A Court of Lost Stars-Chapter 26: Never Forget to Sharpen a Dull Blade

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Chapter 26: Never Forget to Sharpen a Dull Blade




Ominously, a dark mass of clouds drifted from the North and loomed above the training field. The arena itself was nestled within the largest camp stationed in the territory. Woodlands expanded in all directions, encompassing three smaller camps in its towering wake. Each camp focused on different skill levels: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Elite.

The land that was once enslaved by Hybern and his army now belonged to the Valkyries, and this morning, Nova joined their ranks.

Cutting the Ribbon and gaining her metaphorical wings as a Valkyrie, moving from her Advanced camp cabin to her new Elite accommodations had left her head in a whirl. Still, when she couldn't control the ramble of her thoughts, Nova knew how to quiet them.

As the rain fell in pelting sheets, Nova flung her braid over her shoulder of cladded, scaled armor and jogged through a high metal bar in the arena's center. The overcast clouds above washed out the bronzed, sun-kissed skin of her face as she leaped up and held the bar with a tight, overhand grip. She swung forward and back for a few seconds before crossing her ankles behind her and began pulling her body up so that her chin passed the bar and back down.

"Twenty." Nova breathed before dropping to the muddy, half-flooded ground and began her equal set of push-ups. She ensured she went the lowest she could each time she went down. With the rising water, she made each downward motion push her face into the dirty water. She ignored the taste of iron on her tongue. "Twenty!" She sputtered and hopped to her feet before jumping up to grab the bar again, but with mud-slicked hands, it took more effort to keep herself from slipping off, which was precisely what she wanted.

"Nova!" Emerie called with a sly smirk across the field. "Get your ass off the field and go eat!"

With a ragged breath, Nova grinned at her with dirt-caked teeth. "Is that an order or a suggestion?" She hollered back while dangling from the high bar.

"Nesta is looking for you!"

So an order then, Nova mused as she dropped from the bar and landed with a squelch of her boots. Jogging toward Emerie, her features warped into a grin. It was the adrenaline, she was sure.

Emerie shook her head with a smirk and, when Nova got closer, said, "Go get cleaned up. You're not tracking all that through the dining hall."

"Yes, ma'am." Nova smiled, though she was certain by the time she came back from the showers to the Hall, she'd just be dirty again. Though, it was hardly Nova's fault. The shared facility of all the camps was in the center, and it was a decent walk there and back from any of the camps.

In this weather, it was difficult for anyone to stay clean.

"How are the new wings suiting you?" Emerie asked as they walked in stride with each other toward the boundary. It wasn't that one camp couldn't intermingle with the other; sometimes, it was encouraged, but there was something sacred about this boundary.

Rarely did someone from another camp enter the Elite where the Valkyrie's were stationed. To cut the Ribbon and be granted permanent accommodations was an honor not everyone accomplished. There was something almost forbidden about crossing that threshold without having earned it. Nova had dreamt of that moment for years before the stars finally listened and granted her wish.

"Nicely," Nova answered with a smile before she glanced over at her, admiring the actual wings mounted on her back. Strong and powerful, Nova still longed for a pair of her own.

With a nod of approval, Emerie stopped at the tree that symbolized the start of the Elite camp. "I know I already told you this," she gripped her shoulder lightly and squeezed, "but I am so, very proud of you."

Smiling, Nova met her eyes. "Thank you..." Nova didn't mind hearing it again- she could listen to that kind of praise from someone like Emerie for the rest of her life and die happy.

"Now go," she shoved her playfully, "Don't keep Nesta waiting."

Without wasting another moment, Nova began her jog past the boundary and into the woodlands. She followed the well-worn trail, which was a little dryer with the dark coverage of leaves above. It was so dark, in fact, that it blocked out most of the sky and turned the path into a sort of tunnel.

Nova knew it would be easier to winnow, but she liked the run. Hearing the nightly creatures rustle in the branches above and the splash of raindrops that made it through the canopy brought a different sense of peace she didn't get from training. However, she did consider winnowing back if it meant she could avoid Nesta's gaze of disapproval.

A few minutes later, while maintaining a steady jog, Nova came upon the wooden structure of the bathing house. Longer than it was wide, it housed twenty-five private stalls equipped with various sweet-smelling soaps and a supply of constant running water from the river that snaked through the land less than a mile away.

Upon entering, Nova rolled her eyes and grinned as her sights landed on Adria.

"Have you been waiting in here?" Nova asked, arching a brow as she unhooked one of the burlap sacks off the wall adjacent to the collection of massive mirrors covering the entire East wall.

Adira smiled sweetly, turning from the mirror, "I'd wait anywhere for you, darling."

Snorting, Nova shook her head, grabbed a plush white towel off the rack, and started toward one of the stalls.

"You did it again, didn't you?" Adira crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back against the sink, watching Nova with narrowed eyes and a knowing smirk. She shook her head and bit her lower lip, "Why do you do that?"

Not looking at her, she hung her towel on a hook and raised a brow. "Why do I do what?"

"Stick your face in the puddles when it rains during training."

Nova paused her hand and glanced at her. "Because it scares me."

"Puddles scare you?"

Quiet momentarily, Nova shook her head and said, "No."

As Adira parted her lips to ask another question, the door opened, and a few girls from the Beginning camp walked in with wet, stringy hair, shivering from the outside cold.

Pushing from the sink, Adira walked into the stall Nova had already claimed and closed the door behind her. Not that their conversation would suddenly become private, but at least it sent the message to others to back off.

Nova rolled her eyes and smirked, "Do you miss me that much?"

"Of course I do," Adira pouted, "They put a new Advanced member in my bunk, and they're a mess, Nova. You know how you always folded your clothes and set them neatly in the dresser? Not this one. She tosses things all about like a wild animal."

Grinning, Nova eyed her incredulously. "Interesting, because if I recall, I remember saying the same thing about you." Nova leaned her back against the heated stone wall.

"I don't need the snark, thank you," she retorted and Nova's grin widened.

Adira was from the Day Court, recruited by Gwyn a year after Nova had arrived. They'd been placed in the same barracks in the Beginner camp, and though Nova often was ready to move up in ranks within a year or two of training, each time she passed the test to advance, she'd request to stay in place until Adira had passed and could move with her. Nesta had allowed it each time before, but not this time. Not after she'd cut the Ribbon. Things were different now.

Nova had earned the title of Valkryie, and it was to be taken seriously.

"It must be nice," Adira mused lightly as Nova admired the honeyed glow of her skin. "Having your own quarters. Not having to share a room. I bet you don't even miss me..." She sighed wistfully as she leaned her head back against the wall. "It's been so lonely..."

"It's been less than a day."

"You are ruining my reminiscing."

Laughing, Nova began unbuckling, untying, and unzipping her armor. She always kept it tight, probably tighter than needed, but she never wanted to risk it coming loose during the heat of training.

"Need some help with that?"

Nova side-eyed her, "I think I can manage. Didn't you already shower?" She asked as she stuffed her shoulder plates into the burlap sack.

"Yes..." Adira hummed lightly as she slowly closed the space between them. "Is it so wrong of me to want to watch you?"

Nova swallowed the nervous lump in her throat and glanced up at her from the bag she was putting her boots and socks into.

"Adira..." She trailed off with a soft sigh, unable to calm the erratic pulse behind her skin.

"Hm?" Adira asked, almost innocently, and Nova couldn't help but smile.

"We talked about this."

"You talked. I listened."

Nova bit her lip, "Then listen to me now, again. You know it's a bad idea."

"Many good things come from bad ideas," Adira murmured as she leaned forward, breathing into Nova's space, making her head whirl from the sweet mint she must have been chewing earlier. "Is it so wrong for me to want to lick you until you cry?"

An involuntary shudder traveled down Nova's spine as her jaw and fists clenched simultaneously. Without warning, she was immediately pulled back to the first memory of Adira whispering words like that in her ear.

"Lights out!" One of the commanding officers called out across the barracks and any lights that still flickered in the windows diminished within a few seconds.

Nova, under her covers, glared across the room where the empty bed sat. She'd known this girl for five years- five years of her consistently bending the rules and running the risk of getting them both into trouble. Nova didn't know what she was out doing and frankly, she didn't care. What she did care about, was losing the possibility of ranking up out of Intermediate because of her. She didn't want to leave her behind, but at this rate, Nova would have no choice if she didn't take her training more seriously.

The clock ticked, and the clouds rolled across the moon as Nova settled into a light slumber, only to be woken by the familiar sound of a window sliding up and the squeak of a bed. Turning her head, Nova blinked the sleep from her eyes and scowled at Adira.

"What the fuck." Nova whispered through the darkness. She could hardly see her friend, but she already knew she was wearing a shit-eating grin.

"Sh, Nova. People are trying to sleep in another building. You should really be quieter." Adira giggled as she fell to the ground, trying to yank her boot off.

Rolling her eyes, Nova laid her head back and stared up at the ceiling. "You're going to be sent back to your Court one of these days."

"Well, at least then, I wouldn't have a ridiculous curfew."

"It's not ridiculous," Nova hissed back, "It's to ready us to become warriors."

Adira let out a sigh and crawled across the floor before resting against the side of Nova's bed. She looked up at her, brushing her long, golden hair from her eyes. "I'm sorry, alright? I just wanted to have a little fun." Biting her lip, Adira stared at Nova's profile. "What happened to the girl I met in Beginner? The one that stole silverware and threw forks at anyone who tried to take your cookie?"

Biting her lip, Nova didn't meet her eyes. "I grew up."

"By the way," Adira smiled and pinched Nova's calf, "Happy Birthday."

That earned her a slight smile as she finally let her gaze land on her face. "Thanks..." For a long minute, there was nothing but the sound of their combined breathing. Nova asked, "What do you do out there anyway?"

"Hm," Adira hummed lightly as shadows played across the plains of her face, "I visit a few...friends. I am the recommended method of relaxation, apparently."

Staring at her, Nova furrowed her brows. "What do you mean?"

Adira shrugged while tracing an eight pattern against the neatly tucked comforter. "You know, unwinding after a stressful day. I help them achieve that. I mean, they could always help me in return," she smirked, "But I'm a giver."

"A giver?"

Laughing, Adira focused on Nova's confused expression. "Hang on...have you never..."

"Never what?" Nova asked, her words coming out with short irritation. What was she on about?

Narrowing a suspicious gaze on her, Adira moved to sit on her knees. "Have you never had an orgasm? Even just by yourself?"

Rouge darkened Nova's cheeks as she stared at Adira. "Oh, you mean...sex?" Over the years, she'd heard various conversations and gathered enough information to make some sense of it. From what she understood, people had sex, and they liked it when they had an orgasm. Whatever that was.

Adira shrugged with a smirk, "Orgasms don't always come from sex—at least, not intercourse. I mean, obviously, I've never been with a guy, but we get creative. Come on," Adira giggled, "Did you really think we grow so many cucumbers in our gardens without reason?"

Now that Nova thought about it, while she was busy growing carrots and peas, everyone else seemed to have a surplus of other types of vegetables, like cucumbers and zucchini. She shook her head and sighed, "Okay. Well..." She didn't know exactly what to do with this information. "Go to sleep."

Closing her eyes, Nova tried to put the conversation from her head. Tomorrow would arrive too soon, and she didn't want to be in the field with tired eyes.

"Do you want one?"

Nova blinked her eyes open and turned her head to find Adira staring at her with hooded eyes. Something dark glinted behind them, as sharp and smooth as obsidian.

"You're twenty-one, Nova, and you've never had an orgasm," Adira worried her lower lip, "Honestly, nothing else I do seems to work, so I guess I should just ask. Do you want one? From me, I mean."

Nova pursed her lips into a thin line as she stared at Adira. "What do you mean by that?"

Sighing, Adira rested her arms on the bed and her chin on her arms as she stared at Nova. "You do realize I've wanted you for years, right? I mean, not right away. You pissed me off when we first met, but..." She shrugged. "You've always had my back, and I guess..." Her eyes drifted down to the bed; Nova had never seen her so unsure. "I never knew how to ask you. I don't mind if anyone else in the rank turns me down, but you..." She glanced up. "I don't think I could handle that."

Swallowing harshly, Nova parted her dry lips. "I don't exactly know what to do. To uhm, to you know..."

Adira smirked as she tilted her head, "All you have to do is say yes, then try not to wake up the camp."

"Why would I wake up the camp?" Nova asked, her brows knitting together.

Grinning, Adira tapped the bedspread with her stubbed fingernails. "Is that a yes?"

A swarm of butterflies erupted in Nova's belly. She had no idea what this would entail, only that, according to others, it felt good. What else felt good? Swimming in the lake on a hot summer day, much like tonight, felt good. Would it be anything like that?

After a long, weighted pause, Nova breathed, "Yes..."

Slowly, Adira crawled onto the bed and straddled Nova's legs. "Like I said," she bit her lip, "Try to be quiet. We don't want to wake everyone up." Unable to speak, Nova watched Adira's nimble fingers pull the comforter down until it rested in a heap at the end of the bed. Her middle finger lightly glided across the exposed skin between the end of Nova's white t-shirt and pajama pants.

Looking up at her, Nova swallowed- was she drooling?

"You can tell me to stop at any point..." Adira said, though her voice seemed far away, as if in a trance. She slowly pulled the cotton fabric of Nova's pants down and quipped a brow as she glanced up at her. "No underwear?"

It took considerable effort for Nova to speak. "Not when I sleep. I like to breathe a little..."

Adira let out a light laugh as she gazed down at her mound before letting her fingers swirl through the damp hair. She glanced up, smirking at the sight of Nova already closing her eyes. "It won't take much with you, will it?"

Nova's eyes slowly opened again, trying to focus on her voice and not the throbbing, tingling sensation between her legs. "Is that it?" She asked because it did feel good.

Grinning, Adira shook her head. She didn't answer as she pulled her pants down further until they were in a pile against the comforter. Placing her hands on her knees, Adira carefully pushed them apart until Nova's sex was exposed to humid night air. And Nova didn't fight it; she let Adira move her however she wanted. Still, her breath hitched as she watched Adira settle her knees against hers, keeping her spread open.

Using her middle finger, Adira lightly massaged the slick flesh around the bud she'd be saving for dessert.

Nova's eyes rolled back and after a minute or two of the simple touch, her body began to relax against the mattress. She supposed she understood why the others wanted this after a long training day.

"Does it feel good?" Adira asked, smiling when Nova nodded. "And this?" Still using her middle finger, she slid into her hot channel.

Gasping, Nova looked down at her body and watched with wide eyes as Adira's finger moved inside her. Her jaw fell to her chest as she furrowed her brows and softly rasped, "Adira..."

With a shudder, Adira shook her head. "I've waited two years to hear you say my name like that." She added a second finger, stretching Nova with a slight pinch. Her cringe lasted only a moment as Adira hooked her fingers on something deep inside Nova that she never knew existed and began pumping deep, languid strokes of her fingers.

Nova flung her head back and instinctively began shutting her legs, but Adira wouldn't let her, and she didn't fight it. Her hips began to squirm as each stroke brushed against something inside her that sent a jolt of something electric and delicious through her body.

"Shhh," Adira giggled. "I know it feels good, but you must be quiet."

Nova hadn't realized she'd even been whimpering. Somehow, the realization that they could be caught at any moment made everything feel so much better. She thrashed her head back again as Adira quickened the pace of her hooked fingers.

"You're doing so well," Adira crooned, though Nova barely heard her beyond the rush of blood in her ears, "Don't scream, okay?"

A new sensation flooded Nova, sharp and inviting, as she snapped her eyes open and looked down to watch Adira use her thumb to rub slow circles against her clit. Nova's eyes widened, watching as she lowered her head to replace her thumb with the hot caress of her tongue.

Nova snatched the sheets in clenched fists as she fought back the scream caught in her throat. It was too much- she was so close to either bursting into a million pieces or combusting into flames. Her breaths came quick and heavy as the warm night air cooled her sweat-slicked skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. No matter how much Nova squirmed her hips, Adira's fingers and mouth followed. Then, she sucked her clit between her teeth and swirled her tongue in quick, harsh circles.

With a strangled cry, Nova fell back against the pillow as her toes curled and her muscles locked her into place while wave after pulsating wave wrecked through her body from her head to the soles of her feet. Only when her muscles relaxed did she let in a deep breath- had she stopped breathing?

Adira's tongue sliced through her, forcing out an involuntary whine from Nova as she lapped every drop of her arousal against her too-sensitive skin. Unable to focus her attention, Nova panted as Adira pressed scorching kisses up her torso and to her throat.

"How was your first orgasm?" She whispered just below her ear.

Nova's eyes slowly fluttered open. "Let's do that again."

Giggling, Adira pulled back to gaze down at her. "Hm, I could never say no to you."

Narrowing her eyes, Nova smiled crookedly, "You tell me no all the time."

"Yeah, but this is different."


Adira stroked her thumb lightly along the ridge of her sharp features, unable to look away from the violet of her eyes. Nova was easily the most gorgeous creature she'd ever seen.

"It just is..." Adira murmured before leaning closer. She hesitated, but as Nova's eyes closed, she took the risk and pressed her lips against hers. It took zero thought for Nova to return the pressure and let their tongues tangle.

Nova could still smell the sweat and arousal in the air from that night, but it couldn't happen. Not tonight- not ever. Taking Adira's hands in hers, Nova pressed back against the wall firmly to look at her.

"I told you. We can't. Things are different now," Nova swallowed the lump in her throat, "I can't..."

Adira slowly pulled away, and though she smiled, Nova could see the sharp glint of pain behind her eyes. "No last time. I get it," she pursed her lips and leaned against the opposite wall, "You don't want to jeopardize your position. It was selfish of me to assume you would."

Guilt swelled Nova's chest, threatening to send heat behind her eyes. "I cut the Ribbon this morning," she frowned, "I am finally where I've always wanted to be."

Stiffening, Adira tightened her smile as she slowly nodded. "Right. This is what you've always wanted."

There was something about the way she said it that didn't sit well with Nova. She frowned, "This was what you wanted too, remember? You left the Day Court for the chance to become a Valkyrie."

"In ten years only six have made it to the Elite camp, Nova. I'm glad you have, but you need to understand I will likely always be one step below you."

"That's not true." Nova bit back defensively, the hair on the back of her neck raised.

"It is," Adira shrugged, "And I'm fine with that, but I don't think you ever would be. I can't advance with you, Nova. I've been doing my best to make my peace with that."

They stared at each other as Nova slowly shook her head, "What do you mean by that?"

Sighing, Adira rubbed the back of her neck and focused on her face for far too long. "I know what we had wasn't meant to last, but I'm allowed to be sad about it ending. I'm just saying that I'll...miss you."

"I'm right here," Nova frowned, "I'm not leaving you. We're still friends. You haven't lost me...I just can't be distracted. I-" She shook her head and rubbed her temple. "This isn't coming out right. I want you around. I do. But if I'm going to be training new recruits, I can't sneak off behind a cabin when no one is looking. I need to maintain my focus."

"I know that."

"Then why are you so upset?"

"Because, Nova..." The tears Adira tried to hold back rolled down her cheeks now. "Because you are in love with being a Valkyrie, and I'm in love with you, but only one of us can have what we want."

All Nova could do was stand there, staring at Adira as she took her hands once more and squeezed them.

"You say I didn't lose you, but you're wrong," Adira swallowed, "I lost you the moment you cut your Ribbon." Stiff with tension, Nova was frozen as Adira continued, "I'm truly happy for you. Just...don't forget about me, okay?"

Nova's jaw clenched, withholding the tears that threatened to spill as Adira released her hands and left the stall, closing it behind her. What right did she have to be sad? She'd already known they'd no longer be seeing each other, yet hearing it come from Adira seemed so final.

Rubbing at the stiff heat of her face, Nova numbly undressed and tucked her clothing in the sack before turning the water on. She gritted her teeth and glared at the wall as the hot water raked down her body, carrying the dirt and mud to the drain.

Don't cry.

Valkyries don't cry.

"Where have you been?" Nesta asked as Nova entered the dining hall.

Instead of winnowing back as she'd initially planned, she'd walked and did her best to avoid the puddles. She'd needed the time to decompress after the conversation with Adira, but now the dining hall was nearly empty, and honestly, her appetite was gone.

"Sorry," Nova pursed her lips as she sat at one of the long wooden tables. The room itself wasn't too large but had room for three twelve-foot, glossy tables and a bar counter that served drinks and food at various times of the day. At least the fire in the hearth was warm and cheery; maybe it would make up for the ice that prickled inside her chest. "I lost track of time."

Nesta leveled a gaze on her, but she didn't ask anything else. That was something she could always count on with her aunt. She never pried her for information. Not about her personal life, at least. "Hm," she nodded while studying her, "Very well. I imagine you're tired, but I wanted to give you something."

Lifting her head with interest, Nova frowned. It was rare that Nesta rewarded her with something other than verbal criticism. Not that she minded; every correction of her stance was something she safeguarded.

"You did very well yesterday." Nesta quirked a smile. "I've been waiting to give you this," she said as she reached to her left and withdrew a long leather case from under the table. She rested it carefully against the wooden top and unlatched the buckles.

Nova leaned forward with silent curiosity as Nesta lifted the top and revealed a long sword nestled inside.

"Oh..." Nova murmured, wanting desperately to pick up the instrument. "That's...for me?" She asked, looking at Nesta with wide eyes.

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She nodded. "I made it with you in mind," she said, "Of course, I'll teach you to create your own as well, but I wanted you to have this one." Nesta slid the opened case toward her niece and watched her with a small smile. "You have accomplished so much, Nova," Nova glanced up as her fingers brushed the sword's hilt while continuing, "It is an honor to take the responsibility of the Valkyrie Warrior. Prestigious, even. I know you'll continue to do great things."

Nesta stood on her feet, unable to contain her yawn. Nova's eyes followed her as she said, "You've had a long day. Try to get some sleep."

Nodding, Nova gazed down at her sword again, imagining how it might feel in her hand in the field.

"And Nova," Nesta said at the door, forcing Nova to lift her head and meet her eyes again, "Don't forget to sharpen your blade when it becomes dull."

"Of course," Nova smiled softly, "Goodnight."

Nesta nodded in return and left her in the hall alone. The other two who had been getting a late-night drink had already left. Perhaps she should retire, too. Her stomach growled against the nausea of the memory of Adira's words.

I already lost you...

Cringing, Nova stared down at her sword and its amethyst-encrusted cross-guard. It really was beautiful, but did she deserve it? Glaring, she suddenly noticed the reflection of her violet, angry eyes in the blade's silver.

"I deserve what I worked for," Nova said through a shaking whisper. She breathed slowly through her nose and let it out through her mouth as she said, "I am allowed to be happy for what I earned." The words didn't magically erase the guilt, but Nova hadn't expected it to.

Ignoring her stomach's snarl, Nova stood from the table and carefully closed the lid to her gift. Tucking the case under her arm, she left the hall. It wasn't a long walk to her quarters, and soon, she closed the door behind her and set the long box on the little table by the door. Tomorrow, she'd find a more suitable place to house her new weapon.

The cabin itself was small, but it was accommodating, especially for only one person.

One person...

Nova glanced out the window to her left, where a little desk sat beneath. Beyond the glass, she was surrounded by trees. She could imagine Adira climbing through her window while refusing to sleep in her bed alone, telling Nova that she would have to scoot over and make do.

That wouldn't happen ever again, yet Nova crossed the room to the window and unlocked it. Sighing softly, she stared at the frame for a long moment before turning to look around. The lights were still off; she didn't know what the rules were in the Elite camp, but she didn't want to piss anyone off her first night by turning on the lights.

A small sitting area complete with a chaise, coffee table, and a fully stocked bookcase stood to the left, while a mini kitchenette had been incorporated straight ahead from where she stood.

"Hm..." Nova said to herself. "If I have my own kitchen, I wonder..." She roamed down the short hallway that led to two rooms. On the left was her bedroom, small but comfortable with the necessities of a bed, dresser, and closet. It seemed all of her belongings had already been moved in. To the right was...her eyes widened at the sight of her own bathroom, complete with a toilet, sink, and claw-foot tub.

"I suppose I won't have to visit the showers anymore," Nova pursed her lips at the sour twist of her stomach.

Perhaps it was for the best. She wouldn't risk seeing Adira if she only traveled to and from the Elite and Beginner camps. As much as it hurt to do so, it was only right to honor her wish by taking the necessary steps to avoid her.

Nova had already showered but was greatly tempted to soak in the tub. How long had it been since she'd had an actual bath with bubbles? She thought back but couldn't remember a time. As tempting as it was, Nova ultimately decided she couldn't risk falling asleep in the tub. So, instead, she let her braids fall in waves over her shoulders, slipped into her pajamas, and readied herself for bed.

Soon, Nova was nestled under her new sheets, staring up at the ceiling. Despite the warmth in the air, she was stiff as a board. She clenched and unclenched her fingers and toes, focusing on relaxing herself. This was the first night she'd be spending alone since...since...Nova frowned as she closed her eyes.

Think of something nice, something pleasant.

Nova's brows slowly softened as she imagined Adira's warm embrace around her torso, but she quickly shook the memory.

Stop that. Focus.

Trying again, Nova tried to reflect on her scarred and faded memories stored away in the deep crevices of her mind. The warmth of Adira's kiss was replaced with bursts of colors in the sky and an overwhelming sense of wonder and curiosity.

Nova knew it was a happy memory but couldn't recall the details—just that she'd been happy. Still, a broken memory was better than crying into her pillow. So, she let herself imagine streaming and sparkling colors in the night sky as sleep claimed her.

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