Top Grade Immortal Emperor in the Flower City
Nine Tribulation Immortal Emperor, reborn in the city!One Earth, one Immortal Realm, the difference is as vast as that between heaven and earth!
- C.615 - 625 Discussing Morality?NEW
- C.614 - 624: The Big and Small FoxesNEW
- C.613 - 623: Dragon GateNEW
- C.612 - 622: Twin Flower Red ClubsNEW
- C.611 - 621 Hypocrite
- C.610 - 620: The Landlord Has No Surplus Grain Either
- C.609 - 619: Youth Must Be Mad!
- C.608 - 618: Assassin Strikes
- C.607 - 617: Seeing Yu Rou Again
- C.606 - 616: Torturing You to Death
- C.605 - 615: Face
- C.604 - 614: One Hundred Million Dollars (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!)
- C.603 - 613: Big Trouble!
- C.602 - 612: A Worldview without a World
- C.601 - 611 Family Happiness
- C.600 - 610: Ye Tian’s Dream
- C.599 609: The Long Road of Jianghu
- C.598 608 Breaking the Poison
- C.597 607: Fight to the Death
- C.596 606: All Under Heaven May Be Killed!
- C.595 605: The Tragic Poison Sovereign
- C.594 604: No Prospect
- C.593 603: Despair
- C.592 602: Murder
- C.591 601: Conspiracy
- C.590 600: A Host of Demons
- C.589 599: Going up the Mountain
- C.588 598: Underworld Soldiers Passing By
- C.587 597: Grand Sorcerer
- C.586 596: Trip to the Southern Border
- C.585 595: Soul-Searching Technique
- C.584 594: Car Accident
- C.583 593: Expulsion
- C.582 592: Tigers Blocking the Path of Marriage
- C.581 591: Poked a Hole in the Sky?
- C.580 590: Give a Hand
- C.579 589 The Toad and The Swan
- C.578 588: Smashed!
- C.577 587 Kneel Down and Admit Your Mistake
- C.576 586 Spare My Life
- C.575 585: No Right
- C.574 584: Fury
- C.573 583: Furious!
- C.572 582 Completely Different
- C.571 581: The Toad in the Well
- C.570 580: Gonna Die
- C.569 579: Save Me!
- C.568 578: The Fuse
- C.567 - 577: Legendary Chef
- C.566 - 576: Is There Room for Negotiation?
- C.565 - 575: Threatening the Heavenly Dao
- C.564 - 574 The Fool
- C.563 - 573 It’s Your Heavenly Tribulation
- C.562 - 572 Thank You
- C.561 - 571: The Terrifying Ye Ling
- C.560 - 570: Dominate Throughout the Ages
- C.559 - 569: True Dragon Appears
- C.558 - 568 Divines Hall
- C.557 - 567: The Power of the Black Brick
- C.556 - 566: The Long-Lost Black Brick
- C.555 - 565: Overwhelming Kill
- C.554 - 564: The Sword that Kills Dogs
- C.553 - 563: The Sword of Judgment
- C.552 - 562: The Big Tycoon
- C.551 - 561: The Descendant of the Dynasty
- C.550 - 560: Interesting
- C.549 - 559 A Lifetime of Shadows
- C.548 - 558: A Chip
- C.547 - 557 Slaughter
- C.546 - 556: A Chance
- C.545 - 555: Worth Ten Billion
- C.544 - 554: Misunderstanding, Misunderstanding
- C.543 - 553: A Toast Crashed as the Signal
- C.542 - 552: Young Master Ye
- C.541 - 551 He Doesn’t Have the Qualification
- C.540 - 550 Crown Prince
- C.539 - 549: Get Lost Quickly
- C.538 - 548: Minimum Consumption
- C.537 - 547: For Your Eyes Only
- C.536 - 546 Class Reunion
- C.535 - 545: Going Viral
- C.534 - 544: Who Killed Whom?
- C.533 - 543: Who Takes Revenge on Whom?
- C.532 - 542 Abandoned
- C.531 - 541 Protection Fee?
- C.530 - 540 Caught
- C.529 - 539: Abuse of Power
- C.528 - 538: Losing Temper
- C.12 - Big Brother, I Dare Not Anymore
- C.11 - - Another Idiot
- C.10 - Doing Your Deal?
- C.9 - - If You Won’t Rely on Him, I Will!
- C.8 - - Bigfoot Kicks You to Death
- C.7 - Early Houtian Stage
- C.6 - - Don’t You Like Me?
- C.5 - You misunderstood
- C.4 - The Mountain is Not Small
- C.3 - She gets 100,000, you get 10 million
- C.2 - The Immortal Emperor is Reborn on Earth
- C.1 - A wealthy man is a man indeed; without money, a man’s life is tough