Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife-Chapter 82 Potato chips hit the market

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This content is taken from 𝒇𝒓𝓮𝓮𝔀𝓮𝒃𝙣𝒐𝓿𝓮𝓵.𝒄𝒐𝙢

Chapter 82 Potato chips hit the market

A group of ten women was facing Scarlet in the public kitchen were breakfast and lunch were prepared from. When it was hastily put together it was built like a commercial kitchen, extremely large because she knew that with time before proper buildings were constructed there would be more for her to cook and sell.

"What I am teaching you is not for you to go and publicize, it's a way for us to make money for the blue star. You have been picked because you have shown skill and responsibility.? If what I teach you here gets out the ten of you will suffer grave consequences. Am I clear?"

She injected spiritual power into her warning, and the women felt this unexplainable fear descend on them.

"Yes." governor they responded.

"Good, now come close and watch me. These automatic Potatoe peelers have been provided by the factory and if at any moment any of them ceases to work take them back for repair." she told them.

These ones were better than the ones on earth because you placed the potatoes on top and as the machine spun the peels were removed.

In one minute thirty potatoes could be peeled with one machine and they came out so clean that she did not need to wash them but for hygiene sake she washed them.

"Follow what I do."? she told the women.

She had only three potato cutters in her storage and all of them were manual. This would take a long time, she needed another automatic machine to ease the cutting process. For now, she showed the women how to cut them into circular shape, pre-dry them for thirty minutes and then fry.

"All the finished ones should be placed in this large metal container, another team will pack them. freewe(b)novel.c(o)m

"Yes governor."

"You," she pointed at one woman, "You are the mother of the little baby that I carried yesterday."

The middle aged woman stepped forward with a broad smile for she was happy to be recognized by the governor.

"Yes governor, I am Sia's mother.? My Sia and I are very big fans of yours, you are the most awesome woman alive."

Word had gone around that when you got a chance to lick the governor's boots, lick hard and maybe luck would follow your family like the Sinclair's.

Scarlet chuckled at the woman's open shameless thigh grabbing. "You will be the overall supervisor of the snacks department. This team will not make just crisps other snacks will be added in due time. As the work load and number of workers increases all of you will get the chance to head your own departments so work enthusiastically and carefully."

"Yes governor." the rest of the women answered happily.

When Fey Su came to request for ten women with quick hands to d another job some women had been reluctant, they simply wanted to farm and go home. They had risked coming over out of curiosity or hoping to make some extra money but they had struck an energy mine. This was good luck that had come out of nowhere.

Start working, within one hour we have to start selling packed potato crisps.

Scarlet hurried from there and she went to the factory to add more items to the list of desired equipment.

"Scarlet, I am awake and I am hungry." Severus voice rung in her mind. "Come back and feed me."

"There is food and milk for you in the corner of the kitchen that I covered up." she answered.

She did not even hear a thank you from him, he blocked her out and went to eat.

"Where are you going?" she bumped into Esong. He asked her this and he walked with her slowly.

"Factory, I have more requests to make of them. By the way, as a co-governor of the blue star why don't you make a small financial contribution to our struggle. It's going to cost a lot to turn this planet into a paradise you know."

"I was going to give you some money after the mecha warriors arrive. There is no way I am going to leave all this rebuilding to you, what kind of a man does this?"

"How much are you giving me?" she looked at him. In her heart she hoped she hoped that he would offer her a multi million figure, maybe around fifty million.

He held up one figure.

"One million." she sighed pitifully.? She should not have raised her hopes up.

"One billion." he said.

She squealed and pushed him down in surprise, too shocked to comprehend what she had just said. One billion!!!!! how many zeros were those? Not even in her life on earth did she come close to one billion.

"Sorry." she apologized quickly. "I was surprised." she extended her arm down to help him up.

Esong slapped her hand away and scoffed. "Ho, I should have said one million."

Inside, he was feeling embarrassed for being pushed down to the ground by a weak little thing like her!! He looked around to make sure that Folsom had not seen this and he could not use it against him.

"I am really sorry, I don't know my own strength." she apologized genuinely.

"Let's just say that I tripped and fell." he said as he dusted the dirt from his hands.

"Husband." she said coquettishly and she latched on to him by holding his arm tightly, "When should I expect the one billion?"

Esong looked over his shoulder? down at her and he saw her glittering eyes and pouty lips. She really looked eager to sink her claws into his wallet.

"I will ask my assistant to make the transfer right now."

"Eeeep!!." she squealed again. "Thank you, thank you thank you."

"The money is for development of the blue star, you can also increase the salaries of the citizens to at least thirty or fifty star coins. Do you know how embarrassing it will be when people find out that on a planet which I own people receive four star coins as a salary? So embarrassing!!"

"Hooo! our mecha king is such a caring man. I will make sure that the people know about your good deeds." she bumped her shoulder into his arm playfully.

"Do what you want." he mumbled. "Anyway, I am still expecting you tonight, if you do not show up tonight I will come and carry you out in the presence of all your family members."

Even though he sounded as if he was threatening her the tips of his ears had turned interestingly red.

Still, she found his actions and words to be somewhat stiff. Perhaps, she thought, what they needed was to know each other a little bit better. Even if this arrangement was not based on love nobody said friendship was off the table as well.

"Maybe we should go on a date first." she suggested.

"A date." he said.

"Yes." she repeated, "Eat a meal together, talk a bit, watch a movie and then the rest of the festivities can follow."

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