Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife-Chapter 80 The emperor’s troubles

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This chapter is updated by 𝓯𝙧𝓮𝓮𝔀𝓮𝙗𝓷𝓸𝙫𝓮𝙡.𝒄𝓸𝒎

Chapter 80 The emperor's troubles

In the capital of the Sun star empire, the emperor King Wu who was meeting his advisors in the house of ministers to discuss important matters and current affairs was suddenly interrupted when his assistant whispered to something to him.

"I am going to cut this meeting short briefly I have something urgent to do right away." he told the ministers.

The ministers bowed and the emperor left. He was returned to the main palace swiftly to meet the representative of the scientific research center.

"What is so important that you had to pull me out of the morning meeting?"

"Your majesty it's General Esong's wife, she said some things in her live stream which could be considered treasonous." the representative said.

"Treason, be careful representative Gordon or your head might end up on my nephew's blade. He is meeting with his wife to secure a brighter future for our empire and this royal family so whatever you say next should have been carefully weighed." the emperor warned the representative.

Representative Gordon who had been brimming with confidence dimmed a little bit.

"I..I..I am not the one insinuating this it's the other other scientists." he nervously and quickly said.

The emperor looked at his assistant and said with a frown, "Let me guess, it's the words treason that prompted you all to unnecessarily call me. Do you even know how strong that word is? Treason is betraying the empire by selling out it's secrets. Treason is tampering with the shields to let in the enemies of our state, treason is deliberately letting a mutant beast loose on one of the stars, treason is abandoning your fellow warriors or soldiers on the battle field. It's trying to overthrow this royal seat or set off an explosion with the intention to kill the citizens of the empire." He gave the people in the room an irritated glance and he said, "I don't think I need to define what treason is to anybody in this room because you are the best and brightest who have studied and know the laws of our empire by heart."

He said this in a loud stern voice.?Some of the people in the throne room were his advisors with the exception of the crown prince.

"Treason does not just affect an individual, sometimes their family goes down with them so before you randomly make an accusation like that which will affect my cousin, the best general we have in this empire and the greatest mecha king of our time I want you to carefully think or your own head will meet the blade."

The emperor's gaze was so fierce, burning and the power of his mental strength brought representative Gordon down to his knees.

Representative Gordon was scared, sweating and beyond terrified and he crawled, trying to find the quickest way out of the throne room.

"I shouldn't have come." he thought.

"Throw him out." the crown prince told the guards.

Representative Gordon was grabbed and thrown out as the emperor cursed in a thousand ways and others looked down and pretended that they could not hear a word he was saying.

"All of you leave us." the emperor sent out the advisors.

"Sader, as the crown prince I expected much better from you, how could you allow yourself to be manipulated by the whims of such old jealous men? You called me out of a meeting with the ministers over nothing? Some of them have shares in nutrient solution producing companies, others have been calling themselves the leading experts on edible foods. I have invested billions of star coins in them and nothing has come out. And now out of nowhere someone is succeeding where they have failed. You think that they don't see Esong's wife as a threat? Anything that she says will be used against her by them. Do you think that Markay does not keep me enlightened about all that she says and does? "

The crown prince Sader in his head cursed too. He had been so rash in ordering his father's assistant to make him aware of these accusations.

"Father," he said.

"You think I do not know that you are jealous and you fear Esong, you worry that his close relationship with Markay will cause you to lose your place as crown prince?"

Sader fell to his knees, "It's not like that father, I just wanted to protect the family."

"The family does not need your protection, the citizens of this empire do. You need to be wise to be a leader but you are failing to display all of the qualities of one. If you keep disappointing me Sader you will not have to worry about Esong or Markay because I will be the one to behead you."

Sader was shaking just as the representative had been doing, the emperor's assistant nodded at Sader's guards, indicating that they should take him out.

"No, no, wait.." Sader mumbled but his guards whisked him out speedily.

"What a foolish boy?" the emperor screamed in anger, throwing things around the room with his mental power.

"Your highness please calm down, the crown prince is till lacking but he can be corrected."?his assistant said.

"There is no correcting for that idiot." the emperor replied. They both knew that Sader would never rule this empire. He was too selfish, easily controlled, a coward and cruel. "I should have just strangled him in his crib."

His assistant fell down to his knees , "Your royal majesty, please do not say such a thing." freewebno m

"Oh get off your knees Byron, I say it every time he does something foolish and you fall to your knees. We both know that I do not have it in me to murder my own blood, no matter how much he disappoints me."

"Your majesty, the seventh prince has sent a a package, it includes unprocessed oats, oat bread, jam, milk, meat, potatoes and eggs. He has also sent other condiments which he got from Esong's wife." Assistant Byron wisely changed the topic hoping to change the emperor's mood.

"Oooh," the emperor cheered up. "Has he bought land successfully on the blue star for a royal palace?"

"Yes your majesty. He has also sent me an image of what Esong's wife is building after the old traditional castles of the ancient world. He asked you to choose your preference from the different castle designs."

The images appeared before the emperor as holograms.

King Wu scrolled and touched the different images before settling for one. I like how pointy this one is everywhere, we can plant flags of the empire on every tip.

"Wonderful choice." your majesty. "The prince also says that you should try the oat bread as soon as possible and tell him if you want more because she intends on selling eighty percent of it on star net."

"Tell him to sign a contract with her that ensures she supplies bread to the royal palace regularly. I am the emperor, I cannot compete with the citizens online, I have an empire to run."

"Your majesty the prince is also asking what your thoughts are on his intention to romantically pursue the oldest daughter of the Su house, Carolyn Su."

The king was stunned, "Eh isn't she older than him?"

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