Vampire's Slice Of Life-Chapter 63: What I Want To Do

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Lith woke up the next morning. He found the familiar face of his mother looking at him lovingly. He smiled and said

"Goodmorning, mom."

"Goodmorning, baby." Lilith smiled and kissed Lith's forehead.

"Goodmorning, big sis." Lith kissed Lucy's forehead and said.

"Goodmorning, dear." Lucy smiled and said.

After the morning greetings, Lith, Lucy and Lilith had a bath together. They didn't do anything naughty and simply enjoyed the time in the bath together.

Lith was now having his breakfast in Lilith's bedroom. He had to eat to fulfill the nutritional needs and he also liked the food here. He was eating quietly without speaking. Lilith was watching him eat with a smile. Lucy had gone to do her job as the substitute Queen.

Lith was thinking about something and he suddenly thought 'I've been living in my mother's bedroom for all this while. Not that I hate it but what does my room look like in this big castle?'

He made up his mind to check out his room and so he quickly finished his food and looked at his mother and said

"Mom, I must be having a room for myself, correct?"

"Yes, of course. Are you planning to leave mama's side and sleep in your own room for now on?" Lilith made a sad expression and asked.

"Of course not. I just had a passing thought." Lith said honestly. He really had no plans and only wanted to check out his room.

"Come, I ll show it to you." Lilith said with a smile.

Lith placed the empty plates and cutlery at the center of the table and poured a little of his spiritual energy. The magic circle lit up and everything vanished. This was a small teleportation circle which directly sent the dishes to get cleaned and be placed in their respective places. Lith then held Lilith's hand and they walked together.

Lith's room wasn't too far from Lilith's. There was a narrow corridor outside Lilith's bedroom with the high arched ceiling. It was 300 meters long and only 50 meters wide. The floor had a luxurious red carpet on it. There were paintings along the corridor and certain drawings at the arched ceiling. The whole corridor was well lit up with white light that had a bit of yellowish hue.

Lilith was holding Lith's hand and was walking along the corridor. They walked for a while and soon reached a door at the end of the corridor. There were stairs leading downstairs and upstairs beside the door. Lilith said with a smile

"Exactly after 150 meters from here is my room in the middle of the corridor and at the end of the corridor is Lucy's room. You've obviously been to that end because you had to go to the training arena by taking the stairs beside Lucy's room.

Are you surprised knowing your room was just at the opposite end and yet you didn't even bother to check it once?"

"Yeah, sort of. I never really had much curiousity to know what lied in the opposite direction of the corridor. I only had the thought to go train for that day and get done with it." Lith explained.

Lilith chuckled and didn't say anything anymore. She opened the door of the room and led Lith inside.

Lith found the room exactly same as that of Lilith's except it didn't have red and white walls. It had black and grey walls. The furniture was pretty much the same except the bed being half the size of Lilith's and there was a much bigger bookshelf at the side. The room was roughly square in shape.

At one corner there was the bed attached to the wall. In front of the bed around 10 meters away from it was a study table with a lamp placed on it. Beside the bed was a small dressing table where a lamp was placed and at the opposite side of it was a big rectangular windows that touched the ceiling and the floor. Outside the window was a big rectangular balcony to sit. It had glass fencing around it. The view from the balcony was of a slope and at the end of the slope was the dark rose forest.

There were curtains drawn and the view had been blocked. There was a small corridor that led to the bathroom and also to the snack room specifically designed because Lith was a growing kid and would need snacks probably have his cravings satisfied. This was what the maids thought when they designed it. In Lilith's and Lucy's room whose design was the same, in place of the snack room, Lilith and Lucy had their study there.

Lith found his room cozy and comfortable to be in but he won't really be sleeping here. He'll come here at times when he needed alone time and nothing else. He went ahead and sat at the study table. He said to Lilith smiling

"Mom, I'll arrange some things in the room and come to you before dinner."

"Alright, dear." Lilith smiled and said. She went ahead and kissed his forehead and went away. She knew he wanted to spend some time alone, so she left like a good understanding mother.

Lith sat there and he brought Rena out. He said to her

"Hey, we both will be leaving for Abalax World Academy after a few months. You can stay with your family till then. I'll pick you up before going. They are in the dark rose forest. Go to a maid and ask her to guide you."

'Okay, master.' Rena didn't say much and left.

Lith sat there and started contemplating about few things.

It has been more than thirteen years since his new life started. He had a loving family and he was satisfied with everything he had. He had fame, fortune and even beauties such as his mother and big sister. It wasn't achieved by his own efforts but he didn't feel bad about it. He considered it as his own luck. Not everyone had a chance to have what Lith had when they are just born.

If someone who were moral and righteous, they wouldn't accept such a thing. They would discard all of it and go through various hardship and experiences to build one of their own. The righteous and moral people would then be satisfied and feel a sense of accomplishment. This was the way of thinking of a person who was morally of a very good and kind nature.

Lith wasn't like that. He didn't consider himself as a saint. He had all the fame and fortune ever since he was born, why would he stupidly work hard and achieve the same thing he already had. What benefit was there to be a morally good person? It was nothing but a load of crap and farce for people who liked playing hero and feel themselves to be superior by accomplishing things on their own.

Lith then thought, what was he supposed to do in life? He already had everything. His mother was very overpowered and he had a feeling that, he wouldn't really die until she was present here. She would always look after him. He felt warm in his heart but he also had a concern. What if something happens to him? Wouldn't his mother and big sister be really sad? Although he wouldn't die because his mother would save him but that doesn't mean she would not be worried.

He needed to solve this problem. He only had a very cliche thought in his mind to solve his problem but he didn't want to think about it. He tried thinking of various other things to solve this problem but none came to his mind. He eventually gave up and sighed to himself. He thought to himself

'Sigh, do I really need to have thoughts like those third rate protagonists from novels and animes? Have my thoughts been influenced? Why am I only having one thought to solve that problem and couldn't think of any other?'

He didn't care anymore and thought again 'Ugh, it's so annoying to come up with an answer. Fuck it. I'll do it. I'll get stronger to not let anyone bother me and to not let my mother and big sister be worried because of it.'

That's right. The cliche thought Lith had was that he needs to get stronger. He felt that he was really stupid to thinking of this. He nevertheless had no other ideas at the moment to solve that problem. Thus, he decisively gave up and chose what he was thinking.

Next, Lith thought on what he should do in this new life of his. In his previous mortal life, he was a teenager who was studying and hoping to graduate and have a good job, a stable career and a loving family. He would go on vacation with his family or sometimes alone and tour the world and live happily with a normal job and family. He didn't expect too much from himself back then. He had limited lifespan back then and this much was enough to get satisfied.

Now the problem was different. He had a never ending lifespan. What was he supposed to do now? He had a headache thinking of this. He changed his question a little and thought, what did he like to do?

He came up with a few answers and selected the best ones. He liked to travel and most important of all, he really liked face slapping. He'll think of other things later but these two things, he really liked them very much. He came back to the question of what to do now. Currently, he only wanted to do two things. First, travel the world and experience what it had to offer and second, faceslap people.

Lith had these thoughts on what he was going to do as of now. Faceslapping would become boring if did too much so he had to do it wisely and find a perfect target for it. Travelling and exploring the world would be a good adventure and past time for him. This world also had many dimensions and exploring them would be nice. He had to do it before he reached a certain level of strength. Once he gets too strong, everything would become too easy and it won't be fun anymore.

Lith's current plans became about traveling and faceslapping along with getting strong so as to not get his mother or big sister worried. What good place would there be to faceslap other than an academy where people of many race came together? Lith thought to himself and chuckled wickedly. He was itching to have some action.

He was a Vampire and there sure would be people who would hate on him just for that.

People would consider him as a leech sucking off people's blood or maybe be disgusted because of his nature to drink blood or maybe because he was a Vampire in itself. He didn't know nor did he guess too much but he knew one fact very well. Where there are people, there are bound to be conflicts and it is inevitable. He got excited a little, thinking about doing this and that with stupid people.

He then had another thought. He got worried because he didn't really have the ability to faceslap people right now! He was nothing but a mere rank 1 Vampire. He had an all elemental affinity but he hadn't trained too much in it. It was only just a few weeks ago that he awakened his magic core. The entrance test only a few months away.

His magic core awakened in the month of February and it was March currently. The entrance test would be in January next year. He needed to get stronger to have the ability to faceslap people! He thought to himself. He didn't even consider the fact that, he was calling getting stronger as cliche a few moments ago and now without hesitation he had this thought. He was very determined now.

He got up from his chair. His plan was to meet Dennis and Cecilia but just thought 'Fuck it. Faceslapping matters more than having friends as of now and I'll meet Dennis in the academy anyway.'

Lith didn't even consider the fact that he had to pass the entrance test to get into the academy. He was becoming arrogant subconsciously. The reason he didn't think about it was simple. If he, a son of such a strong being isn't capable to pass, then no one else is. His mother was the source of his arrogance and pride.

Lith went out of his room and rushed towards Lilith's bedroom. He walked and said to his mom who was sitting on a chair hurriedly

"Mom, come train me. There's no time to waste and I need to get stronger before the entrance test."

Lilith was surprised at her son's sudden declaration. She smiled and teased

"Did you masturbate in your room and have what people on the internet call 'post-nut clarity' something?"

Lilith would surf the internet if she had nothing to do and try to catch up with the current culture and trends.

"Mom, no time to joke. I am serious, come train me. If you don't, hmm, I'll not drink your milk anymore for a few months." Lith gave a little threat to his mother.

Lilith panicked. She immediately got serious and took Lith's arms and teleported to the training arena. The threat worked like a charm on her. It would be very bad for her if her baby didn't drink her milk. She didn't want to let this happen at any cost!

Lilith became very serious to train Lith now. She first stripped him naked and started touching his body from all angles. She then made him do certain poses to check his flexibility and growth of certain hidden muscles in his body. She made a mental note of everything that Lith needed to work upon and instantly came up with a training plan for him.

Lith was surprised at his mother's serious attitude. He didn't know that his threat would work such wonders on his ever cheerful mother. He became a little smug thinking he won this time. Nevertheless, now that he had asked her to train him, he followed her every word religiously.

Lilith started making Lith do certain physical excercises and gave him equipments which were inlaid with magic. Lith had to excercise with their help. Lith did strength, endurance and a little hypertrophy traning to help his lacking muscles grow a little.

He was then trained to have better reflexes, agility, flexibility, flight control and at the very last, he was trained to have a strong mind and willpower.

The traning came to an end after a whole twelve hours. Lith was exhausted physically, mentally and spiritually due to his spiritual energy being almost drained up to cast spells. He had to not only cast spells, he had to even blend few elements into each other and cause brand new spells to occur. This drained him a lot but he was satisfied with the work he did. If this continued, he for sure would have the ability he wanted the most.

Lith was now being carried like a baby to Lilith's bedroom. He had his arms wrapped around Lilith's neck, his face resting on her shoulder, his legs dangling on the sides and his butt being supported by Lilith's both palms.

"Do you want to have a bath baby?" Lilith asked with a smile. She was proud of Lith because he worked really hard and endured whatever she throwed at him.

"No, mom. Please cast a spell and let's sleep. I am very tired." Lith said in a weak voice. His throat hurt because he was asked to cast ultrasonic waves from it like a bat and try to destroy certain objects with it.

Lilith smiled and put him on bed. She then asked him to drink her blood and he did that. He fell asleep after that very quickly. Lilith hugged Lith and patted his back and caressed his hair and let him have a good sleep. She smiled looking at her tired baby. She too slept along with him after a while.