Urban God-level Youth
A typical, frail senior high school student had acquired the SuperCivilization Technology System. From academic dreg to academic prodigy, from the weak to the strong. Basketball genius, top-level hacker, medical sage, business tycoon... Empowering the nation through technology, elevating our great Huaxia!
- C.532 - 534 Gilbert’s CalculationNEW
- C.531 - 533 Tyrant ContractNEW
- C.530 - 532 Anna Insher
- C.529 - 531: Invitation
- C.528 - 530 Flaws
- C.527 - 529 Star Domain Network
- C.526 - 528 Layout of the Internet
- C.525 - 527: No Sight
- C.524 - 526: Establishing the Headquarters Building
- C.523 - 525: The Strength of the Mosi Family
- C.522 - 524: Terminate All Cooperation
- C.521 - 523 Come Back
- C.520 - 522: Internet Communications Industry
- C.519 - 521: What Do You Think I Will Do?
- C.518 - 520 Compulsory Education
- C.517 - 519: Bringing You Down
- C.516 - 518: The Truth Revealed
- C.515 - 517 The Puppet Master
- C.514 - 516 Chang Anding
- C.513 - 515: The Long Number
- C.512 - 514: Captured
- C.511 - 513: Starry Universe
- C.510 512: Turn the Tables
- C.509 511 Bet
- C.508 510 Conclusive Evidence
- C.507 509 Strong
- C.506 : After Becoming Rich Overnight
- C.505 507: Seeing Jiang Tao Again
- C.504 506 Dividends
- C.503 505: Finalizing the Cooperation
- C.502 504 Earthquake
- C.501 503: It’s Not About the Money
- C.500 - 502 The Ambition of the Ross Family
- C.499 - 501 Negotiating Cooperation
- C.498 - 500 We Just Want to Make Money
- C.497 - 499: If You Don’t Eat, You Can Leave
- C.496 - 498 Arrival
- C.495 - 497: The Taste Changed
- C.494 - 496 Xia Qing
- C.493 - 495 Investigation
- C.492 - 494 Calligraphy Grandmaster
- C.491 - 493 The Li Family Sends Someone
- C.490 - 492: Explosive
- C.489 - 491: A Stone Stirs up a Thousand Ripples
- C.488 - 490 Roll Out
- C.487 - 489 Getting Something for Nothing?
- C.486 - 488 Questioning
- C.485 - 487 Uplifting
- C.484 - 486: Is This a Damn Exhibition?
- C.483 - 485: The Exhibition Begins
- C.482 - 484 Artificial Intelligence
- C.481 - 483 High-Tech Exhibition
- C.480 - 482 Concern
- C.479 - 481 Response
- C.478 - 480 Wanted Order
- C.477 - 479: Engagement
- C.476 - 478 Meeting Both Parties
- C.475 - 477 Auction
- C.474 - 476 Qian Du Company
- C.473 - 475: Fifty Million
- C.472 - 474 Hurry Up and Have Children
- C.471 - 473: Chance Encounter at the Airport
- C.470 - 472 Advanced Surveillance Technology
- C.469 - 471 Jiangshan Group
- C.468 - 470 The Price of Family Ties
- C.467 - 469 Singing
- C.466 - 468 Inspection
- C.465 - 467: The Hot Topic Maker
- C.464 - 466: Being Targeted
- C.463 - 465 Anxiety
- C.462 - 464 Decision
- C.461 - 463: Meeting Xu Liangguo
- C.460 - 462: In Demand
- C.459 - 461 Chen Ping and Qin Man
- C.458 - 460: Luo Feng’s Suicide
- C.457 - 459 Exposed
- C.456 - 458: A Great Upheaval
- C.455 - 457 Good News
- C.454 - 456 Huamei Company’s New Product
- C.453 - 455: Sensor
- C.452 - 454 Shock
- C.451 - 453 Number 001
- C.450 - 452 D-Class Metal
- C.449 - 451 Meteor
- C.448 - 450 Source Code
- C.447 - 449: Headache of Luo Ze
- C.446 - 448 Leukemia
- C.445 - 447 Negotiations
- C.12 - Li Bao’s Change
- C.11 - Indescribable Items
- C.10 - Li Bao
- C.9 - : The University Promise
- C.8 - Writing Love Letters
- C.7 - Qin Hao’s Transformation
- C.6 - Go Die
- C.5 - Revenge
- C.4 - : The Deceptive Task
- C.3 - The Kind Are Easy to Bully
- C.2 - : The Loving Heart of Parents Across the World
- C.1 - SuperCivilization Technology System