Aetheral Space
Humanity achieved dominion over the galaxy long ago.Once that was accomplished, they turned their ingenuity inwards. With their prowess over biological engineering, they transformed themselves into deific beings now called the Gene Tyrants. For centuries, the Gene Tyrants terrorized the galaxy, designing and abusing their genetically engineered servants and serfs as their whims took them.No tyranny can last forever, though, and the Gene Tyrants were eventually overthrown. The rebels discovered a strange light of the mind called Aether, which gave them the strange and fantastical powers they needed to eradicate their creators. Once that was done, however, that by no means meant peace.In the thousand years since, the face of the galaxy has changed. The most powerful human civilization is called the Supremacy, the homeland of 'might makes right'. In the Supremacy, a crime committed by the strong is no crime at all. With their military strength and mastery of Aether, the Supremacy has spread across the galaxy -- with the other powers able to do little but stall their advance. This struggle has developed into a cold war, and that cold war has frozen over for years now.Dragan Hadrien, a low-level administrator in the Supremacy, cares nothing for any of this. Dragan's primary concern is getting himself a promotion and taking it easy for the rest of his days. When a mysterious prisoner is brought aboard his ship, he thinks he has found the means to do just that.How naive of him.
- C.454:15.8: The Man Who Sold The WorldNEW
- C.453:15.7: Don’t Wake The BabyNEW
- C.452:15.6: DownfallsNEW
- C.451:15.5: BarrageNEW
- C.450:15.4: UndergroundNEW
- C.449:15.3: Only INEW
- C.448:15.2: The Invisible UltravioletsNEW
- C.447:15.1: SerendipityNEW
- C.446:14.20: A World of Shooting StarsNEW
- C.445:14.19: A World of BrimstoneNEW
- C.444:14.18: A World of ButterfliesNEW
- C.443:14.17: Goodbye Guests (Part 5)NEW
- C.442:14.16: Goodbye Guests (Part 4)NEW
- C.441:14.15: Goodbye Guests (Part 3)NEW
- C.440:14.14: Goodbye Guests (Part 2)NEW
- C.439:14.13: Goodbye Guests (Part 1)NEW
- C.438:14.12: MignardiseNEW
- C.437:14.11: DessertNEW
- C.436:14.10: Cheese CourseNEW
- C.435:14.9: Second Main CourseNEW
- C.434:14.8: Palate CleanserNEW
- C.433:14.7: First Main CourseNEW
- C.432:14.6: FishNEW
- C.431:14.5: SaladNEW
- C.430:14.4: AppetizerNEW
- C.429:14.3: SoupNEW
- C.428:14.2: Amuse-BoucheNEW
- C.427:14.1: Hors D’OeuvresNEW
- C.426:13.84: DuskNEW
- C.425:13.83: Implements of LightNEW
- C.424:13.82: The VoidsNEW
- C.423:13.81: No Breath, No BeatNEW
- C.422:13.80: Inside MidnightNEW
- C.421:13.79: OverdriveNEW
- C.420:13.78: Twin SerpentsNEW
- C.419:13.77: The Dead of NightNEW
- C.418:13.76: The Dark Side of the MoonNEW
- C.417:13.75: PlethoraNEW
- C.416:13.74: The Bloodless HourNEW
- C.415:13.73: Sky and StarNEW
- C.414:13.72: Step and ShotNEW
- C.413:13.71: InhumanNEW
- C.412:13.70: EclipseNEW
- C.411:13.69: Proxy LawNEW
- C.410:13.68: The Exorcist (Part 4)NEW
- C.409:13.67: The Exorcist (Part 3)NEW
- C.408:13.66: The Exorcist (Part 2)NEW
- C.407:13.65: The Exorcist (Part 1)NEW
- C.406:13.64: SwordNEW
- C.405:13.63: All for NothingNEW
- C.404:13.62: The Blessings of Evil IntelligenceNEW
- C.403:13.61: AccursedNEW
- C.402:13.60: All-Word (Part 4)NEW
- C.401:13.59: All-Word (Part 3)NEW
- C.400:13.58: All-Word (Part 2)NEW
- C.399:13.57: All-Word (Part 1)NEW
- C.398:13.56: The Crawling NightNEW
- C.397:13.55: The Wings SlumberNEW
- C.396:13.54: The Hungry ThroneNEW
- C.395:13.53: Red RumNEW
- C.394:13.52: Three LeechesNEW
- C.393:13.51: StagehandsNEW
- C.392:13.50: The Flower of EvilNEW
- C.391:13.49: Into the FoldNEW
- C.390:13.48: The First Steps Upon A Bleeding PathNEW
- C.389:13.47: In The Shadow GardenNEW
- C.388:13.46: The Warp of YouNEW
- C.387:13.45: The Wrath of YouNEW
- C.386:13.44: The Waste of YouNEW
- C.385:13.43: Final InterviewNEW
- C.384:13.42: Long LiveNEW
- C.383:13.41: The Man Without A Human Heart (Part 2)NEW
- C.382:13.40: Embolden!NEW
- C.381:13.39: The Tenth WorldNEW
- C.380:13.38: Cockroaches Crawling Towards The SkyNEW
- C.379:13.37: The Man Without A Human Heart (Part 1)NEW
- C.378:13.36: The Interview (Part 2)NEW
- C.377:13.35: The Interview (Part 1)NEW
- C.376:13.34: 300 SecondsNEW
- C.375:13.33: The Stretching SkyNEW
- C.374:13.32: The Observers and the ObservedNEW
- C.373:13.31: Game OverNEW
- C.372:13.30: Game MatchNEW
- C.371:13.29: Game SetNEW
- C.370:13.28: Game StartNEW
- C.369:13.27: The Name of the GameNEW
- C.368:13.26: RUINEDNEW
- C.367:13.25: The Gluttony of InsectsNEW
- C.12:1.: Priority PrisonerNEW
- C.11:1.: Infiltration and InterrogationNEW
- C.10:1.: The LeapNEW
- C.9:1.: Terse TalksNEW
- C.8:1.: AftermathNEW
- C.7:1.: Attack at the HangarNEW
- C.6:1.: Blood-Red OpportunityNEW
- C.5:1.: The HyenaNEW
- C.4:1.: Pieces in PlayNEW
- C.3:1.: First MeetingsNEW
- C.2:1.: Sparks of RedNEW
- C.1:.: Dragan HadrienNEW