Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife-Chapter 180 It’s time to weed

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Chapter 180 It's time to weed

The calling for the evacuation of mecha warriors within hours was enforced because the ministers started panicking at the news of mutated beasts rising out of the waters on the Blue star. Even the emperor could not not hold off on this one because panic in the capital had increased. 'Winter madness' as it had now been called online set in. The official announcement had not been made but already people were locking themselves indoors. Those who lived near water were moving away and seeking shelter in the buildings the empire set aside for those that had been displaced by the attacks of mutated beasts. Two nutrient solution companies had been robbed and five people had been killed so far in these sad events.

The ministers in the capital were feeling uneasy with their greatest mecha warrior away on another planet. Some were afraid that when it came to down to it, Esong would choose to protect his family over them.

For this reason, the representative of ministers both the left and right side came to see the emperor for reassurances and when he left, the emperor hurled a cup at the door using kinesis.

"Idiots!!!!!" He muttered under his breath.

"Please calm down your highness." The empress who had been sitting next to him all along touched his chest and tried to get him to take a few deep breaths.

"How can I calm down when such Idiots represent the common people? Did you see him saying boldly that only Esong's presence can quell the panic and fear of the people? Then of what use are my words and assurances as the emperor?"

"They are just trying to divide our royal house, they do this all the time. You cannot give them the satisfaction of seeing us destroy each other out of fear." His empress reminded him of the true intentions of the noble houses. Many of them wanted to control the royal family and the emperor. Since they couldn't do it legally, they were attempting to sink their claws into the members of the family by creating discontent and paranoia. They had successfully got the crown prince to be on guard against Esong, viewing him as his greatest threat on his way to the throne.

"Some of their children are mecha warriors and yet they claim only Esong can protect them. How can one man hold the entire sky? Does Esong fight alone? Doesn't he fight with an entire army behind his back?" The emperor claimed down but the anger beneath still boiled.

"Maybe we should give them a taste of their own medicine. I have many friends in the media world. Relax and let me handle this one ruthlessly." The empress suggested this with craftiness in her eyes. If the nobles could attempt to play in her house, she could do the same with them. "Watch this video that Markay sent, the mutated beasts which came out of the water are edible."

Lately, she could use food to calm him down and put him in a happy mood. Maybe if food existed many years ago, less emperor's would have beheaded their subjects for the tiniest of things.

"Did he send some to me?" The emperor watched the video with a smile. Smiling even more when he saw all the different ways crabs could be cooked.

"The kitchen is warming up a crab feast for you right now. But you should perhaps tell Markay to warn the girl Scarlet. If she does not release a nutritional value chart of the crabs then they should send a sample to the center for mutated beast studies. We have weakened the Rogans but they are not crippled. It will not take long for someone to claim that eating crabs is poisonous or unnatural in one way or another."

It did not take long for many articles to appear online pausing a number of thoughtful questions, making accusations and sharing insightful opinions.

'Ministers urge emperor to order general Esong's return. Does this mean they only trust him to keep them safe?'

'List of noble families whose sons are mecha warriors but they only trust general Esong to protect them. Should their children retire from the mecha warriors association?"

'Can one man hold the sky? The ministers claims that only Esong Wu can protect us all is foolish and na?ve."

'Can the great mecha king be a one man army? Is that why the ministers want him back desperately?" free webno vel

'Protect us and let your family die!!! The ministers do not care if the general's family lives or dies.'

'If the ministers do not trust the millions of mecha warriors and soldiers or law enforcement agencies who protect the people, why should the common people trust the ministers to do what's good for them? Perhaps the people should vote their own ministers.'

That last article had been written by the empress herself. It would send all noble houses into a tail spin, especially those ones that thought they had managed to successfully get a grip on the royal family. They would come back crawling before the emperor and begging him to banish the idea of the common people voting for their own ministers.

Esong saw these articles and he shook his head, telling Markay, "I guess the ministers are acting up again."

Markay shrugged and answered, "They always do so at this time. I wonder why they do not just appreciate how much better they have it than others. I hear they sent in a petition requesting that an order be passed to your wife for all the food cultivated here to be sent to the capital because it is needed more there than here."

"Idiots!!" Muyang muttered. "They want to spend winter eating and watching mecha fights while the warriors sacrifice their lives for them. I have never seen a more selfish group of individuals, left or right they are all the same."

Markay looked around, ensuring that no one was close to them as they walked into the castle. "Maybe, it's just a suggestion but maybe a few mutated beasts could accidentally fall through the barrier and specifically land on a few of their buildings. Our most trusted warriors should be there to ensure that while others are saved, a few ministers that are working with my brother join their ancestors. It's time to start weeding out the bad crops as your wife says."

"Do not say things you will not back up Markay, we have been down this road before. You say you are thinking about making a play for the throne and then you change your mind which always leaves us hanging. I have told you before, anybody else in the family can sit on throne but not your older brother. One thing I am sure will happen when he does is that he will ask his men for my head. They will fail and I will either kill him and make someone else emperor or the blue star will become an independent planet. I have never hidden my intentions from you and the emperor. Until the crown prince shows me that is no different from a mutated beast I will not bow before him. And until you sign a contract which assures me that you will take the throne I will not have my men jeopardize their heads by killing those vile ministers only for you to turn around and change your mind. That will turn them into murderers instead of heroes and mecha warriors are heroes Markay, always the heroes." Esong took a left turn after clearly expressing his mind to Markay. What he proposed was risky and it was either all in or nothing for them all.

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