Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife-Chapter 67 Refining blood

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Chapter 67 Refining blood

She received more gifts that she anticipated from this live broadcast, it seemed like more people were interested in the pets that she thought they would be. By the time the broadcast ended, she had received offers of up to fifty million star coins for just one kitten.

If she had not brought these for her siblings Scarlet would have been tempted to sell them off.? They were packing washing the things used to wash the pets and putting them away.

"Sister, if we sell pets then we have to open up a different shop for them and sell these combs, basins and toys too.? The pet business and the food business should be separated. I also opened up a shop for the clothes but we don't have a license to sell anything yet." Fey said to her.

Scarlet's attention was drawn to this little sister of hers? that always managed to surprise her. She had a business savvy head on her shoulders surprisingly.? On the other hand, she also wondered why so many licenses were required to sell in things online in the interstellar.

The laws here? were certainly more strict than those of earth.

"Well, we can work on that slowly, start by filing paperwork for the pet shop and then we can go from there."

"Sister, you also need to hire an assistant and workers that operate these online shops all day. I can't manage them all on my own." Fey said this with a pout.

Scarlet smiled and ruffled Fey's hair. "Aiya, our little Fey is being worked to the bone."

"I am not little." Fey pulled herself away from Scarlet and she reorganized her hair which had been ruffled. "If we had money, we could buy robot butlers from a mecha crafting company but we lack money to afford even the cheapest type." Fey sighed pitifully.

Scarlet ruffled her sister's hair again and she said, "One step at a time Fey, we have some former mecha warriors and their families moving here in a few days and if I see someone capable then I will appoint them to be your assistant." She pinched Fey's cheek and kissed it. "I like how you are becoming vocal Fey, you are slowly coming out of your shell. It's a good thing little sister."

Fey blushed and her little cheeks turned rosy red like the rose flower itself and she run out of the house while covering both cheeks with her hands.

Scarlet watched her little sister running away and she sighed, 'Looks like she is still a shy little thing.' she thought. Scarlet looked at Elroy and Halley that were still playing with the pets. It seemed like these two would not be going anywhere anytime soon.

"Elroy, when mother returns tell her that I will not be joining the family for dinner. I am exhausted, I have a little headache and I have gone to bed early."

"Yes." Elroy replied.

This was an excuse because what she was going to do was cultivate and refine Severus's drop of blood. Since this was not a cultivation world the only excuse she could use was her mysterious illness.

"Let's go Severus." she told the lazy dog that was dozing off in the corner where it was laying down on a soft dog bed after the relaxing bath.

Severus groaned, unwilling to move.? Not only had he been given a warm bath and massaged, he had also been fed bacon strips. He was so comfortable and relaxed, a feeling he had not had for centuries. This was treatment a lord like him deserved. novelbuddy.(c)om

"Move it." Scarlet lightly spanked his ass with a kitchen towel. "If we do not do this now we will not have time later."

Severus let out a few unwilling yips from his mouth but eventually he got up under her insistence and because she threatened to feed him nothing but greens from now on.

"You just want to spend the night with that man." Severus told her.

"Don't think that I did not realize you are the one who planted those images of soul eaters and zombies in my mind when I was in that virtual reality simulation. I know you want to train my body, mind and soul but you could have given me a heart attack." she retorted.

Severus chortled as though what he had done was so funny.

"Are you laughing?" she asked him sternly.

"You are a grim reaper, you cannot die." he replied.

"It doesn't stop me from being frightened or having nightmares." she answered.

She locked the door behind them so that no one would interrupt and she took a five minute bath. When she came out of the bathroom, she was holding a sharp small army knife. "Let's do this." she told Severus.

Severus looked at the knife and then at Scarlet. He stepped back away from her warily, creating a small distance between the two of them.

"Why are you holding the knife as if you are about to attack me?" he asked her.

"You told me to refine a drop of your blood, the knife is meant to prick you on the preferred part of your body. How else am I going to extract the drop of blood?"

Severus looked at her contemptuously, "Have you learned nothing from that forum? Honestly woman, do I have to teach you everything? Put the stupid knife away and sit on the bed with your legs crossed. Keep in mind that this is going to be painful but whatever you do, do not stop refining. Keep going as if your life depends on it because if you do stop, you just might die. Real death, not even being a grim reaper will save you."

This time she was the one to eye him warily, "I don't have much confidence in you anymore. A few minutes ago you said grim reapers can't die and now you are saying that I could die. Which is it exactly?"

Severus blasted her with a powerful wind energy and she was pushed onto the bed. Then she crossed her legs and looked at Severus, still warily.

"Close your eyes and open your mouth," he said. "And whatever you do, keep refining."

Scarlet was frightened, beyond terrified and her heart was beating so fast. Many questions crossed her mind like whether this could be her last minute in this life. 'I should have eaten some dumplings' she thought.

"Stop thinking." Severus yelled at her.

A liquid which tasted bitter and hot was poured down her throat and then Severus said, "Begin."

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