Dungeon of Niflheim-Chapter 549 - : The opening of the camp

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As the days progressed the new family member quickly adapted to her new life. Her relationship with Frost, Maya as well as the kids mellowed out and she started finding her own place within the dungeon's system.

With a team of ronsos and ice dwarves at her beck and call her personal forge was quickly fabricated to her own specifications and she wasted no time at all in testing it out. Nanna and Loki soon found themselves kitted in matching equipment to complete their initial set. A gift that quickly strengthened the relationship between the three of them.

For her personal mine she chose Frunium, a metal that boasted impressive sharpness and compatibility with the ice element. She decided the best way she could contribute to the dungeon was to outfit the monster officers with their own high ranking weapons, fit to their fighting styles and physical measurements.

Such a task would certainly take a great deal of time and resources but in her mind and Frost's it was well worth it. Not only would his forces grow in strength Daki would truly exercise her craft.

While Daki was training in her own way Frost decided to focus on improving his magic capabilities whenever he wasn't needed on site at the camp. Part of the reason Maya acclimated to Daki's presence so soon was due to this training. She was able to get out all our pent up aggression during their spars.

Overall everything progressed smoothly, the camp reached the functional phase roughly on time two weeks later.

The walls reached an impressive 8 metres tall and encapsulated the entire 25km2 of the camp's interior that was now flush with over a dozen buildings made out of pykrete, ice, stone and or iron, there was even more than a few dashings of 3 star materials here and there revealing the bounty held within the dungeon.

The place was more than ready to welcome its first customers, Frost even decided to spend a little DP to spruce up the dungeon's original entrance, making for quite the sight. No longer was there a simple stone arch that melded into the mountain no, now there was a solid arch made out of 3 star duram, inlaid with kyanite as well as leftover monster cores.

The difference was like heaven and earth, it was clear that the dungeon had evolved into something of much higher class. Now even C-rank adventurers would be drawn to this new brand of monster lair.

Frost waited on tenterhooks for his first customers. He frequently contacted Bastion and Calder for information but unfortunately very few people were interested in hunting as of yet. Furano was still working its way through all the materials gained during the stampede, as were the other bastions towns.

It wasn't until a week later that the first people arrived at the camp's doorstep yet depressingly they weren't adventurers nor were they here for the dungeon. It was trade caravan from one of the kingdoms based in the glacial mountains.

It was common for trade envoys to visit the Furano viscounty several weeks after the monster stampedes ended. They'd come with bags filled with gold, gems, ores and other tradable merchandise, hoping to fill up their wagons and caravans with plentiful monster materials in exchange. Furano would always stash away a reserve for these caravans in leu of their arrival.

The bodyguards in charge of guarding this large procession quickly brought the convoy to halt as their minds shook from the unexpected sight before them. They'd made this journey dozens of times and were up to date on their information for their planned route yet not a single iota of data mentioned a fully functioning camp. Bewildered was the best word to describe their current thoughts.

They did not know the faction in control of such a base which meant it could be a viable threat to their convoy.

The captain and leader of the guards charged ahead with his trusted lieutenants to inspect this so called camp.

"Captain, these walls rival that of Furano and there's high activity within." A scout who first inspected the camp reported to his captain.

"Urgh hopefully they're friendly. If it turns out to be some sort of bandit hideout I'm afraid we'll be no match for their numbers." The captain already thought of multiple escape plans that would ensure different levels of retreat i.e. saving more people or more cargo.

The captain's fears reduced as he came closer to the walls however, they were too neat and well-constructed to be the work of bandits, good news so far. His lieutenants also informed him about one of the new 'Dungeons' being present in the area which further allayed his fears.

'Someone must have acted very, very quickly to snatch up the location before any of the usual suspects made a move.' There was no mention of a camp in the works by the [Order of the ice shield], The Northrend empire or any of the big wig countries in the glacial mountains therefore it was likely a private endeavour.

'Whoever it is they know what they're doing.' He couldn't help but be impressed at the grandeur of the walls and the suddenness of their appearance.

As the leaders neared the camp the large ornate gate that barred entry slowly opened up to reveal the interior as well as the smiling face of a certain dungeon core and his entourage.

"Finally customers." Frost was practically beaming as he eyed the two men and one woman riding D-rank battle mounts, a type of frost mare that focused on speed and endurance if he wasn't mistaken.

The sudden opening of the gates and the presence of Frost, Findlay and Khuno instantly made the three go on alert. They immediately halted their steeds and reached for their weapons in preparation for an attack, a cold sweat starting to trickle down their foreheads. Findlay alone gave them no small amount of fear.

"Relax, relax we mean you no harm." Frost quickly attempted to diffuse the situation by waving his hands and appearing as harmless as possible.

"Who are you sir?" The captain asked in a respective manner, his eyes occasionally drifting over to Findlay.

"Me, my name's Frost and I'm the owner of this newly constructed camp. What about you three?"

"….My name is Talion, leader of Convoy bulwark, a security force based in the jade flower kingdom while this is Grandon and Felicia, my lieutenants." Captain Talion introduced himself and subordinates while also name dropping his affiliation. Doing so usually prevented anyone from acting on their nefarious machinations. Not everyone wanted to get on the bad side of an entire country.

"Jade flower kingdom, that's within the periphery of the inner regions if I'm not mistaken."

"You are correct sir. We're here on business, a trade convoy is set to visit the nearby town of Furano for a very large transaction, we're their security."

"Oh you're heading to Furano, how marvellous I'm sure Douglas and Leo will welcome your arrival." Frost name dropped himself, highlighting his close connection to the Furano nobles. This act finally lowered the rest of Captain Talion's fears.

'So he's close to the local nobles, no wonder he was able to establish a camp so close to their border.'

"You said this is a camp, is it perhaps set up around the Dungeon that's present in the area?"

"Correct, the entrance can be found in the mountain behind me. Do you perhaps have an interest in visiting it?"

"Afraid not Lord Frost duty calls." He instantly shot Frost down, he had no interest in exploring a dangerous monster lair. He was a guard not an adventurer.

"Pity….well how about taking a break within the camp, I'm sure your group must be exhausted after travelling all the way from the jade flower kingdom."

"….." Talion looked at his lieutenants and quietly discussed the option with them. To be honest they were quite curious about this new camp and had been on their feet all day.

"We'll have to discuss it with our clients but I'm sure they wouldn't be adverse to staying in proper lodgings instead of camping outside for another night. Do you think you'd be able to accommodate all of us, we're quite a large group after all."

Frost's smile stretched from ear to ear as the fish started to bite the bait.

"Oh you don't need to worry about that, we've already established a couple inns as well as mass lodging quarters. We even have some shops up and running."

Talion and his lieutenants thus nodded their heads before dashing away into the distance, where their convoy was holed up out of sight.

"Do you want us to kill them all milord, the DP to be gained should be quite substantial plus they admitted to carrying a large amount of tradeable materials?" Khuno asked once the three were well out of earshot.

"No, our aim is long term passive income. Besides they'd be better spreading by word of mouth once they arrive in Furano." Though he was genuinely tempted to do as Khuno suggested he eventually chose otherwise. His camp was at the point where it needed to be inviting not the other way around.

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