Unserious Beast Tamer-Chapter 382 - 234 Old Man He Nian l

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Chapter 382: Chapter 234 Old Man He Nian l

Unaware of the conflicts within the Beast Field, Xu Ran was completely oblivious.

After meditating all night, he felt that his contract power had increased considerably and nodded in satisfaction.

He was close, breaking through to the fourth stage of contract power was just within reach.

Upon hearing Xu Ran wake up, the four little beasts woke up one after another from their sleep.

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Except for Twelve who looked a bit out of sorts from not sleeping well, the other three were full of energy.

“We are going to freshen up and then prepare breakfast for you,” Xu Ran said, changing into his clothes and getting up.


Twelve blinked its eyes and immediately perked up.

But… what’s freshening up?

Seeing the three little ones follow Xu Ran expertly into the bathroom, Twelve pondered, its eyes gleaming with curiosity and it ambled in too.

As soon as it entered, Twelve’s eyes couldn’t help but widen.

It saw Ziyun standing on its hind legs on a stool, front paw on the wash basin and the other paw holding a special toothbrush. Ziyun brushed its teeth proficiently, working up a lot of foam quickly.

Ziyun then dipped its head into a bowl of water nearby, took a big gulp, spit it out, and thus completed its freshening up routine.

Star and Cancan, on the other hand, had different ways of freshening up.

Star drank a glass of mouthwash as it had no flexible paws. After making some gargling noises, it spat it out, and its two rows of neat teeth were instantly clean.

The cleaning of Cancan’s teeth was the trickiest out of the three as it had all sharp dragon teeth arranged in two layers; conventional toothbrushes could not clean them properly.

So, it used an electric toothbrush specially prepared by Xu Ran. With a humming noise, Cancan’s teeth were well-cleaned. When it opened its mouth, it even looked more intimidating than usual.

Seeing the actions of the three little ones, Twelve got somewhat puzzled.

As everyone knows, birds don’t have teeth.

So, what could it do to not be the odd one out?

Awaiting online for advice, somewhat urgently.

Upon seeingTwelve’s confused expression, Xu Ran smiled and brought forth a specially prepared stone, like magic, and put it in front of Twelve, saying, “This is for you.”

Twelve looked curiously at the stone in front of it and quickly understood its use.

Slowly, it leaned forward, using its hard beak to rub onto the coarse stone. The surface of the stone quickly scraped off the dirt from its beak, easily restoring it to its original cleanliness.

The next second, there was another smooth stone in front of it.

“This is a polishing stone for polishing. Try it out.”

Twelve looked at Xu Ran and gladly rubbed its beak on the polishing stone. Instantly, its once dull beak from scrubbing was now shiny, even feeling a refreshing sense of renewal.

Using the cleaned beak to smooth out its feathers, Twelve looked at its own mirror image and nodded in satisfaction.

Day one of trying to fit in: Successful!

” Hope to see you again soon – ”

Seeing the customers leave satisfied, there was a hint of a smile on Xu Ran’s face.

Time flew by, and two days had passed since he agreed with Twelve to breakthrough the fourth stage contract power and form a contract with it.

With the day’s business over, he was going to head back to Xieyun City.

Since there was no contract yet, Twelve still couldn’t accompany Xu Ran to Xieyun City.

However, the threesome had already agreed with Twelve to pick it up the following week.

According to Xu Ran’s judgement of his own progress in meditation, he would be able to breakthrough the contract power of the fourth stage within a week.

He was going to Xieyun City first this time to help Twelve exchange for the resources needed for evolution. If all went well after contracting Twelve, he could even take it to Xieyun City to show its strength on the elite stage pet beast ranking.

With this thought, Xu Ran couldn’t help but look at Twelve, who was sitting next to the counter swinging its little stumpy legs.

Knowing he would be parting with his trio buddies tomorrow, Twelve was especially clingy today. Although it didn’t say a word, it didn’t go on its usual wanderings but stayed by the counter accompanying him.

Without Twelve’s participation, the trio did not go out of the city to pick up garbage, and were still hard at work in the training area.

“Don’t worry, after I return from Xieyun City tonight, I’ll come back for you in afewdays,” Xu Ran said softly, stroking Twelve’s head.

“Chirp!” (It’s a deal!)

Twelve nodded heavily, revealing a hopeful look in its eyes.

After the contract is completed, it could then participate in resource allocation.

It had been dreaming about this resource allocation mentioned frequently by the trio for a long time now.

The anticipation and anxiety for the new evolution path filled its heart.

The small conversation between the human and pet was disrupted as new customers walked into the store from outside.

“Welcome!” Xu Ran stood up habitually and was startled as he saw the old man who entered the shop.

This old man, he had seen once before.

When he won the New Beast Master Challenge Match, he had been awarded an opportunity to pick a beast egg from the Beast Egg Library.

The old man was in charge of guarding the library back then.

“Good to see you again, sir,” Xu Ran quickly greeted him, “I didn’t expect to meet you again.”

“Is that so?” A hint of amusement flashed in the old man’s eyes, “But I have been wanting to see you again a few times now.”


Xu Ran blinked in surprise.

What did that mean?

“I am He Nian,” the old man introduced himself lightly.

He Nian…

Hearing this name, at first, Xu Ran only vaguely recognized it. After a moment, his eyes widened.

Isn’t this the name of the President of the Beast Master Association in Qingzhou City?

Could it be that the man before him is…

“Yes.” Seeing the realization on Xu Ran’s face, He Nian nodded, “Just as you are thinking.”

Before Xu Ran could speak, He Nian started walking into the shop while speaking.

“Initially, when you participated in the exchange, bringing such honor to Qingzhou City, I should have met with you. But at the time, I had other things to take care of.”

“Now, I finally have the opportunity.”

“Good day, President He.” Xu Ran couldn’t help but straighten up a bit.

“No need to be so formal.” He Nian laughed, giving Xu Ran a pat on the shoulder. “Gu Wu has mentioned you a few times in my presence. Today, I’m simply here as a customer, bringing my Pet Beast to be cleaned.”

“No problem.” Xu Ran nodded, “How many are there?”

“All of them.” He Nian answered softly, a sharp look flickering in his eyes.

“Alright.” Xu Ran nodded and then instructed He Nian to follow him into the cleaning room. “Please summon your Pet Beast in the cleaning room.”


Although old, He Nian’s steps were steady as he followed Xu Ran into the cleaning room.


Watching the closed cleaning room door, the creature Twelve tilted its head in curiosity.

It felt like the very powerful-looking human was watching it.

Cleaning and caring for four General Stage Pet Beasts at once was not an easy task even for Xu Ran.

By the time Xu Ran had finished cleaning the last of He Nian’s General Stage Pet Beasts, the sky had gradually turned dusky.

“No wonder Gu Wu has told me so many good things about this shop.” Looking at his rejuvenated Pet Beasts, He Nian’s face unfolded into a smile of admiration. “Perhaps I should have come earlier.”

“President He is welcome here at any time.” Xu Ran laughed, “Even when I’m not around, there are shop assistants to provide the cleaning service, and their skills are just as good as mine.”

“Oh really…” He Nian sighed lightly, “Well, there might not be another chance.”

At the very moment when his words fell, the urgent alarm sounded loudly throughout Qingzhou City.

Xu Ran’s expression turned rigid.

This was the first time he had experienced this kind of alarm since he arrived here.

Yet he knew what it meant.

A Beast Tide.

Moreover, it was an unresolvable Beast Tide.

This was a warning for an impending citywide catastrophe!

He turned his head sharply to look at He Nian, whose expression was calm and not perturbed in the slightest. Xu Ran immediately understood.

Clearly, this association president somehow knew of the incoming disaster beforehand.

That was why he had come to the Starfire Foster Shop today, to have his four Pet Beasts cleaned and cared for, to get them into top shape!

That was why he had just mentioned “there might not be another chance.”

“President He, this…” Xu Ran started, his words were cut off by a thunderous roar coming from somewhere.


At that moment, the entire Qingzhou City began to shake violently.

It’s happening this fast?!

Xu Ran’s heart sank.

Attack arrives just breaths after the alarm?!

What in the world is happening outside the city?

“Little Boss Xu, have you ever heard of the Beast King?” He Nian’s calm voice landed heavily on Xu Ran’s heart.

“Is the Beast King coming?” Xu Ran’s pupils constricted sharply. “Why would he come to our small city…”

“Roar???? ”

An eccentric roar echoed from beyond the city walls, travelling across a vast distance.

Even those unfamiliar with the language of the beasts could instantly grasp its meaning.

“Hand over the daughter of the Nightmare Beast King, or face city extermination!”

“The daughter of the Nightmare Beast King…” Xu Ran murmured, his face reflecting confusion. “What’s that?”

Unnoticed by him, the Beast standing dumbfounded on the counter, twelve, was even more bewildered.

It recognized the owner of that voice.

It was the Magma Beast King, one of the Six Kings from inside no.97 Beast Realm Core area and the one who had the worst relationship with its dad.

Why wasn’t it its dad looking for it? Why him?

“The Nightmare Beast King is one of the six kings within the no.97 Beast Realm Core area.” He Nian stepped out of the shop, and then turned to look at Xu Ran, his figure blinked out of sight, leaving behind a nonchalant comment.

“His species is the Demon Hawk.”