, a name quickly came to her mind. Hasn Jingyi. The Han Family. Yu Mei told her about her relation with them before and given that Han Jingyi hated Yu Mei, it could be her… or maybe someone else because the whole family was suspicious to Yu Mei at that time.

Shi Luo stopped thinking about it as she glanced at the hospital door which opened at this time.

He stepped inside the room and Shi Luo looked at Mia who was standing rooted to her spot.

''Let us give him some time with Mei,'' Shi Luo said to Mia.

Mia nodded absentmindedly as she walked to the chair on the side of the hall before taking a seat.

Inside the hospital room.

Jun Zixuan sat on the hospital bed while holding Yu Mei's palm quietly.

As the nurses left the room, Yu Mei shifted in her position. She slowly opened her eyes and he noticed how red her eyes were.

She opened her mouth, ''I..'' Her voice was hoarse. f𝘳𝚎𝐞we𝐛𝑛𝐨𝘃e𝘭.co𝘮

Jun Zixuan stood up from the bed before he got the water bottle from table. He helped her sit up while leaning back to the pillow before he removed the cap and brought the bottle to her mouth.

Yu Mei took a few sips and Jun Zixuan placed the bottle aside before he came to sit beside her. ƒ𝐫𝒆𝐞w𝗲𝚋𝗻૦𝘷e𝙡.c𝑜𝙢

Nobody said anything and the room was drowned in silence until Yu Mei spoke up, ''When did you come to know about it?' she asked him.

Jun Zixuan lowered his head, ''Yesterday, when you were discharged from the hospital," He answered, knowing that she was asking when he came to know about her pregnancy.

Yu Mei paused for a moment as she thought about the work going on inside Ren Mansion, ''Those people…''

''They were there to renovate the room…'' He answered before she could finish speaking as if he could understand what was going on in her mind. Jun Zixuan held her hand before he stroked her fingers with his thumb, ''Baby room.''

Yu Mei felt like someone clenched her heart and twisted it hard, ''I am sorry,'' she lowered her head.

Jun Zixuan tilted his chin to look at her and he tucked a lose piece of her hair?behind her ear, ''For what? What are you sorry for?"

''I don't know,'' Yu Mei whispered as she shook her head. What was she sorry for? Who was she sorry to? She did not know. She just felt a swirl of complicated emotions in her heart. Why was it that everytime, there was a small ray of light in their life, there will be a bigger darkness following it?

When she died, she was shown the way to this second life, but then her past troubles came up. Her company was in dire situation, her current body was unstable, she could not find her brother. She worked on it, stabilized everything, then she fell in love with a man she never expected herself to but before she could come in terms with her feelings, Jun Zixuan misunderstood her when he found out about Mia and asked her to leave. Though much later, she realized that just like her, he was conflicted too, with his feelings and that's why things happened that way.

Then after they got back together, she was still unable to find her brother and after she found him, the Han family came in the picture.

Every phase of this year has been about testing her and now… There was a time when she did not care even a bit if she got pregnant or not but now she knew that she did.

Earlier before she dozed off, she overheard the doctor talking about her condition and all she felt was a deep reluctance the moment she thought about removing the little life growing inside her.

''Zixuan, no..'' She shook her head slightly as she tightened her grip on his fingers, ''Let us not do it.''

Jun Zixuan pulled her into his arms and stroked her back without saying anything.

''We can take a risk…''

''We are aborting it,'' Jun Zixuan interrupted her before she could finish speaking.

Yu Mei shook her head, ''No, I don't want to and I know that you also don't want to…''

''Enough,'' Jun Zixuan let go of her as he stood up from the bed, ''Take some rest, Mei. Let us talk about this later.''

She grabbed his hand when he turned around to leave, ''Don't go,'' she mumbled.

Jun Zixuan halted in his tracks and he turned around to look at her.