A Journey That Changed The World.-Chapter 849 Threatens Everything They Hold Dear

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Chapter 849 Threatens Everything They Hold Dear

Archer grinned while answering Maeve, ''Different designs, and I spent a fortune on each ship so they can withstand a barrage of mana cannons before they sink.''

Maeve nodded, ''Amazing,'' she said with a smile. ''I can't wait to see what Draconia's like, but you know the whole kingdom will rally against you now.''

''I honestly don't care, my warrior princess,'' Archer said. ''Many kingdoms will come for me when they realize how strong Draconia is becoming.''

''I understand and will help any way I can,'' she replied. ''I could help train some soldiers in the way of the Avalochians, who specialize in mountain and jungle warfare.''

Archer smiled when he heard this and hugged the orange-haired girl, who made an adorable noise. Shortly after that, the ship's captain appeared, a man in his late twenties who saluted him before speaking, ''The lookouts spotted a Novgorodian scout ship; we can escape them but need a distraction.''

''Okay, I will talk to Demetra and deal with them,'' he replied to the man. ''Get back to the bridge and keep us out of range of their cannons.''

''Yes, My Lord,'' the captain said before rushing off.

Archer quickly sent a message to the Demon Shark. ''Come to the top deck, my girl.''

Before Demetra could appear, Maeve told him she would explore the ship while he dealt with the enemies. Archer nodded and said farewell to the orange-haired beauty. After that, he only had to wait a little while until she appeared, smiling as she sniffed the air. "Enemies?"

''How did you know?'' Archer questioned. 𝘧𝘳𝓮𝓮𝓌𝘦𝓫𝓷𝘰𝘷ℯ𝑙.𝓬ℴ𝘮

Demetra shrugged, ''I memorized the smell of Novgorodians and Avalochians,'' she explained. ''And both are chasing us now.''

Archer laughed, ''Can you help me get rid of them?''

''Of course, husband,'' she replied with a grin. ''I have a plan as well.''

The shark girl explained that Archer would distract the enemy fleet while she slipped past their mana fields and attack from below as he rained spells upon them. He looked at Demetra and told her he loved the plan.

Following that, she jumped off the ship and landed with a quiet splash before a light was seen, and she transformed into her shark form. Demetra descended into the darkness and took off after summoning his wings.

Archer flew just above the water while readying his spells to attack the enemy ships. After ten minutes of flying, he stopped the first vessel, causing him to smile as he closed in on it and cast Eldritch Blast into its hull.

When the spell connected, it caused a massive explosion as the rest of the enemy fleet reacted and started firing at Archer, who was dodging every attack that came he was with skill.

His wings allowed him to slice through the air as a wave of mana shells was aimed at him, but Archer started casting Plasma Missiles, causing thousands of violet projectiles to appear around him.

With a wave of his hand, he sent the spells flying toward the first row of Novogorodian Ships, taking them out with a terrible explosion. At that moment, Demetra attacked the flagship from below.

Archer watched as she tore the warship apart like it was made from paper. Her sudden arrival caused chaos as he weaved around the enemy vessels while firing dozens of Eldritch Blasts into their vulnerable side.

This caused many of them to sink while some tried to flee, but Demetra wouldn't have it, so they were torn apart. The couple only took ten minutes to destroy the Novgorodian and Avalochian combined fleet.

When Archer was flying toward the Destroyer, he saw Demetra below him gliding through the water until she reached the ship and jumped out while transforming into her humanoid form before landing on the deck.

As he got closer, Archer used Blink to reappear next to the shark girl who had jumped. This caused him to laugh before they walked to the entrance, leading them to where Maeve was.

The captain assigned them two large rooms just off the bridge, which Archer loved due to the bed sizes. Maeve was reading a book when they entered the room, wearing comfortable leggings and a jumper.

She looked up, and a big smile appeared on her face. ''How was the battle?'' she asked while standing up.

Archer embraced her before filling her in on everything. Maeve sat back down as she spoke, ''Father has an alliance with the Novgorod Empire, and their fleets are usually stationed in the kingdom.''

He nodded, but Demetra commented, ''They will try to target Draconia now they know who was involved. Plus, you kidnapped Meave, so the kingdom will be angry and will most likely join the growing alliance against you.''

''It doesn't matter as the war was inevitable as soon as their position would have been threatened,'' he revealed while walking over to the nearby window before continuing. ''The Novgorod and Nightshade Empires are already targeting me by spreading lies and rumors about me.''

Demetra and Maeve both looked concerned. The shark girl questioned, ''And that doesn't bother you?''

''It does, but what can I do about it? If I try to stop it, they will put in double the effort; if I ignore it, the average citizen will eat up the propaganda. They are probably trying to paint me as a Demon King.''

Archer chuckled, ''I won't be surprised if I end up fighting these so-called heroes they summoned.''

''Don't you think you should lay low? Let things blow over before returning to the front,'' Maeve asked.

''Nope,'' Archer replied with a smile. ''They will do it either way; Draconia threatens everything they hold dear.''

''What will you do?'' Demetra commented while taking off her boots and cloak.

''Relieve them of their wealth to slow their growing armies,'' Archer answered. ''I will steal the gold from the Novgorodian and Church of Light Banks, so it will affect their economies if dozens of their banks are looted.''

Demetra laughed while Maeve shook her head with a smile, ''Are you a king or a bandit, Arch?'' she asked.

He shrugged, ''A bit of both, to be honest. I use most of the stolen wealth to enrich my kingdom and people.''

Both girls smiled as Archer watched the setting sun create a beautiful pink color illuminating the horizon, 'So beautiful,' he thought.

While admiring the view, Archer heard the two girls getting ready for bed. Maeve broke the silence, "Are you joining us, husband?" she said teasingly.

Archer turned to see both of them lying in bed, leaving a space between them. He grinned and climbed in, settling between them as the girls cozied up on either side, finding comfort in his presence.

Soon, the three of them fell asleep to the sound of waves lapping against the Destroyer's hull. The journey back to Aquaria was long, but they stopped in Draconia to drop off Cian and a handful of sailors before continuing on.

When they landed in Aquaria City, the four legions were ready to move out and attack the Swarm. Archer met up with Teuila, Sera, Brooke, Kassandra, and Nefertiti, who were happy to see him.

They all greeted Maeve like a sister, and the girls went to catch up, but Teuila did ask if she could lead the 1st Legion with Elara while Sera, Brooke, and Kassandra would protect the other legions during their journey.

Archer was pleased with the plan to check on their progress the next day, but tonight, he focused on the four ladies waiting for him back in Aquaria. He took them on romantic dates, ensuring they felt cherished and appreciated.

Later, he spent intimate moments with all four, ensuring they felt loved and fulfilled. Their happiness was evident, and they eagerly desired more, which he gladly provided. When they were ready to leave, rumors were trickling that he was conquering Pluoria.

The Aquarians were suspicious, but once Teuila reassured them that the Draconians meant no harm. She told her parents that Archer hates the Swarm and only wants to fight them unless someone attacks his armies.

After giving the army all the monster corpses in his Item Box, Archer informed the six ladies that he was heading for Verdantia to rob their banks. They didn't want him to do it, but he convinced them it would stop the war in the foreseeable future.

Archer was left in the empty fortress his legions built to stay while they cleaned up the area, allowing the Aquaria army to stand independently. Once, he watched the last legion leaving for the west.

The 1st and 2nd Legions headed toward the Zenia Empire, while the 3rd went east and the 4th went west. Once they had trampled the Swarm armies, they were told to converge at the entrance to Mediterra.

While flying, he decided to go get Nala and Lucrezia to spend some time with the two. With that decision, Archer flew north and used Mana Manipulation to speed up. After flying for a few hours, he reached the Lionheart Kingdom, where the two girls were.

He saw a beautiful savannah that stretched as far as the eyes could see. Despite the rampaging monster armies, he was shocked by the beauty of it all. When spotting them, he summoned thousands of Stone Men in mid-air.

A horde of Ratlings and Blightborns was below as the stone constructs fell on top of the monsters before swinging their massive arms. This shocked the Swarm commanders, who had several Eldritch Blasts wiped out.

Archer chuckled as he watched the Stone Men decimate the enemy forces. He soared over the landscape until he reached Naravo, the Lionheart capital. The sprawling city was even larger than his capital.