Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil-Chapter 1837 Jolly: The Top 3rd Origin Points Contributor

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Chapter 1837 Jolly: The Top 3rd Origin Points Contributor

?After a few days of torture rounds and strict interrogation, Eren soon extracted all the information he could from the spies.

Just as he had promised, Eren conducted a closed-door meeting with all the elders of the coven before putting forward his findings.

The coven elders were shocked by Eren's report. They didn't know that their coven had the possession of such a big thing. Of course, some of them started to hesitate to act on the lead Eren had extracted from the spies, fearing the potential consequences.

However, Eren had already decided to use Darkmoon Fellowship's might to his advantage. He wanted to get to the bottom of the thing Asmodeous and his allies had hidden and possibly lay claim over it.

As such, he didn't let Darkmoon Fellowship back away from the upcoming project. He had Shaai's unwavering support in the coven council. It didn't take long for Eren to convince a majority of other elders as well. One could say that the butcher did things very thoroughly once he decided to invest his time and efforts into them.

However, he agreed with some of the elders when they said that they needed some time to prepare before they acted on the lead given to them by the spies. This job couldn't be rushed.

This was a slow project that had an incubation period. So Eren kept possessing Jolly Jalen often within the following weeks to personally look after its smooth execution.

Eren also observed that the more he kept possessing the pseudo-avatars and taking the wheel behind their actions, the more their behavior pattern started to match Eren.

For example, Jolly was basically not any different than the current Eren even if he were to retract the manual control.

This was the effect of Eren's demonic possession, which was slowly but surely turning Jolly into another version of him.

Jolly still had some of the knacks of being a real Jolly Jalen. But his identity and his Individuality were slowly assimilated with Eren's identity as time passed.

The new pseudo-avatar creation method changed the original hosts of the body into the demons they were being possessed by when Eren used the Demons' Way of possessing someone as a foundation for his pseudo-avatar creation method.

Not that Eren minded changing Jolly Jalen forever, painting him in his shade. However, he consciously let some of Jolly's consciousness and his habits be retained when the demonic possession started taking root in his body.

He eventually stabilized the demonic possession and stopped himself from completely consuming Jolly's consciousness.

After all, Eren didn't want a second version of his copy standing in front of him. Even he would find it a bit uncomfortable meeting with a man who was just like him. One could say that he knew himself well.

Eren eventually disposed of the spies after extracting all the information from them, turning them into potent Gluttony Pearls he could use in his battles. He also made use of the coven's resources and its vast knowledge to enrich himself.

He utilized the Darkmoon Fellowship's library and its Ranking Resources, gaining access to various important topics and Array Formation-based Skills.

In his free time, Eren spent time with Shaai, acting like a good husband material and taking care of her. He also sparred with her and learned many things he could from her.

When he had nothing to do, he often left the coven grounds with Shaai to complete some of the missions she was supposed to fulfill as the grand elder witch.

With his network of fiends, it wasn't hard for Eren to help Shaai and the coven to some extent. Of course, Eren provided this help secretly to avoid uncovering the identity of his real body behind Jolly's actions.

If Eren did not make use of his demigod powers or Elder Ichor's abilities, Shaai held an obvious advantage in their spars because of her S-Rank, which he couldn't overcome, especially when using Jolly's body to tap into his Elemental Attainments and powers.

However, he took this limitation as a challenge and started improving himself. He didn't mind getting bested by his own wife, so to speak.

The use of the pseudo-avatar helped Eren stabilize his own gains and consolidate his multifaceted Ranking Path. It also allowed him to train his mind and soul with consistent possessions and digest various forms of experiences and Elemental Attainments.

Moreover, Jolly Jalen became Eren's third top Origin Force Points contributor after marrying Shaai.

Since the Darkmoon Fellowship was a well-established coven and one of the top forces within the demonic faction, it had a large number of members, allies, followers, and even some enemies.

When the news of Shaai's union with Jolly spread, it started earning Eren loads of Origin Force Points.

Being Eren, he started to make use of this opportunity to gain more and more Origin Force Points. He publicly showed affection to Shaai in front of juniors and elders alike.

Anyway, the faction related to Asmodeus was always known to be bold in its way of showing affection, and Shaai was supposed to be one of the heads who led this faction. So Eren's actions didn't break his character. Shaai also didn't mind and reciprocated Eren's romantic actions with equal enthusiasm.

People were only more convinced than ever that Shaai and Jolly were right in marrying each other. Previous doubts were put to rest by the elders. Their romance started to act like the couple's goals in the eyes of the coven's younger generation.

Eren earned plenty of Origin Force Points with this endeavor with Jolly alone, which would allow him to assimilate with three more Virtue Series Marks.

Eren was in the process of getting the Virtue of Patience soon, which would allow him to strengthen his Sin of Wrath. With the Origin Force Points he earned from Jolly, he could finally go forward with the plan.

Nothing too complicated happened to the rest of Eren's pseudo-avatars during this time. They were busy completing their own tasks at hand.

Some of them had achieved early signs of success while the others were busy establishing a firm foothold in the regions they were in.