Unfathomable Senior-Chapter 747

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โ€œW-what is that?โ€

โ€œBy the ancestors, is the world ending?โ€

โ€œIf it was ending then it would have ended a week ago!โ€

โ€œ... It looks like a big treeโ€ฆ โ€œ๐—ณ๐ซ๐ž๐ž๐˜„๐ž๐—ฏ๐ง๐—ผ๐ฏ๐ž๐—น.๐—ฐ๐—ผ๐—บ

A crowd had assembled outside, captivated by the enigmatic spectacle. It had been a full week since the appearance of the peculiar luminous tree in the Empire, and it still attracted a relentless barrage of lightning strikes. Some cultivators had attempted to get closer but anyone who attempted to bridge more than a hundred kilometers was turned to ash by the heavenly lightning strikes.

Amid the chaos, as people speculated and debated the nature of the luminous tree and the ongoing heavenly tribulations, the truth of Zhang Dong's transformation was known only to him and his family. He was locked in a battle of wills with the forces of the universe, striving to complete his ascension and become a being of incredible power. The luminous tree that had sprouted within him was a manifestation of his spiritual energy and also of the sprout inside of him.

A mirror image of this radiant tree was materializing within his very essence. It was merging with his dantian and soul, forming something resembling a miniature world contained within his own being. The Daoโ€™s that he comprehended before felt minuscule when compared to the truths of the world that he was just realizing. It all became clearer the closer he paved his way toward this newly evolved immortal realm that he didnโ€™t truly know how to call.

As the luminous tree within him continued to grow, the same phenomenon took place in the real world. Its roots extended deep into the spiritual energies of the world, absorbing the essence of the earth and the heavens. With each passing moment, Zhang Dong's understanding of this realm and the universe deepened. He began to grasp the profound mysteries of the energies that made up this world. His cultivation continued to skyrocket as the tribulation lightning tried to stop him from continuing.

He could feel the connection between all living beings, the ebb and flow of spiritual energy that flowed through the world. It was as if he had become a living bridge between the mortal realm and the immortal realm, a conduit for the exchange of energy and knowledge. The luminous tree within him pulsed with life, radiating an aura of power that resonated with all of creation.

All of this unfolded under the watchful eyes of his family members and Bob, who had now assumed control of the Overseer puppet. The connection between the two had deepened, and Bob's functionality had expanded well beyond the capabilities of the previous puppet. First and foremost, he discerned that the tribulation lightning was likely nothing more than a scripted reaction integrated into this world. It appeared to be designed to prevent weaker system holders from completing the ascension process, but it didn't seem intent on going to extreme measures.

The world he occupied already housed immortal-grade items, and whoever had crafted it likely had the power to bring about his demise if they so desired. However, there was probably a rationale behind why most of the responsibility was entrusted to the Overseer puppet and other abandoned automatic systems.

It seemed that the creator of this world perhaps didn't deem the system holders, like him, as a substantial threat or saw no need to intervene personally. The tribulation lightning appeared to be giving its utmost effort, but with time, it became evident that it could not obstruct his progress in the least.

Bob had received prior instructions to maintain secrecy after taking on the role of the Overseer. His task was to extract all the information contained within the puppet and repurpose it for Zhang Dong's benefit. His first action was to mask his mutated version of the immortal stage into the conventional one. For the time being, he aimed to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor without drawing undue attention. Zhang Dong understood that as long as his adversaries underestimated his capabilities, he would have more chances for survival later.

As the days passed, the luminous tree within Zhang Dong continued to grow and evolve. The heavenly tribulations that had once seemed insurmountable began to diminish in intensity. It was as if the universe itself had recognized his transcendence and had started to relent. The tribulation lightning strikes grew less frequent, and their power waned.

As soon as it became feasible to approach the tree that seemed to function like a new sun, crowds of masters began to gather. The previously overcast heavens gradually eased, and soon the sky started to clear up as the transformation reached its culmination. The colossal luminous tree was visible from every corner of the empire, but its size began to dwindle. From its core, a new radiance emerged, causing the knees of onlookers to weaken. A figure materialized, and everyone who beheld this being could discern that they were gazing upon a deity.

โ€œI can feel itโ€ฆ this world is repelling my presenceโ€ฆโ€

The luminous entity uttered a few words that sent shockwaves rippling through the entire realm. Zhang Dong swiftly realized that his newfound form was immensely powerful, and even his spoken words had the potential to cause widespread destruction and harm. After keeping his eyes closed for nearly a month, he finally opened them, revealing a brand-new perspective on the world.

The moment Zhang Dong's eyes opened, a wave of energy rippled outward, creating a profound disturbance in the surrounding space. His gaze fell upon the people who had gathered to witness his transformation, and for a brief moment, they felt their souls tremble under his scrutiny. He had ascended to a level of existence beyond their comprehension.

His family members, who had been anxiously observing his journey with bated breath, now stood in awe of the radiant being that had emerged from the luminous tree. Tears welled in their eyes as they comprehended that their former patriarch had been transformed into something truly extraordinary. It was evident that the realm he had entered was far beyond the nascent soul stage that had confined all the other masters within this realm.

Upon introspection, he could sense that the small white seed had at last sprouted. The moment it transformed into a tree, he gained insight into its true nature - it was a world seed. Upon sprouting, it had given rise to a world tree within his very soul, where a miniature universe was already taking shape, one that he could rule over as a bona fide deity. In its initial stages, it was relatively small, but it was likely that as he continued to grow, the world within him would expand in proportion.

It was a truly peculiar experience; he was simultaneously perceiving the universe within himself and the outer world and realm in which he found himself. His perception had transformed into something unique, allowing him to exist in multiple places simultaneously. Even without directing his attention, he could hear his family members, like Zhang Jin and his wife, conversing amongst themselves, uncertain of whether they should approach or begin to bow. His current form closely resembled his previous one, with the distinction that his snow-white hair now radiated a constant white glow.

โ€˜The system is still there and then there is that pullโ€ฆโ€™

One of the first things he became aware of was the persistent force attempting to displace him from this realm. Similar to the fate of previous system holders who had reached the immortal realm, he too was experiencing rejection from this so-called lower realm. This appeared to be a fundamental law established by the entity responsible for creating this place, a decree that forbade beings of such immense power from coexisting with mortals. However, despite the powerful pull, it seemed incapable of expelling him from this realm entirely, a testament to his newfound strength.

He had already surpassed his predecessors, as the historical records indicated they were quickly expelled following their ascension. In contrast, he had completed his ascension days ago and continued to invest time in fortifying his new cultivation level. The specifics of his current cultivation stage remained unknown to him, but it was evidently linked to the world tree he had sprouted.

Perhaps the being that was above also had one of these as it was able to create many realms with people living in them just like this one. It was possible that with him earning this world tree he had become his own man and was not tied to the being that created everything. However, he only had one world within himself and was up against something that could create countless ones.

There were things that he still didnโ€™t fully understand and thus it was better to gather more information. Leaving this place would be a requirement as even though the force couldnโ€™t pull him away, it was strong enough to sap his spiritual energy away. If he continued to resist then eventually he would run out of it or perhaps be discovered due to the strange phenomenon taking place.

โ€œHusband, is that truly you?โ€

โ€œAhh, my apologies, Iโ€™m still taking it inโ€ฆ This change is something else but I think Iโ€™m getting the hang of it.โ€

From a distance, Zhang Liena called out, and he effortlessly responded. Even though they were separated by ten kilometers, their words were distinctly audible to each other. His voice could traverse vast distances, just as he could. With a single swift step, he appeared before his wife, requiring no teleportation device, as his power had now reached an immense level.

โ€œIt is really youโ€ฆ but you feel different.โ€

โ€œDifferent? I guess, this body has transcended the mortal realm and become close to immortal.โ€

He could feel that his lifespan had been boosted tremendously. It would be strange if he was an actual immortal or could at least live for a million years. But this was not the time to give his family such information as they all gathered around him. Even though he wanted to remain here, Bob was informing him otherwise. If the information that he had apprehended from the Overseer was true then he needed to quickly make his way out of here before being spotted. Thus instead he reached out to touch his wife's hand as to for one last time feel the warmth that she always gave him.

"It's me, Liena. I may have changed a bit, but my love for you and our children will never be broken. I wish all of you a life of happiness but nowโ€ฆ I must depart.โ€

With a gentle smile, Zhang Dong extended his hand toward the area where the radiant tree had formed. There was a connection there that would lead him to the next realm or at least the place where the other system holders were being led to. Now that he knew some of the truth he needed to continue to release everyone from this eternal cycleโ€ฆ

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