Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife-Chapter 177 Let’s go fishing.

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Chapter 177 Let's go fishing.

"Is it dead?" Elroy asked because everyone was standing in one place, simply staring at the crab which was hovering in the air. "Can we eat it now?"

"Yes, eat it now." Severus was in perfect agreement with Elroy on this one fact. "Tell him to kill all of the rest, he said he has three."

Scarlet was amazed by the level of Severus's shamelessness, she had not even cooked the first one and he wanted more.

"One is barely enough to pass through my teeth." he mumbled.

Scarlet ignored her gluttonous hound and told Esong to put the crab down. "I have to first remove all the meat from the shell."?This was a part which she knew quite well, having learned from her grandfather. She rubbed her hands together, thinking about what to prepare.

"Sister, let me set up the equipment and record a few videos for star tube. Eh, Markay I saw you record when Beord was killing the crab, I am going to need that video too."

"The video is for my father," Markay blurted out his explanation quickly. "I thought he should know bout this type mutated beast and how it should be killed." He did not want to be on the out with the family again so soon after fences had just been mended.

"Should we hunt for the rest of the crabs?" Elroy asked Scarlet.

"Sure, but it's fishing, not hunting. And cover up with armor and take all precautionary measures, these claws can slice a human into two." She reminded him because no matter what she said, he was going.

"In that case we will seal off all the lakes and other water sources after fishing." Esong revealed his sharp sword, now that he knew how this type of beast was killed, everything was going to be easy. Folsom would be happy because he was surely going to want revenge for being sliced.

"Mummy can I go fishing too?" Justin raised his hand and asked loudly.

"No," Scarlet blurted out loudly, "You stay here with me, Esong keep the children away from the water." she reminded him.?Something that could slice a grown man into two was not to be trifled with. "And not all of them are this big so watch your steps, some might be smaller but they can do similar damage to a normal human."

The men left, leaving the women behind, all curiously looking at the crab. "Well, here I go."

"What are you making?" Cecily asked her.

"Crab cakes." she replied.

Cecily produced her own sharp knife and asked Scarlet, "Where do I begin?"

While the women made crab cakes, the men gathered at the lake with additional reinforcements of all available mecha warriors and the battle between crabs and man was on. It was inevitable for people to gather when something like this occurred and as always, where the crowd was, the news followed.

"This is reporter Jelly of BSTV at the shores of what general Esong has named crab lake. News received earlier was that some mutated beasts crawled out of this lake and attacked a few warriors that were installing water crawlers which monitor all water bodies.

Sources say that the governor has declared the mutated beasts which have been identified as crabs edible and more mecha warriors have gathered to fish for said crabs. There is some debate among the citizens of the blue star at the shores as to the edibleness of this ugly creature. But additional information reaching me right now is that the governor is recording a star tube video which explains more about crabs.

Despite the excitement of another discovery of an edible creature, the question on everyone's mind right now is that as we enter the last days leading to winter, should we be expecting more mutated beasts to rise out of the waters?"

Captain Zorl was standing at the shores with some of his officers, monitoring the area and preventing normal civilians from crossing to the lake where the crabs which had been killed were being stuffed into pods and transported to the commercial kitchen.

He snorted when he heard Jelly's words and rolled his eyes. They were approaching winter and mutated beasts arrived in winter so what kind of stupid question was she asking. 'Should we be expecting more mutated beasts to rise out of the waters!!!!!' of course yes, this was the time.

If this is why reporters were given special permits to be on the shore at this moment, it was a waste of time. The other group of civilians whose presence was unnecessary was the doctors, if they died, who would treat the injured warriors? And then there was that group of fire fighters, there was no fire at the shore so why were they here in their flashy orange outfits and big red weird looking trucks and mechas? 𝒇𝒓𝙚𝙚𝒘𝙚𝒃𝙣𝓸𝓿𝙚𝒍.𝙘𝓸𝓶

"Captain Zorl, do you...." Jelly approached him with a smile and a question.

"Keep moving." her snarled at her.

"Oh!! that rude bastard." she mumbled as she walked to the side with the fire fighters.

Two RGB officers watched this interaction with great interest and secretive smiles. "Didn't he eat the cake which she brought to his office today morning in search of answers about the cause of the fight on the football field between the seventh prince and minister Adler?" one of them asked.

The other shrugged an replied, "Hey, food is food, it cannot be wasted. If she gave me that cake I would have eaten it too."

Captain Zorl glared at them and they looked behind, pretending to be very active. "Stay back, don't cross the yellow line."

"You with the drone, watch it."

Back at the castle, the first batch of crab cakes was finished and the women, one child plus one dog each picked one to taste.

"How is it?" Scarlet asked each of them.?Even though it was the first batch she had divided them into three different groups, each spiced differently. freew(e)bnovel

"These ones are too soft, you said they should be crunchy." her mother commented.

"These ones are crispy, they are good." Carolyn pointed to a different group.

"I agree, these ones are the best." Fey added a positive comment to Carolyn's.

"I don't think these ones have enough meat." Cecily commented. "Or maybe I prefer shrimps so in my mind I thought they would taste the same. Is there another way to cook the crab meat?"

"Mmm," Scarlet nodded. "Dozens of ways I can think of. Since my schedule was cleared up by Fey the rest of my day is free and this is one big ass crab. Let's continue cooking."

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