YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!-Chapter 106: I’m sorry for being selfish

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Chapter 106: I'm sorry for being selfish

[3rd POV]

As the war raged on, the soldiers desperately stabbed or slashed the monsters. Yet, as time went on, the soldiers began falling one by one due to exhaustion.

The only reason they were able to last this long was thanks to Priest Seto and Isis, who were gasping for breath as the two needed to fill in the spot that Shada had left behind...

Despite the presence of the Evil God, they fought on because everyone knew that their Pharaoh was fighting a more intense battle than any of them.

*BOOOM* x5

A barrage of explosions rang out in the sky like fireworks when the three Egyptian Gods unleashed their great attacks on Zorc Necrophade's massive body.

Zorc Necrophades roared deafeningly as it tried to snatch the pesky gods from the air.


Suddenly, Zorc Necrophades's vision went dark when two fast figures flew past its face. Flying side by side, Blue Eyes White Dragon and Dragonmaid Sheou roared, leaving cuts around the monster's joints and hindering its motion.

However, despite the damages inflicted, the god's wounds healed just as fast, leaving them in a losing battle of attrition.

"Why won't it just die?!" Yuna growled in frustration.

Yami Yugi gritted his teeth, finding himself agreeing with Yuna's statement. No matter what they threw at God, Zorc Necrophades would instantly recover and return fiercer than before.

As if it was the final straw, Yuna collapsed on all fours, sweat beading down her face, "Sano, recall your spirit and rest." Yami Yugi suggested while glancing at her.

"We can't afford to lose manpower..." Yuna retorted while wiping the blood off the edge of her lips, "I will try and support you both."

As the fight continued, Kisara and Atem began focusing on all of the attacks. At the same time, Yuna ordered her dragon to target the weak spots and distract Zorc Necrophades, allowing the others to deal with maximum damage.

Ignoring their exhaustion, they kept fighting. Suddenly, they heard a loud explosion echoing on the side of a battlefield and several familiar voices.

"Dark Magician, Dark Magic Attack!"

"Dark Magician Girl, Dark Burning Attack!"

"Red-Eyes Black Dragon, Infernal Fire Blast!"

The sounds of the monsters' cries reached their ears. Looking into the distance, the Pharoah spotted several figures running towards him, and he broke into a relieved smile.

"Partner!" Yugi yelled happily, his friends following behind him.

Arriving by the Pharoah's side, Yami Yugi chuckled upon meeting his companions again. Without wasting any more time, he quickly explained the current situation.

Nodding with complex emotions, Yugi began retelling their experience in the Valley of the Kings, where they went through various traps and hidden passages before finally reaching the last tomb and finding Aknamkanon's grave, where Atem's name was inscribed on the wall.

"Unfortunately, we couldn't make heads or tails of the thing," Joey explained while scratching the side of his head.

Confused, Téa showed Yami Yugi her phone, where she took a picture of the wall.

"That's..." The Pharaoh stared at the Heiroglyphs in a daze.

"Woah?!" Joey and Tristan exclaimed as suddenly the phone in Yami Yugi's hand shone brilliantly.

Memories began flooding into his brain, and the Pharoah clutched his head in agony. Slowly opening his eyes, he stared at Zorc Necrophades quietly, slowly digesting everything in his head.

"P...Partner?" Yugi called hesitantly as Yami Yugi stood up, "Y... You're crying..."

Touching his face, Yami Yugi felt something wet on his finger, finding himself in tears. The memories of his friends and family became vivid, and he subconsciously reminisced on those memories. However, that moment became short-lived when he remembered they were currently in a fierce battle.

"Yugi..." The Pharoah smiled gratefully, "Thank you..."

With a determined expression, he approached Zorc Necrophades as the Millennium Puzzle began to unveil.

"I call upon the power of my Artifact to once again seal this darkness and send it back to its eternal prison! I, King Atem, shall banish you once more!"

Golden chains burst out from the Millennium Puzzle, wrapping around each of the God's limbs. Zorc Necrophades struggled as it was gradually dragged towards the artifact.

The Pharoah, Atem, gritted his teeth as he fought God in a tug of war. One struggled to capture and seal it into the Millennium Puzzle while the other tried to break free. Everyone watched with anticipation, cheering for Atem in their hearts, "Is this it..." Yuna mumbled hopefully. But the following sound made her heart drop...


It was so subtle that she could've missed it if she wasn't careful. But the sound only grew louder and louder as it became more evident. Suddenly, the chains snapped, sending Atem skidding across the floor.

"How..." Atem muttered, confused by the ineffectiveness of the spell.

However, when he saw Zorc Necrophade's eyes, he noticed that the god had expected the spell the entire time. That's when a sudden realisation hit him: just because he regained his memories, what's stopping Zorc Necrophades from remembering theirs?

It was clearly connected to Yami Bakura in some way, so it was natural for the god to be aware of what was happening this entire time...

With a malicious grin, Zorc Necrophades brought its palms together, creating a blackish sphere. The sphere grew, easily reaching the size of the palace and with a roar, it launched the projectile in their direction...


An unknown amount of time later...

Fierce dark magic exploded all around them, and all Kisara could hear were the soldiers' and monsters' fearful cries as they were wiped without a trace...

Releasing her barrier, she gasped, collapsed on all fours and observed her surroundings. Dragonmaid Sheou unfurled her wings, revealing Yuna panting for breath. In her arms was Kaiba, who remained unconscious from his injuries.

Behind her was Atem, who used Slifer the Sky Dragon to protect him and his friends, while just beside him were Seto and Isis, who were also able to shield themselves with their

Millennium Items.

Out of hundreds of people fighting for their lives, with just a single attack, Zorc Necrophades was able to wipe out almost all of them...

Simultaneously, Dragonmaid Sheou and slifer, the Sky Dragon, collapsed, wounds littered all over their bodies, and Yuna and Atem collapsed along with them.

Kisara froze, and she found herself truly in a hopeless situation. People she relied on were either dead or close to death, and she burst into tears. Never in her life has she ever found herself at a loss of what to do...

"Atem!" Yugi shouted as the Pharoah groaned and tried to stand. Knowing the sacrifice required for them to win, he tightly gripped the Millennium Puzzle with resolve. Was this truly the purpose of the trial? Now that Atem has discovered his name, must he

follow his previous fate once more? Yet, no matter how much he thought about this, Atem couldn't figure out whether his judgement was correct, nor did he have the time to find

another solution.

"There is a forbidden spell... One that was used in the last resort." Atem explained, "This is because the price that you must pay to activate the spell is more than just your life..." "Thank you for finding my name..." He spoke sincerely at Yugi, "But I must apologise that all your efforts will be in vain..."

"Wait, my friend, don't tell me..." Yugi gasped in shock before shaking his head, "No, there has to be another way!"

"I'm sorry..." Atem smiled wryly and stood up. But his wounds caused him to falter, and he dropped the Millennium Puzzle.

However, before the artifact fell to the ground, a slender hand suddenly reached out and

caught the Millennium item, "No... He is right. There is another method." Kisara muttered

confidently and stared at Atem with a firm resolve.

"Your Highness... Please use my soul instead.."

"Kisara... You can't be serious!" Seto shouted and shook her shoulders in a mixture of

disbelief, "Your Majesty, use me instead!"

"That won't work, Seto..." Kisara smiled sadly and shook her head, "Your Ba is almost used up

already, but I still have more than enough."

"I won't allow it!" Seto screamed while clutching his face, "No, have someone else do it

instead!" Despite his childish complaints, no one could reprimand him, knowing what he

would lose...

"Seto..." Kisara sighed and hugged him. Lost in her embrace, Seto burst into tears and gripped

her wrist tightly.

"In the past, I always have to rely on you or Yuna to protect me. Now, for the first time, I was

able to protect both of you." She muttered softly, "I'm sorry, Seto... for being selfish..."

"Kisara, wait..."

"Sleep," Before Seto could react, Kisara activated the powers of the Millennium Key. Deliberately, this caused him to fall unconscious when his guard was down.

Turning to Atem, she pleaded earnestly, "Please Pharoah... We don't have much time... Please allow this faithful servant to fulfil her duty towards this country one last time." "Do you truly understand the consequences?" Item questioned solemnly, "This is not death;

your entire existence will be erased, and your soul will not reincarnate from the afterlife..." Unlike Yami Bakura, who was an extension of Zorc Necrophades itself, Kisara's identity will be completely removed from this world. It was as if she never existed in the first place... "Of course, and I'm prepared for what will happen." Kisara smiled reassuringly, "So please

don't be guilty..."

Biting his lips, Atem nodded reluctantly, and the two held out their hands, holding the Millennium Puzzle.

With trembling breath, Atem began to chant, and a golden ring formed around them.

Realising what was about to happen, Zorc Necrophades tried to stop them, but a massive golden shield formed around the entire palace.

The God hissed and stared at Isis standing in the corner. Blood dripped down her nose as she

burned her life force on casting this shield. With each strike of its fists, cracks formed on the

barrier and Isis endured.

Seeing Kisara's resolve, a raging fire burned in her heart, and she must also do everything she can to protect and honour her decision.

As the chant reached its climax, Atem gently stepped back as the magic circle surrounded Kisara. With a sad smile, she raised the Millennium Puzzle into the air as a warmth engulfed


Slowly, Kisara felt energy leaving her body, and her eyelids dimmed slightly. The circle expanded and formed a wall of light all around her, and her body glowed in a beautiful hue.

"This is fine..." She muttered quietly to herself, "This way... Everyone will be safe..." Kisara closed her eyes in acceptance as the spell gradually reached its finalisation.


Suddenly, a figure burst into the wall of light, catching Kisara off guard, and she hurriedly

caught the person in front of her.

"Y... Yuna?!" she yelped in shock, and her calm expression vanished. "You idiot!!!" Yuna screamed angrily, "Why would you do such a thing?!"

"No... That's not the point. You have to go away right now..." Kisara stuttered in a panic, and

Yuna scoffed.

"Go where?!" She shouted, "Do you really think I would let you do this!?" "Yuna, please..." Under Yuna's dejected gaze, Kisara wavered, and she bit her lips.

"Idiot..." Yuna hugged her tightly, "Are you really going through with this?" "Yes..." She nodded with determination, "If I don't, I will lose everyone, which was

something I dread even more..." Trying to act like a mature adult, Kisara stood by her


Yuna was speechless at Kisara's tone, and her fingers trembled as she held onto the corner of her sleeves, "But you won't just die... You will disappear..." Tears fell down her eyes, and she cried, "Why would you go this far?"

"Yuna, there's never going to be a true happy ending without a form of sacrifice." Kisara

explained slowly, "But to be able to save everyone with just my measly soul? That's more than a happy ending for me, and I will do anything to achieve it..."

Listening to her explanation, Yuna shook her head, "No... That's not my happy ending!"

Suddenly, Yuna reached out and clasped their hands together, "But like you said, Kisara, I will also do anything to achieve my happy ending..."

"Y... Yuna?!" Kisara uttered in surprise as their bodies pressed against each other, "What are

you doing?!"

"What do you think? I will sacrifice myself too..." When she raised her head, Kisara saw her bright smile with tears streaming down both of her eyes,

"Kisara, I promised you that I would always be by your side, and I refused to break that vow."

"But you will get wiped out as well!!" She shrieked and tried to pull away.

"That might be the case," Yuna agreed readily, "But if there's the possibility that I can use my

soul to share this burden with you. We might be able to survive."

"How can we trust that?!" Kisara yelled, "That's crazy!"

"It is, but I'm willing to try if that means you will be able to survive..." Yuna stated softly, "I

won't let my family die..."

"Yuna..." Kisara mumbled, and the fear she was hiding finally showed through her gaze. She

found the bravado that she put up was crumbling, and the two tightly embraced each other for


Both of them were terrified, but they didn't run away as they were ready to sacrifice for each of their goals of saving everyone...

"SANO!!!" Yugi and Atem shouted in a panic when they noticed that Yuna wasn't leaving the

magic circle as the golden light became blindingly vibrant.

Looking at her friends, she smiled and shook her head. Stroking Kisara's hair, she saw her

fingers slowly turning into particles of light. Despite the threat of being wiped out of existence, the sensation felt soothing and warm.

"Don't worry... We will definitely see each other again..." Yuna whispered, and Kisara grinned.

"Yeah..." She cried with happiness, "Thank you for everything..."

"Thank you as well..." Yuna laughed.

Together with one last embrace, Kisara and Yuna burst into light, and they vanished into

specks that floated towards the stars...


Zorc Necrophades finally busted through the barrier, but it was already too late.

A blinding light engulfed the entire city. Instantly, all the injuries everyone had suffered

began healing at a rapid pace. To Atem and his friend's shock, even the people who had passed away started to wake one by one as if their death was a lie...

Suddenly, to Atem's shock, the three Egyptian Gods appeared before their eyes. Their figures turned white as they fused into the shape of a woman with wings.

Her height easily matched Zorc Necrophades, and her body was adorned with gold-coloured

ceremonial battle armour. On her head, she wore an ornamental helmet that resembled the head of the Winged Dragon of Ra...

Sensing the powerful energy from the new foe, Zorc Necrophades howled and lunged fearlessly. However, to everyone's shock, the woman calmly waved her hand, firing a flaming beam that pierced through God's chest like paper.

Such malevolent darkness... You shall be purged.

Before Zorc Necrophades could react, a wall of fire surrounded the evil god, and it roared as its

flesh burned fiercely. No matter what it does, the flames won't seem to go away, and they are

convulsed in agony.


With a clench of her fist, Zorc Necrophades was instantly burned to a crisp, leaving not even an

ounce of the god behind.

My name is Holactie, the Creator of Light, the Goddess of this world...

My poor children, due to my incompetence, I allowed such a creature to spawn on this mortal plane.

I have reverted all the damage this creature has done. I'm proud of all of you. Please rest now...

You have won...

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With a final farewell, Holactie closed her eyes and vanished. When they finally registered what

had happened, the soldiers raised their weapons and cheered, hugging each other with joy

while some burst into tears as their friends who they thought had died came back to life. However, Atem and others couldn't find themself celebrating. Staring at the spot where Yuna and Kisara previously stood, they felt a sense of loss as they stared into space


The Trial of Memories has been completed...

A monotonous voice echoed in their heads as a bluish portal manifested behind them. While it

should have been joyous for Yugi and his friends, none of them were able to smile, knowing what sacrifices had been made to complete this trial...

"Y... Your Majesty..." Atem glanced beside him and saw Shimon standing up shakily, his fatal

wounds completely healed. "What happened?"

"Shimon..." Atem muttered and hurriedly supported the elderly man, "It's over... We have won..." With shaky breath, he explained the appearance of the Goddess who annihilated the evil god.

"I see..." Shimon smiled with relief, but he frowned when he observed his surroundings. "My

lord, do you perhaps know where my student is? I'm quite worried, and I want to make sure

she's safe..."

Atem froze, and he averted his gaze. Unable to answer his question. "Kisara!" Another familiar voice shouted in worry, "Kisara, where are you?!" Turning towards the source of the commotion, Atem watched Priest Seto shout nervously

before quickly approaching him, "Your majesty, where is Lady Kisara?!" "That..." Atem paused before lowering his head. Like a broken record player, only two words flowed out of his mouth...

"I'm sorry..."


[??? POV]

"Where am I?"

I muttered out loud and opened my eyes. Everything was utterly dark, and my body twitched

in fear at this silent blackness.

*Step Step*

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me, and I turned around before collapsing onto my knees.

Tears streamed down my face as I hesitantly called out to the woman gracefully approaching


"Kisara..." I mumbled with a choked voice, my shoulders slumping with relief. Raising her head, Kisara smiled lovingly as we embraced each other.

"What happened... Did we survive? Where are we?" Dozens of questions burst out of my lips

as I held her warily in this environment. "Aki..." Kisara spoke softly, "It's okay..."

"Why are you calling me that..." I questioned anxiously, confused by her strange choice of


However, when I observed my appearance, I found myself back in my original body, where I

still lived on Earth. I found my outfit changed into a simple grey uniform. My height shrunken, and my hair colour changed from ocean blue to black. Touching my face and hair, I could feel the familiar round glasses and twin braids hanging down my back. "This is..." I muttered in a much quieter and timid voice, "My old body... What's happening to

me?!" Suddenly, our surroundings were filled with light; in front of us stood a tall woman shining with a divine light, and it wasn't long for me to grasp her identity... "Holactie... Why are you here..."

"Aki," Kisara grasped my hand, "It's alright," Following her gaze, my eyes widened as I

stared at my body. No, to be more accurate, the body of Yuna Sano with her back facing us.

Without turning around, Yuna walked deeper into the darkness, and I subconsciously tried to follow her. However, Kisara stopped me, tightly holding onto my hand. "What's going on?" I asked uneasily, and Kisara smiled wryly.

"It's up to Yuna now..." She muttered, "We can only cheer her on on the sidelines, but in time,

we will learn the truth."

Nodding, we watched Yuna's figure become distant, eventually disappearing into the darkness. Still smiling, Kisara led me towards Holactie, and the god welcomed us with open


"It's really okay..." I heard Kisara comforting me, "In time, we will get that happy ending we

wished for..."

I hope you enjoy it.

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