Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife-Chapter 222 Esong’s ship crashes.

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The most uptodate novels are published on 𝒇𝒓𝓮𝓮𝔀𝓮𝒃𝙣𝒐𝓿𝓮𝓵.𝒄𝒐𝙢

Chapter 222 Esong's ship crashes.

Esong was sure that his wife had been on the spaceship, he could not put a finger on how he knew but somehow, he did. He could smell her in the air, it was a faint strawberry smell but it was hers. He drew in a deep breath and inhaled, greedily sucking in that scent as he wondered if perhaps he was losing his mind. There was no way she was here, it was impossible, maybe he was missing her so much that he had lost his mind.

He looked at his bracelet terminal and saw that he had received over two hundred messages, calls, emails from her, his son, his parents and the rest of his family and all were marked read which meant he had seen them but he did not respond at all.

"What is going on?" He asked himself in a whisper.

He stood up resolutely and dialed a number, initiating a video call, trying to reach his wife first before everyone else. She was not the most stable person emotionally, what could possibly be going through his mind with his long absence.

She did not answer, the alarm in the spaceship was going crazy and it was wobbly, at this pace and speed they would soon be diving straight to the ground in what would be a deadly plunge.

"Shit." He cursed. There were other urgent things to deal with right now, he could contact her again when they were safely on the ground. f(r)eewebn(o)

He broke into a stride, practically running to the central operation room of the spaceship.

"Jovi, explain." He said sternly in a commanding voice to the AI as he took the captain's seat, taking charge of the spaceship from another pilot who was temporarily trying to balance it but failing.

"One of the engines is failing as a result of maximum damage to one of the thrusters, the ship is losing momentum general." Jovi explained.

"What do you recommend?" He asked.

"I recommend_"

"Esong," Ian came into the central operation room, 𝒻𝓇𝘦𝘦𝘸𝘦𝒷𝓃𝑜𝑣𝘦𝑙.𝑐𝑜𝓂

"Where the fuck have you been?" Esong barked at him.

"Fixing your stupid mess." Ian answered. He took up a seat in the co-captain's seat and they employed the measures Jovi recommended while the engineers aboard dealt with the damaged thruster from inside. On the outside, another thruster caught fire, not red flames but light blue ones and the situation worsened.

"We need to land, quickly." Ian said.

"I know." Esong replied through gritted teeth. He alerted the officers at the main headquarters of the mecha warriors association and preparations were made.

Twenty minutes later, emergency measures were deployed and the space ship crushed into one of the storage areas of the mecha warriors association, missing the initial landing mark narrowly.

The ship doors opened, emergency personnel invaded the ship, pulling out any injured individuals while Esong went on to check on Hachiko, his beloved pet first. The dog was barking and whining simultaneously, it seemed to be in pain.

He found it locked away, which surprised him, who had locked his dog away? But being locked in this hard crate had saved the dogs life, perhaps.

"Come here boy," he carried the dog out, it licked his face and barked before exposing a bleeding paw.

Esong carried his dog out while mecha warriors carried others out.

"I am fine, thank you." Ian yelled at him.

"I know." Esong replied.

He had looked at his co-captain first before moving on to his dog.

"Have you seen Cedric?" Ian asked loudly, his ears were ringing and he was slapping them lightly. "Cedric, Cedric." He shouted.

"He is at the treatment cabin outside, which is where I am taking my dog." Esong replied as he increased his pace, rushing to the treatment cabin where he grabbed an idol doctor and said, "Treat my dog." And then, he walked back to the space ship to help.

There was a lot going on at the same time, people were being pulled out of the spaceship, robots were carrying away the broken parts of the spaceship, there was smoke everywhere and masked craftsmen were hammering away at the rest of the thrusters. It looked like a rescue and fixing mission was occurring at the same time.

"Is anyone dead?" Esong shouted at the top of his voice. He had no idea who to ask the question since everyone was running around as if they had lost their minds.

"General," Someone said, "You are injured." And his arm was grabbed.

Now, Esong himself noticed that he was bleeding, his arm had a deep gush from the wrist upwards, which he had not noticed.

"Help the others first." He answered and he went on to pull out two engineers from the mess.

It took a good forty five minutes before everything calmed down and all those that were injured received treatment. Esong went last, after ensuring that all of his people were okay.

"General," the doctor he had given the responsibility of treating Hachiko came to him while the torn flesh of his arm was being closed up by a yellow laser which was sealing a transparent fluid over the wound. "Your dog keeps baring its teeth at me every time I come closer."

"Bring him to me, you can treat him while he is my arms."

There were others in the treatment cabin, and they looked over curiously, some of them were wondering if this was special treatment.

The dog was wheeled into the room by the doctor and two mecha warriors, as it was wheeled in its sharp teeth were on top and it was growling fiercely. Immediately, it jumped down and went over to Esong who carried it up, using his mental strength. The dog seemed to be used to this because it was so calm until it comfortably found itself on Esong's laps. It placed its head on his stomach and he patted it gently.

The doctor stood in front of the two with a needle and the dog whined, folding its body as if it wanted to hide inside his clothes.

"Awww," a female nurse gushed. "How cute."

"Hachiko, be a good boy give the doctor your paw." Esong said gently. "The needle won't hurt at all."

Hachiko whined further, his chocolate brown eyes looked at Esong as if to say, "Don't lie to me."

"I will give you some beef steak after, Ian will grill it for you perfectly."

Ian who was sitting on a chair on the opposite end while a doctor looked through his head for any injuries, tilted his head and raised his eyebrows.

"Why do I have to cook the beef for your dog?"

He shouted and the doctor who had other things to do dragged Ian's head back.

"Stay still." He ordered.

"See, uncle Ian will grill steak for us." Esong further convinced Hachiko.

Everyone curiously waited on the side to see if it work and they could not the excitement and smiles when Hachiko extended a paw to the doctor and his wound was treated. More than a few people took pictures and shared them on star net which was how the news got out,

"General Esong's spaceship crushed, his crew, his dog and the princess were involved in an accident."

☞ We are moving to, Please visit for more chapters! ☜