A Journey That Changed The World.-Chapter 877: Meeting Up

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[Nala, Llyniel, Leira, Sera, Ella, and Halime's POV]

The seven watched Tiamat, the dragon goddess, wave her hand, eradicating the Terravains with ease before turning back to them with a smile, "Ella, Sera, stand up, you two. We're friends and sisters, so you will never bow to me anymore."'

Ella shook her head and got to her feet, asking, "What happened?"

"It's my divine aura. When I appear, it affects dragons unless I control it. But I've deactivated it for you, Sera, and the others," Tiamat said with a knowing smile.

"Other girls?" Leira asked.

Tiamat's smile grew even wider. "The demi-human sisters have or are in the process of unlocking them, while the rest have bonded with Archer's mana, and the universe deemed them worthy of gifts."

All six girls' eyes widened as Sera spoke in excitement, "Whose a dragon?"

"Hemera and Hecate are accounted for so far," Tiamat said, her violet eyes gleaming. "Llyniel, Nefertiti, and Talila now have draconic blood running through their veins, thanks to the dragon tattoo and the rituals. You girls are destined to become the hope for a universe shrouded in darkness."

Tiamat stepped closer, her presence commanding as she addressed each of them. "When I was created, I was born in darkness and fought my way out alone," she began, her gaze fierce and unwavering. "But you girls have something I never had-friends, love, and Archer."

Her voice softened, becoming almost reverent. "I used to only imagine what hope was, but now, looking at you, I see it clearly. Archer with you girls beside him are the beacon in this encroaching darkness. Hold onto that hope, and you will make all the difference in this war. With that hope, you have a chance."

They all nodded in understanding, but Ella spoke up. "You talk about hope, but Archer brings hope to Thrylos. He's the master of his own fate, and you know this, Tiamat. No god or goddess will control his destiny-only he can."

Tiamat nodded in agreement. "Yes, you're right. That's precisely why I chose him. We gods draw our power from you mortals, and Archer restored mine when he set foot on Thrylos. But I'm here to help him. The others are heading for Verdantia, where your true battle awaits." The girls watched as the dragon goddess began to chant. A soft glow enveloped each of them, and Tiamat smiled. "I have blessed each of you. This will hide you from the Light and Dark Gods who would have sensed you the moment you got closer to the continent."

They all nodded and thanked the dragon goddess, who vanished with a smile. Once she was gone, Ella spoke, "Lly, did you and Hali get the Rainbow Swamp Moss?"

"Yes, El," the wood elf took out a bag full of colorful moss. "We collected as much as we could."

"Good," Ella said before looking at Leira, "Get the heart, and let's get back to the ships." After that, the six girls stared at Ashoka, who was smiling, "Can I join you? The empire is hostile toward my faction."

They all nodded before heading back to Tigerclaw Bay. While running, Ella turned to the tiger woman and asked, "Where are your people?"

"Heading to Draconia, we're looking for refuge, and a merchant suggested your husband's kingdom," Ashoka said.

Ella nodded and asked no more questions as the group exited the jungle. Once outside, Nala and Leira transformed into their Primal forms, ready to make the journey back to the city swiftly. Llyniel, Ella, and Ashoka climbed onto Nala while Sera and Halime mounted Leira.

The two Primal forms took off with their passengers secure, skillfully weaving through merchant caravans as they traveled. While traveling, Ella sent the Dragon Marines to take over the harbor in case anyone attacked.

As she transmitted the message, explosions erupted around them, causing her to drop the Mana Radio. Leira and Nala swiftly maneuvered to avoid several mana shells that crashed nearby, prompting Ashoka to alert them, "Mana Cannons! The Ganesha army is here."

Without warning, the feline duo bobbed and weaved through the explosions, relying on instinctive agility to evade the attacks. Whenever a shell did manage to hit, the girls quickly healed themselves.

They sprinted across the grassland, pursued relentlessly by the enemy forces. Upon cresting a hill, Tigerclaw Bay came into view. Ella's voice cut through the chaos, commanding, "Nala! Leira! Give it everything you've got, and if necessary, everyone else, transform!"


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[Hecate, Maeve, Nefertiti and Talila's POV]

After resting briefly, the four girls prepared to go to the Dragon Marines stationed on the beach. Hecate shifted into her majestic dragon form without hesitation while the others swiftly climbed onto her back.

With a mighty flap of her wings, the moon dragon launched into the air, soaring towards their destination. Reaching the landing craft and marines rushing around the beach only took a few hours.

Hecate dropped lower and crashed into the ground, causing the other girls to complain. Nefertiti bonked the moon elf on the head, "Stupid dragon! You could've hurt us."'

Maeve and Talila agreed and jumped off Hecate's back before she returned to her dragon form. Once the Dragon Marines saw this, they cheered, causing the girls to smile, but Nefertiti spoke, "Let's get back to the ships so we can get the Holy Leaf."

Everyone agreed before boarding the landing craft alongside the marines. They were battling a pirate fleet attacking them from the rear when they reached the Battlegroup that brought them to the Southlands.

The Battleships' cannons roared to life as the Thunderbolt Throws targeted the nearby vessels. When Nefertiti and the other girls got on board, Talila hit the pirates with

devastating explosive arrows.

They tore the vessel's hull apart while the others cast whatever attack spells they could. Meanwhile, Nefertiti contacted the other groups and found out everyone had collected the needed ingredients and was converging on Verdantai.

While chatting, Leira suggested they meet on a small island in the south. Everyone agreed and headed toward the island. Nefertiti informed the captain of their destination, and he instantly ordered the fleet to sail there.

The journey was swift, yet they soon encountered the Novgorod and Nightshade navies. Recognizing the imminent threat, Nefertiti swiftly ordered a retreat back to Draconia to gather reinforcements before they faced destruction.

After issuing her command, she hurried to the officers' quarters, where the other girls relaxed. She urgently requested Hecate's assistance for the fleet, a plea to which the moon elf

readily agreed.

As the Battleship closed in on Draconia, the lookouts spotted an ominous sight: an enemy fleet approaching their homeland. Nefertiti stepped forward and peered out, her eyes widening in disbelief as she saw hundreds of Nightshade, Novgorod, and Church of Light

vessels converging on them.

Nefertiti and the girl readied for a useless battle that they knew they would lose, but that's when something happened. A massive dark blue shark breached the surface and tore through one of the bigger warships.

After that, chaos erupted as a dragon made of fire appeared above the waves, causing Hecate to beam, "Hemera and the others!"

As the succubus heard the news, excitement surged, but suddenly, sharp pain lanced through her body, forcing her to drop to her knees. Talila, seeing this, rushed forward, only to be struck by the same mysterious pain.

When a white-haired woman suddenly appeared on the ship's deck, Maeve felt panic rising within her, unsure of what was happening. This startled the orange-haired girl and the nearby soldiers, who pointed their weapons at her, but Hecate stopped them.

Before Maeve could react, the newcomer spoke with a proud smile on her beautiful face, "The bloodlines are ready. They are ready to transform."

With a wave of her hand, the woman lifted Nefertiti and Talila, and light radiated from their



[Kassandra, Demetra, Teuila and Hemera's POV]

The four girls traveled beneath the sea to avoid the numerous ships on the surface. Looking upward, Hemera asked the others, "Who do they belong to?"

"Nightshade, Novgorod, and the Church of Light ships," Demetra answered, her gaze fixed ahead where a giant whale loomed in the distance.

Following the Demon Shark's words, the three nodded in understanding before swiftly

ascending to the surface. Demetra tore through one of the larger ships with formidable strength while Kassandra unleashed destruction upon several others.

Teuila darted through the water like a missile, viciously biting any ship within reach. Hemera leaped into the air as she breached the surface, transforming into her Sun Dragon form. From above, she unleashed torrents of fire that engulfed the shocked navy.

Her flames cascaded over the surface, spreading like a wave of destruction. Below, the

combined efforts of the three girls annihilated the enemy fleet, but soon, two bright lights illuminated the surrounding sea.

The four looked towards the lights as Hemera returned to her humanoid form, only to witness

a silver dragon unleashing devastating Sun Blasts and Lunar Beams upon the ships. Chaos erupted on the surface as ships burned.

Kassandra exclaimed, "Talila transformed just like Hemera did!"

But that wasn't the only shock; a larger black dragon emerged behind Talila, its eyes glowing pink. Demetra, stunned by the sight, muttered, "A demon dragon. Did Nefertiti also


In the next instant, a third dragon materialized, its dark grey scales glinting ominously under

the sun, its eyes glowing a fierce red. The trio of dragons swooped down upon the remaining enemy ships, their claws ripping through hulls and sails with devastating force.

The vessels were no match for the combined might of the dragons. In a scene of chaos and

destruction, the enemy fleet was decimated, sinking into the depths of the sea. The girls celebrated amidst the sea spray and smoldering wreckage.