Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil-Chapter 1797 Blessing Bestowment

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Chapter 1797 Blessing Bestowment

Swoosh. Swoosh. Swoosh.

As Eren immersed himself in contemplation, the capsules crafted from Echidna's Placenta solidified before cracking open one by one, reminiscent of newly hatched creatures breaking free from eggshells.

Having successfully obtained a pseudo-avatar from the batch, Eren transformed the remaining living test subjects into fiends. Simultaneously, these fiends gained consciousness and assembled behind Eren.

"Roza, guide these fiends out and lead them to Kayara. She would know what to do with them," Eren instructed Roza without turning back.

These fiends, derived from the test subjects, lacked individual egos; they were Eren's obedient minions, following his orders without question. While Eren could grant them autonomy, he considered it unnecessary for the assigned tasks. There were distinct advantages to having mindless entities that executed specific actions without the burden of cognitive thinking.

For instance, Eren utilized these mindless minions in large-scale production of Hex Potions and Hex Artifacts. These tasks demanded precision and repetition rather than independent decision-making, making the mindless approach more efficient.

Eren had already established a well-organized system for these obedient minions to fulfill their roles, with Kayara playing a crucial role in managing the production lines.

Despite appearances, Eren wasn't running these production lines for commercial gain. Instead, he used the products to support his followers, ensuring that any gains he received from them merely covered the production costs.

It wasn't that Eren lacked a desire to accumulate wealth in Labh Salem; however, his priority was to cater to the needs of his followers first. Once his responsibilities as a demi-god were fulfilled, amassing wealth could be pursued at any time.

"Yes, my liege," Roza bowed to Eren, gesturing for the fiends to follow her outside the underground facility. In a few breaths, Eren found himself alone in the underground facility. He looked around before getting up.

"Aaah! I still haven't worn clothes," Eren realized he had been sitting naked ever since he had come to the central section of the underground facility. Quickly, he retrieved a pair of clothes from his Inventory and wore them before speaking to himself.

"Well, with the seventh pseudo-avatar dispatched to do my bidding, I have nothing else that needs my immediate attention," Eren caressed his chin in contemplation as he thought to himself. "It's about time I checked out the Temple of Sekhmet during this year's festival. But before that, I need to make a few concoctions for that useful idiot."

[ Accumulated Origin Force Points: 100,001 ]

Eren was about to proceed with making a few low-level potions for Wilfer when a notification message popped up on his Spectral Screen. He raised his eyebrows before opening the notification.

[ User can now use Blessing Bestowment ]

"Blessing bestowment? What is that?" Eren asked aloud as he saw a brief explanation regarding the new pop-up. In the next moment, as if answering his query, a new message was shown.

[The required amount of Origin Force Points has been met for a unique function to get unlocked for the user. You can now bestow Blessings upon your followers using 100,000 Origin Force Points as collateral.

The Origin Force Points would be consumed every time the Blessed uses your Blessing. The amount would replenish itself automatically using the user's everyday earnings of the Origin Force Points.

The 100,000 Origin Force Points only allow the user to select fewer than 10 potential Blessed followers. The Blessings would get deactivated automatically if the basic Origin Force Points amount fails to get replenished after a certain amount of time.

The Mesh would charge a percentage of cut from the Origin Force Points every time the Blessings get actuated by the user's followers. This cut would vary depending on the number of Blessed followers as well as the frequency of the Blessings used by them.]

Eren kept reading about the conditions related to the use of the new demi-god-specific function he had unlocked for himself. The more he read, the more fascinated he got. He also scrunched his nose in annoyance when he read about Goddess Menaka's charges she would impose upon Eren if and when he decided to make use of the said function.

"Damn. This goddess doesn't rest," Eren opened his eyes wide when he realized what he had stumbled upon. He had to say that he was impressed with the way the goddess Menaka had established her divinity that allowed her to make profits no matter how many gods and demigods were created or died in the boundless cosmos.

Faith was indeed like a business for the Immortals and their followers. In a way, this was also a transaction between someone like him and his potential followers. He had to invest in his followers to make his faith grow further.

Eren was sure that no ordinary demi-god would be able to bestow their followers with Blessings. At least he hadn't heard of any single demi-god who could do so in all five years he had stayed in Labh Salem.

This was because the required amount of 100,000 Origin Force Points couldn't be met by the upstart demi-gods. They were simply not qualified to bless their followers even if their divinity was supported by a particular pantheon.

Eren, on the other hand, had an abominable divinity to rely on. He had established himself as a very solid demi-god just by making people angry at him, envy him, become greedy for his possessions, and whatnot. His divinity had allowed him to bank upon his haters and people who weren't his followers.

"Um. I don't know how to bless someone. First of all, what would be my blessing in the first place?" Eren thought to himself as he decided to use the function provided to him by the Mesh. He knew that a huge chunk of Origin Force Points would practically become useless for him if he were to proceed with the option. However, he decided to invest in the followers nonetheless without worrying about his well-being.

Upon receiving Eren's approval, the 100,000 Origin Force Points were locked away from Eren. In a way, it had been turned into a fixed deposit that he couldn't touch.

[ Scanning the user's experiences and expertise to create Blessing Templates ]

Eren saw another notification pop up when he decided to proceed further with activating the function. It took a while for the Mesh to present him with options for the Potential Blessings he could bestow upon his followers.

[ Option 1: Expedited Regeneration (From level 1 to 5) ]

[ Option 2: Sedating Gaze (From level 1 to 5) ]