Ankoku Kishi Monogatari ~Yuusha wo Taosu Tameni Maou ni Shoukansaremashita~-Chapter 48.2: Hero and Demon

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Since Mermen never wore underwear, its ugly parts dangled from between their legs, exposed for all to see. And that bastard’s “Little Merman” was more splendid than mine!

My determination to exterminate the Merman race was renewed.

The Merman lunged toward me with his spear but I was able to block in time with my sword. He matched the timing of when he pulled back his spear to close the distance between us.

As if I’d let him. The moment he stepped forward I aimed my spear at his feet and forced him back.

「Yer not bad. Aren’ts ya quite stroonk.」

「Even if I look like this, I’ve fought against various demons on the land. I won’t lose against you.」

「Ye might be rights. But yer can’t defeat me.」

The Merman grabbed a curved dual blade and hunched forward in a stance. I wonder if he planned to lunge at me. If he did, then I’d skewer him.

I set my stance in response to his stance. The Merman then threw his curved blade at me. The blade spun as it headed in my direction.

「KUH!! 」

I looked at my opponent.

The merman made a beeline towards me as he ran in a low posture, so low that his chest almost touched the deck of the ship. He made his move at the same time he threw his curved blade.

I immediately fixed my stance and threw out my spear.

「HAAA!! 」

With a twist of his body, the Merman avoided my attack. My spear pierced through the deck of the ship. I tried pulling it out, but it was stuck quite deep.

Suddenly, I felt a searing pain in my foot.


It felt as if something very hot was burning my foot. I knew what happened to my right foot without even looking: it was cut. It was followed by a stabbing pain running through my arms.

That was when I collapsed.


The women were wailing in sorrow.

The Merman approached me and stepped on my face.

「I won this fight, playboy.」


I couldn’t speak with his foot on my face.

The Merman showed a disgusting smile before pointing at the girls.

「I’m gonna stealz yer femalez. Ye look from therez.」

When I looked at the two women, I saw their frightened expressions.

「You guys… Run…」

Even though I knew it was futile, I still urged them to escape. But it was foolish. We were in the middle of the sea. There was nowhere to go.

I couldn’t do anything but grind my teeth in frustration.

◆ Lolicon Merman


I jumped into the sea with the two femalez of the Hero of Water. He wasn’t even worthz as my opponentz.

He said that he foughtz against those demonz of the land. And yet he was so weak, not even enoughz for warming up exercise.

He couldn’t beatz me who always foughtz with my life on the line inside the arena.

That arena was hellish.

I was caughtz by thoze humanz when I waz looking for a bride, and then they zend me to the arena. I couldn’t live unlezz I killed my opponentz.

I fought dezperately, and somehow survived through the whole ordealz. That’z why I felt that fighting againtz the Hero of Water waz juzt a walk in the park compared to the fighting in the arena.

And not juzt that Hero. All human malez were too weak. It zeemz that I waz the strongest in thiz Ariad Gulf.

Thank you very much for thiz blezzing, Draugon-sama.

「Kuku. Let’z make my own kingdom in thiz zeaaaa.」

I’ll make my own kingdom, have my revenge on thoze humanz and kidnap their femalez. I laughed az I imagined my roze-colored future.

I zmile as I look at the femalez inside the bubble. Thoze two femalez were exhauzted, but they were ztill alive. Theze women were perfect.

Zoon enough, I can zee my own nezt.

It waz right at the center of the Ariad Gulf, enveloped by a giant bubble.

Human femalez couldn’t breathe underwater. Thuz, I made a giant bubble in the center of my nezt and kept them floating in there. And then, made them give birth to my childz.

Zoon, this sea will be filled with my childz.

Although I lozt zome of my comradez to the Hero of Water, it wazn’t a problem. My comradez were going to increaze zoon.

「Now now, it’z yer new home, female human.」

Az zoon az I entered the nezt bubble, I noticed zomething unuzual. The femalez were gone and in their place ztood an unknown female human.

The female human approached az zhe zmiled at me.

From her face, one could zee that zhe waz juzt a little girl. But, that zmile waz too fascinating.

I’m charmed by that zmile. Even if those females over there gathered together, they couldn’t beat her beauty.

「Sorry, uncle. Everyone who was captured over there was set free by Rino. But don’t worry, Rino is going to become your playmate.」

The girl let out an impish smile.

「Ye will become my playmate? 」

I looked at the girl with lustful eyes. Her chezt wasn’t bumpy enough but her mesmerizing limbz were enough to fascinate me.

「You’re looking at me with such a gross look on your face, uncle. Even your little uncle is rising upward. Chiyuki-san seems to hate seeing that little thingy, but Rino doesn’t like to be seen around someone with that kind of look on his face. Cause Rino is such a charming little girl.」

[TL : PedoMerman Appeared!]

I can feel my blood ruzhing down to my lower body as I zee her fazcinating zmile. Thiz girl waz definitely a charming opponent. I might not need any other women az long az I have thiz girl.

「Yeah, you really are a charming girl. I don’t need any othen women az long az I have you.」

「Yup, that’s why Rino will look after these women.」

When zhe zaid so, the females of the Hero of Water were pulled toward her. Zhe waz ztrong. I couldn’t hold on to them and ended up letting go of those femalez…

After confirming those femalez’ conditionz, the girl laughed. It waz zuch an innocent zmile but, for some reason, I waz terrified of that zmile.

「Well. Shall we begin, uncle?」

The ocean water suddenly moved, deztroying the bubble dome of my nezt.

「Yer going to fight me? 」

「Didn’t I said so before, uncle?」

「A little wizp of a human won’t be able to defeat me. At thiz rate, you’re going to die.」

It would be bad if such a rare girl died.

I made a beeline toward the girl.

But the rapid current wouldn’t let me get clozer to her.

「Don’t worry, uncle. Rino can breath underwater. Rather, you should start worrying about your own safety.」

My body wouldn’t move as I wanted to due to the strong current.

「NO WAY! ! I am being swallowed by the current!! 」

Thiz iz impozzible. Such an absurdly impozzible moment. And then, I saw a gigantic figure hidden behind the rapid current.

「No WAY, THAT’S!!? 」

「Allow me to introduce my friend. This is the high ranking spirit of the sea, Charybdis. Now it’s time for a pop quiz, can you survive her Maelstorm? 」

The girl laughed, and I was very frightened by that laugh. It zeemz the girl waz an extremely powerful witch. I needed to escape immediately.

The current started forming a whirlpool.


I tried to zcream but my voice didn’t zeemz to reach her. My body creaked. I could feel my bonez breaking one by one.

It waz a terrifying power that cruzhed me whole.

Amongzt the zearing pain, I felt my conzciousnezz dezcending into the dark ocean.

◆ Hero of Wind, Zefa.

It was quite early in the morning when the merchant who led the caravan I was protecting approached me with a worried look on his face.

「Will we really be fine, Hero of Wind-sama?」

「Yer worry too much, merchant owner. Don’t worry, ye have me on your caravan.」

The caravan was leaving Republic Ariadya and heading toward another country. I and my female comrades were responsible for protecting it.

They quickly got angry at the merchant who doubted my skills.

「You! Really, ah! Can’t you believe in Zefa-sama’s power!? 」

[TL: Seriously?! THIS FLAG AGAIN!?]


「There, there, you two. I can understand the owner’s concerns. After all, every merchant caravan that passed before us was attacked by Centaurs.」

Normally, there were no Centaurs on the Minon Plain.

I have never met any so far, but their fame as master archers preceded them.

I heard they wiped out the Knight Army sent to subjugate them. They defeated the knights of various allied countries without a single casualty among the Centaurs. And, according to the reports, they numbered only a few.

But this Zefa, hailed as the Hero of Wind, also had confidence in his archery skill. I was prepared to kill whoever dared to attack us.

「As expected of Zefa-sama.」


「Such a generous person!」

My female companions sung my praises.

They were my battle comrades. There were actually three, but one of them was pregnant with my child. Thus, she was on break from adventuring.

[TL : … Can I retort here?]

「Be at ease, owner. You have the Hero of Wind with you. Those Centaurs may be masters of archery, but I am far more skilled than them. Not to mention we had several skilled Freedom Fighters with us. What’s there to be afraid of?」

「Hahaha, you’re definitely right about that.」

The merchant owner laughed it off, but he didn’t let go of his worries. I could understand how he felt, given the sudden increase in monster activity around the region.

Then, suddenly, the wind changed.

It seemed that we were being welcomed.

「Owner!! 」

「What’s the matter, Hero of Wind-dono? 」


Despite my warnings, the merchant and the Freedom Fighters were bewildered. They weren’t aware of the incoming danger like me, who had the power of the wind.

Even though they weren’t visible yet, I knew the Centaurs were headed in our direction.

「What are ya talking about? I can’t see them.」

One of the Freedom Fighters got on top of the carriage and looked around.

… Good grief. He was looking in the wrong direction!

How can I leave my back to these guys?

「Hawk Eye!! 」

I climbed on the carriage behind the Fighter and used my ability. As I thought, a group of Centaurs was headed our way from the northwest. It seemed like someone in their group had the same ability as me.

If that was the case, then our side was in a pinch.

I nocked an arrow and aimed it at him.

「O Wind, Drive My Arrow To Pierce Mine Enemy!!」

I used my magic and fired an arrow toward the sky. It flew straight into the mass of Centaurs rushing toward us.

I assumed I had killed one with it… Until I used my Hawk Eye and saw a Centaur hit my arrow with his own.

「WHAT!! My arrow… Was shot down?!」

That guy probably didn’t use any special magic, only pure archery skill to shoot down my arrow.

I prepared myself to shoot a second arrow, but I knew from the exchange between us that the Centaur was more powerful than me.


「GUHA!! 」

A Freedom Fighter standing beside me was felled by an arrow.

「Holy f^ck^ng sh*t…」

I nocked my arrow and invoked my magic. My mana pool wasn’t infinite, so I couldn’t snipe several arrows in succession in little time.

The Freedom Fighters around me were falling flat on the ground. The Centaurs were closing in on our direction, and they were too fast.

It was too late.


I gritted my teeth in frustration, unable to do anything.

◆ MILF Lover Centaur

[ED: now that’s a villain motivation I can get behind]

「Hm, those humans were unworthy of becoming our enemies.」

That human from the last raid was too weak. Only the one called ‘Hero of Wind’ put up some noteworthy resistance, but even he was no match for me, the Hero of the Centaurs.

Centaurs were blessed by Sagittarius-sama, the God of Archery. A human was no match for us.

If not for that accursed wall, too tall for us Centaurs to cross, those humans wouldn’t be able to defeat us. However, we had the absolute advantage when fighting on the prairies.

We defeated all the males in the human caravan and took their food and females.

「Hm!! Really now, patriarch!! 」