A Court of Lost Stars-Chapter 25: Honey Is Thicker Than Blood
Chapter 25: Honey Is Thicker Than Blood
The ground had thawed over the past couple of weeks, leaving a muddy mess in its wake. Nova, however, didn't mind in the least. She'd roll in the mud all day if allowed, and sometimes Ana granted that wish. As Nova explored and squished the mud between her fingers and toes, she and Ana would talk.
Actual conversations.
They spoke about the weather and whether or not they might have stew that night. Ana took every opportunity to get Nova talking. While she wasn't spewing long paragraphs depicting the inner workings of her soul, her language developed with each passing day, and now she could ask questions to which she understood the answer. There were some words they had to demonstrate for her, but Nova had made tremendous gains over the weeks.
Nova strummed her lute in the sunroom, surrounded by rich leather and the scent of old books, while Potato lounged across her lap. She'd grown, too, she noticed. There were no lessons today despite it being a Wednesday. Today was the day Nova had excitedly and not so patiently been waiting for. Every morning at breakfast, she'd ask her family if it was time to celebrate stars, and they'd shake their heads, smile, and say, 'Not yet.'
Leaning against the door frame, Feyre and Rhys watched Nova calmly gaze out the window, humming her little tune. "It's your first Starfall," Rhysand smiled as they entered. How she'd grown, they thought to themselves. Rhys continued as he sat down opposite her.
Looking over, Nova grinned but didn't move from her comfortable position on the chaise. "I want to celebrate the stars."
Feyre laughed and nodded as she sat beside Rhys, leaning into his side. "So you shall—all of us. Are you ready to visit Finch and Bran?"
Gasping with delight, Potato lurched out of her lap and skidded behind the couch. Nova got to her feet and nodded. "Yes," she looked down at her wiggling toes, "I don't want to wear shoes."
Pursing his lips, Rhys contemplated before exchanging a glance with Feyre. "How about this," he countered, "You don't have to wear shoes until we get to Windhaven, then you put them on."
Nova frowned a little, hating the idea of caging herself when she could read the world so well without her shoes. "Why?"
"Well," Feyre started, "Sometimes there's broken glass or other sharp things on the ground, especially at the camp. If you were to step on something, Madja would have to take it out, and I don't think that would be very pleasant."
The image of having to take something out of her foot's sole made Nova's nose crinkle with disgust. "Okay," she said.
"Az and Cas will be there, too," Rhys offered with a raised brow, and Nova grinned.
"Let's go!" She shouted, then turned carefully, set her lute on the chaise, and dashed to the door. "I get to win the war!"
Rhysand threw his head back and laughed. "Oh, you think you will?"
"I practiced!" Nova giggled.
"Well, I suppose you have..." Feyre bit her lip. "I mean, Potato is a valid competitor in tug-of-war."
Following their daughter, Rhys and Feyre walked hand-in-hand as Nova sprinted ahead. As if nothing in the world could slow or stop her. Through Velaris and into the trees, she felt the mud squelch under her feet. It reminded her of the home she once knew, where moss grew, and the trees sang to her every night. Pushing her already burning legs harder, she raced toward Windhaven, laughing at the tickle in her belly from going too fast.
Only when the border came into view did she slide to a stop and wait for her parents to catch up. With her heart pounding erratically against her ribcage, she could feel her muscles twitching from the exertion. Nova leaned against a tree to catch her breath when a familiar voice caught her ear. Looking around to find its owner, Nova beamed brightly, "Kyra!"
"Hey, Nova!" Kyra laughed, watching her still panting heavily. "Need a drink?" Without hesitation, she pulled a small canteen from her belt and offered it to her.
Nova took it and drank with a heavy sigh, "Thanks." She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and passed it back to her. "You're here, why?"
"Because she can't keep her nose out of everyone's business," Finch retorted, wearing a smug smile as he walked toward them, accompanied by Bran. With weeks of recovery between their last interaction, both looked much better than she last saw.
They were smiling.
Kyra rolled her eyes and smirked as she said to Nova, "He's pissed I beat him in the ring."
"You did not beat me." Finch scoffed but glared at the sprouting grass blades at the tree's base.
Bran stood silently, smiling as he watched them banter before returning his gaze to Nova. "Are you excited for Starfall tonight?"
"Oh, yes!" She grinned before plucking a little white flower shaped like a cup. She didn't want to squish its shape, so she held it carefully by its stem.
As Rhysand and Feyre approached, Feyre arched a brow with a small smile. "Hello, Kyra, nice to see you. Are you visiting?"
Kyra smiled and shook her head, "Actually, I just asked if I could join the camp. Seeing as Finch gets to start early, I thought it only fair I did, too."
"Overachiever," Finch rolled his eyes, but his subtle smirk was present. He wouldn't say it, but having Kyra there was nice.
Cassian's booming but playful voice came from afar as Feyre dropped Nova's shoes before her, "Hey! You're all supposed to be training!" He grinned.
"Nobody can climb that damn pole," Finch grumbled as he kicked the dirt.
Nova slipped her dirty feet into the shoes with a dissatisfied sigh. "I climbed the pole," Nova said, squatting down to adjust the laces that brushed against her ankle.
"You're part squirrel; it doesn't count."
Nova giggled and stood as Azriel approached. Although security had relaxed a little over the past few days, he was still ever vigilant and constantly scoured the forest perimeter for trouble.
Cas smirked, walking in stride with Az as he directed his gaze at Kyra, "You're supposed to be..."
"In the women's quarters?" Kyra asked and sighed as her wings ruffled in agitation."Yeah, I know. Why can't I train over here? What's the point of the separation if we're supposed to be on the battlefield together one day anyway?"
Finch chimed in, "Pregnancy prevention."
The young, mouthy Illyrian wasn't quick enough to avoid Kyra's swat to the back of his head. "Ow," he rubbed the tender spot, "It's true."
Ignoring Finch, Cas turned his attention to Kyra. "You are a leader, and that's what they need right now. Devlon's misguided views have weighed them down; they need someone like you. Someone who stares into the face of oppression and fights back. Is that a good enough reason?"
Kyra pursed her lips and nodded slowly, "Alright. I guess that's not so bad."
"What is pregnancy?" Nova asked with a curious tilt of her head. All wide eyes fell on her before landing on Rhys and Feyre, who couldn't conceal their sudden panicked expressions.
Clearing her throat, Feyre smiled, "Let's discuss that later," then glanced at Cas and Az, "Nova said she's ready for another tug-of-war battle."
Cassian grinned, relieved from the sudden change of conversation. "You have a lot of confidence for someone who can't reach the top shelf."
"I will win!" Nova declared and grabbed her father's hand, trying to haul him away as she demanded, "You come to help me."
"Oh, no," Cas laughed. What will we ever do, Az?" he asked, elbowing Azriel, who grinned.
Earning a chuckle from him, Rhysand didn't fight as he let himself be dragged to the center of the camp where the tug-of-war rope was, which was just a piece of wood with a massive, frayed rope threaded through a hole in the center.
The group followed, eager to watch the show.
Stationing themselves on either end - Nova and Rhys on one end, Cas and Az on the other – they picked up the rope, sopping wet from the muddy ground.
"Go!" Nova yelled and pulled with all her might, gaining an inch out of pure surprise.
Cassian bellowed a laugh, "Hey! You little cheater!"
Erupting with giggles, Nova pulled again, this time with her father's help, his laughter ringing joyously in her ears. As they pulled, Cas and Az yanked in return, and they didn't hold back. Perhaps, if the others had joined their forces, Nova and Rhys would have stood a chance, but with that one yank on their side, Nova lost both her footing and her grip. She toppled forward, smashing her boot against her father's shin, which, in turn, sent him to his knees too.
Cassian and Azriel didn't stop in their swift victory there. Muscles bulging and backs straining, they continued pulling, dragging them through the thick mud until they reached the wooden frame between them.
Spitting mud from her mouth, Nova's cackling belly laugh enveloped the space, forcing everyone to join in her joy. She tried to get to her feet while laughing but slipped and was caught by her father's steady hands just in time before she could hit her head.
"What do you think, Nova?" Cas asked with a wide grin. "Best two out of three, or do you relent?"
Before they could react, Nova winnowed in front of her uncle Cassian and enveloped him in a muddy bear hug. The mud she wore transferred to him before she did the same to Azriel, ensuring they were thoroughly covered.
"Okay," Cas looked down at himself, "Maybe we deserved that."
"We?" Azriel asked with a grin.
Rhysand laughed as he walked toward Feyre, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes.
Putting a finger up, Feyre stepped back, "Don't...you...dare..."
"Oh, you'll get dirty for a worm, but not for me?" Rhys asked with a devilish smirk as he prowled closer.
"Rhysand!" Feyre laughed as her mate scooped her into his arms, holding her tight against his mud-caked black shirt, and pressed his mouth to hers.
Thanks, Feyre grazed against Rhys' mind. Now I need another bath.
I can help with that, he returned.
"Oh, turn that mushy shit off." Cassian chuckled as they approached. "There are children present."
Finch snorted but grinned as he nodded at Nova, "See you tonight." He, Kyra, and Bran set off to return to their stations.
Smiling, Feyre looked down on Nova fondly, "You have some very good friends, Nova."
"I know." Nova grinned.
"Come on, let's go get cleaned up. We wouldn't want to be late for the celebration." Rhys smiled.
With the celebration of stars on her mind, Nova didn't need to be convinced to take a bath this time.
Freshly bathed and dressed, Nova wore a black empire dress that shimmered like starlight with every twist of her frame. With her hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail, Feyre had tied a velvet purple ribbon into a bow in her hair. Nova had allowed her mother to add a bit of rouge and silver glitter to her cheeks but shook her head when she held up the mascara wand. The last time Elain had feathered her lashes with that thing, she'd been petrified she'd gouge her eye.
Feyre placed her hands on Nova's small shoulders and smiled, moisture brimming her eyes. She said, "My beautiful star. Are you ready?"
Nova slipped her feet into her black sparkly flats and nodded, "I'm ready."
She gave one last stroke to Potato, who curled up, sleeping soundly in the center of her bed, before following her mother down the stairs. As she descended the stairs, she grinned at her father, who looked at her with adoration.
Rhys offered her his hand, which she took, and giggled as he spun her. The sparkle of her dress cast reflections of light off the walls. "I hope you're ready to dance." He grinned.
Nodding eagerly, Nova giggled and held both hands as they left the townhouse to go to the city's center, where most of the celebration would occur. Looking up at the sky, Nova smiled. It was just late evening, and she could hear the festivities from where they walked. She could smell the roasted meat and sugary sweetness of the pastries the bakery would no doubt be selling.
Nova could taste the warm honey on her tongue already.
Ahead of them, the Inner Circle danced at Rita's raised glasses of amber and red. Even Nesta wasn't immune to Cassian roguishly pulling her closer to dance in time with the music. His scruffy cheek pressed against hers as she fought a smile, hand to his chest. Azriel and Ana sat with Edith at one of the tables, smiling and laughing as Mor dropped it low with Amren, who had already had too much to drink.
Peering around the place, Nova spotted Kyra. She glanced up at her parents with silent permission, and Feyre nodded, "Have fun, sweetheart. We'll be right over here."
With a grin, Nova bounded over to her friends, who she realized were all gathered together. She stopped before them and poked Peter, sitting beside Cyrus, on the shoulder. "You don't have to bake?" She asked.
"No," Peter smiled up at her. "We put out the goods we have, and my mother says whatever is purchased is the inventory for the night. So we can watch."
"When is it going to start?" Sara asked, looking up at the pinkening sky.
"Soon, I imagine," Cyrus replied, "An hour, maybe less?"
Finch rested his feet on the table, only for Cyrus to shove them back down with a smirk. He turned to Bran, who stood just off the side, "See what I mean? They're so mean to me."
Chuckling, Bran shook his head, "What will we do until it starts?"
"Sing!" Nova cried out with excitement. "It's fun to sing."
Finch belted a laugh, "Alright. Let's compromise. We jump into the lake, then we sing songs and shit."
"It's freezing!" Sara exclaimed with wide eyes. "I don't care how close Spring is. The water will be frigid."
"Yeah, and?" Finch grinned.
"I'm in." Kyra shrugged.
"Me, too." Peter chimed in, much more confidently than last time.
Nova grinned, "I'll jump first!"
Cyrus only had a shrug, and Sara finally sighed in defeat before all eyes landed on Bran.
"Come on," Finch smirked, "Big strong Illyrian Warrior like you? No problem right."
Bran chuckled deep in his chest and nodded, "If it'll shut you up, fine."
Everyone returned from the trees, shivering against the air, but at least Nova's hair was the only thing dripping wet. She'd taken Kyra's advice this time and stripped to her bra and underwear before taking the plunge.
When Nova's dress hit the ground, Peter, Finch, and Bran had severe wandering eyes. They'd turned their backs as quickly as possible after registering what they were looking at, and even now, they were quiet. They didn't exactly want to be bashed apart by her family for an accidental peek-show.
The party in Velaris was still bright and colorful, but it quieted a little as people began settling into comfortable viewing areas to watch the sky. It was much like the celebration night months ago when Nova watched colors explode into the sky.
Is that what this would look like?
Settling with her family near the bonfire, Nova sighed as the comforting glow wrapped her in a warm hug. Her hair was a tangled, wet mess, but she didn't care.
"You look like you had fun." Feyre laughed and tucked some of her stray hair behind her ear.
"Mhm..." Nova trailed off, but Finch approached with a small, wry smile before she could finish. In his hand, he held the neck of a lute. It was Edith's, Nova could tell.
"I did make a promise, after all," he shrugged.
Nova grinned and took the lute without question. Strumming a few chords from muscle memory, she watched her friends sit down and get comfortable, leaning into each other for warmth. The sense of something washed over her, filling her soul with a love she couldn't comprehend. Everyone she cared about sat in a circle around the fire, happy to be together. To share this time.
Well, almost everyone.
Nova wished Hollis could have been there, too.
"Hmm," Nova pondered before settling on the tune she often hummed, the song Ana had taught her that first day as they walked in the snow. She sang the ballad in a low but soft, fragile voice.
It was hauntingly beautiful.
"Over the mountain, over the sea,
Back where my heart is longing to be,
Please let the light that shines on me
Shine on the one I love.
I see the moon; the moon sees me
Down through the leaves of the old oak tree.
Please let the light that shines on me
Shine on the one I love.
I hear the lark; the lark hears me,
Singing a song with a melody.
Please let the lark that sings for me
Sing for the one I love.
I kiss a rose; the rose kisses me,
Fragrant as only a rose can be.
Please let the Rose that comforts me
Comfort the one..." Nova trailed off as she lifted her gaze to the sky, watching trails of starlight streak across the sky. "Wow..." She breathed.
Everyone followed her gaze, in a sleepy state, becoming entranced by the stars that fell in ribbons—falling right toward them. Nova reached her hand up to catch what dropped in her direction, but the moment her fingertips touched the surface, it exploded into a thick, dark ash.
Inhaling a painful breath, Nova coughed as the cloud stung her eyes.
"GET DOWN!" Rhysand bellowed as Nova was dragged across the space and shoved against his chest. "GET DOWN! DON'T BREATH IT IN! GO! RUN! FIND SHELTER!"
It was like the breath had been taken from Nova's aching lungs. She clutched her father's shirt, coughing as screams erupted in the air like banshees in the night. Rhysand was on his feet, lifting Nova with him as he dashed across the chaos of wings, taking to the sky and going to battle. With force, he secured his daughter in Lucein's arms.
"Go! Get her to the library! NOW!"
Lucien didn't hesitate to grab Nova, protecting her head with his hand from falling, flaming projectiles as he and Elain raced for the House of Wind.
"It's Beron. It has to be," Feyre exclaimed as she withdrew her hidden dagger and stretched her wings. Azriel and Cassian had already taken to the skies. She didn't know where anyone else had gone. Feyre could only hope they would manage to escape before the fire spread.
Rhysand coughed through the smoke and the ash, raising his hand to subdue the flames that threatened to eat the streets of Velaris. His brows furrowed as his muscles clenched and unclenched.
"Feyre," He whispered, looking up at the sky and watching the Illyrian Warriors who had taken flight fall helplessly to the ground. "It's wood ash..."
Cas landed on the street on his shoulder, and they rushed forward just as Nesta did and hauled him to his feet. "We need to get everyone out of here." Cassian seethed through bloody, gritted teeth. "This isn't a fight we can win right now, Rhys. Not with our numbers. There's a swarm on the beach heading our way."
Looking around, the scent of burnt flesh permeated the air as Amren did her best to subdue the fire. When shouts to the East rose in a cacophony, soldiers, all clad in black, tore through the city's openings.
"How would they have gotten through the defenses?" Nesta breathed raggedly, a nasty welt across her cheek.
A voice drifted through the shrieks of humans and fae alike scrambling for safety.
"You were warned," Tamlin said as he emerged through the arms of soldiers, wielding a sword as long as him as he leveled a gaze on them. "The Courts will prosper. I intend to see it through."
Cassian started to charge forward, but Feyre put a hand up, and he slid to a stop, baring his teeth at the High Lord of the Spring Court. How was the ash in their air not affecting them? She slowly looked around, watching the enemy envelop them.
Their city.
Here to take their daughter.
Feyre spoke above, mouth twisting in a snarl, "Another step, and your head will be at your feet."
"There is no stopping this," Tamlin spoke calmly, as though it were a Saturday picnic, "Either relinquish your daughter peacefully or die defending her."
"This is peaceful?!" Feyre shouted, tears streaming down her cheeks. Unable to hold them back. "Do not speak of peace when you lie and connive and threaten. You enter our borders to destroy and steal. This is not peace. It's madness."
Azriel fell from the horde of warriors or, more likely, pushed. He landed on his back as in a pool of his collecting blood that didn't seep into the ground but spread out like a canvas of red on the pavement.
Nesta snatched Ana's arm as she stumbled forward, hand to her mouth in horror as she watched his chest rise and fall slowly, weakly. "Stay here," she hissed in her ear as her tears rolled.
"Give us the girl," Tamlin spoke with a soft command.
"Go to Hell," Rhysand bit back.
"Us?" Cas asked then, slowly searching the throng for another face, but none stuck out.
Tamlin merely smiled. "Then you've left us with no choice," he ordered the soldiers by his side, without turning his head. "Fetch her. Now."
Rhys and Feyre charged forward, Mor and Cas taking their flanks as they moved toward Tamlin. Even if they lost their lives tonight, even if Nova would be forced to find another to raise her, Tamlin would not see another dawn.
Lucien panted as he, Elain, and Nova raced up the steep stone steps toward sanctuary. "Don't stop," he gasped, "Don't look back!"
But Nova did. She looked over her shoulder with a tear-stained face as she watched Velaris burn. Looking down, she frowned at seeing something at the bottom of the stairs.
No, not something...someone, and they were closing in.
"GO!" Lucien snatched Nova by the shoulder and pushed her forward. "Run, Nova. Run as fast as you can, and don't stop!"
With features etched in terror, Nova did as she was told and took off at a full sprint. As she ran, she reached down and snagged the hem of her dress. She tore it straight up the middle before pushing herself as fast as her legs could carry her.
She slammed into the House of Wind, breathless, as she took in her surroundings.
"Nova!" Bran dashed to her from inside the house. "Come on, we have to go!" He lifted her into his arms without hesitation, but Nova struggled against him.
"No!" She screamed, thrashing her limbs.
Bran set her down only to take her face between his hands, looking into her eyes with heat, "I saw them on the beach, Nova. They've come to take you away. I have to get you out of here." When she slammed her fists against his chest, he only held her tighter. "I told you it would always be my honor to protect you, and that's what I'm doing."
"How sweet." A deep chuckle rose behind them, and Bran lifted his gaze to find one of the soldiers in black standing in the doorway. Unable to see his face, Bran had no idea who it might be, but it didn't matter.
Instinctively, he dragged Nova behind him as she stared at the masked figure with wide eyes. Bran flexed his wings, readying himself to try and fly again despite his fall during the initial attack.
"Out of the way, boy." The soldier snarled.
Bran bared his teeth, "You'll have to kill me first."
With a cruel laugh, the solider charged forward, but Bran wasn't swift enough in the advance and stumbled backward against Nova just before the solider snatched him by the wings and threw him so forcefully he crashed into the coffee table. Seashell pieces from Nova's creations shattered and ricocheted off the walls.
She jumped back as a gloved hand reached for her, narrowly missing him as Bran charged forward, plowing into the soldier from the side. The force sent them both into the wall, sending glass-encased artwork to the ground in a shattering crash.
Grabbing the back of Bran's neck, he slammed him in the direction of the coffee table again, but this time, instead of landing on top, his head cracked against the edge, and his body collapsed to the floor.
Nova blinked, staring at his still body for a moment before a pair of hands wrapped around her. Yelping, Nova squirmed, but his hold was much tighter than Bran's. "NO!" She screeched before lurching forward and sinking her teeth into the bit of exposed flesh of his neck under his mask.
"Bitch!" He cried out and smashed her over the head with a heavy fist.
Bleary-eyed, Nova couldn't focus as she was carried limply from the House of Wind and down the stairs where Lucien and Elain were no longer climbing. The distant sounds of anguish grew near the closer they walked to the city. The taste of blood lingered in her mouth, dripping from the corner of her mouth like drizzling honey.
The heat of flames licked uncomfortably at Nova's skin as they entered the circle of the city. Her head lazily lolled to the side, and she stared numbly at her uncle Az lying broken and bloody on the ground. Cas, Mor, and Amren were on their knees, daggers pressed firmly against their throats.
Her parents, tears in their eyes as she joined the group, fell to their knees when she entered their sight.
"No..." Feyre murmured.
Rhysand turned to Tamlin, "I am begging you, Tamlin. On my knees, begging," tears fell from his red eyes, "Do not take my daughter."
"You should have thought of the consequences," Tamlin murmured in lethal words of silk, "Perhaps then you would have been able to say goodbye."
With a heavy brow and a defeated sag of his shoulders, Rhys gazed at Nova for a long moment before settling on Feyre.
It's time.
I know.
They turned to look at Nesta, who held Ana firmly by the arm while staring at Cassian. She slowly turned her head, meeting their somber gaze, and curtly nodded. Instantly, Nesta disappeared from where she was and winnowed with Ana to the soldier who held Nova.
Grabbing her niece by the arm, they disappeared.
Tamlin stood silently for a very long second before he charged forward, sword drawn. "WHERE IS SHE!" He bellowed.
Feyre slowly raised her head to meet his gaze and smiled, "Safe."
Clutching Rhys' hand, she closed her eyes as Tamlin raised his sword above her head and brought it down.
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Rhysand dove forward with a warrior's cry, catching his blade to his shoulder just as the brilliant light of dawn washed over Velaris.
Staggering backward, Tamlin shielded his eyes as Thesan dropped down, followed by Helion, Tarquin, and Kallias.
He stared at Tamlin, allowing ice to crawl through his veins. Laughing, half-crazed, Tamlin sank to his knees by no will of his own. His limbs were suddenly too heavy to move. He grinned up at them as they stared down with furrowed brows.
"If you think this is the end, it's not." Tamlin cackled in a voice that wasn't his.
Rhysand slowly stood to his feet, holding Feyre's arm, and she kept pressure against his shoulder. "You're mad..."
Tamlin continued to laugh until tears spilled from his eyes; Lucien watched in shock as he entered the circle with Elain, inching toward Azriel, who still lay unconscious.
"You didn't even read the prophecy, did you?"
Kallias narrowed his gaze, "If you recall, Beron took the scroll with him."
Looking around, taking in their faces, he grinned as saliva dribbled from the corner of his mouth.
"Speak," Thesan demanded in a low voice.
Tamlin let his sights linger on Kallias, Rhysand, and Feyre. "Should these acts be unfulfilled, Monsters in the night will hunt. They will find them, and they will destroy them. Mind, Body, and Soul," they watched him with disgust. Tamlin chuckled, "Even if we don't find them, they will."
"Mor, Cas, Amren..." Rhysand spoke in a raw voice, "Escort Tamlin to The Prison."
Cassian strode over, grabbed Tamlin by the throat, and pulled him to his feet. "With pleasure," he snarled in his face.
Turning to Kallias, Feyre said, "We need to go to your Court. Hollis could be in danger. We must protect him while we can."
"Nova-" Kallias started, but Feyre closed her eyes as another tear fell.
"Nova," she swallowed the lump in her throat, "Is safe where she is."
Safe where she is.