Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife-Chapter 175 Buried in combat

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Chapter 175 Buried in combat

Scarlet added the noodles to the scrambled egg vegetable mixture, filling up the pan having prepared a meal for at least twenty people. At this time of the morning, if she had not yet eaten then it was likely all of them had not eaten as well.

Carolyn helped her arranged the plates around the table as Scarlet distributed the noodles. Those who ate more like Adler, Beord and Dorian received the biggest portions.

"So does this mean we are okay?"?she asked Carolyn as she closed the pan with the remaining noodles. "If you are happy with your life should I consider it that I have been forgiven and all is well."

Carolyn punched her shoulder lightly, "You said it, sisters are for life. We are more than okay, I will even move in and keep you company when your husband leaves for the capital." freewebno

She was about to say something quirky when Severus came out of the bedroom barking, "Where is my plate?" He nudged at her feet, urging her to hurry up and feed him.

"I swear, that dog always appear when food is being put on the table. How does he know? It has to be more than a sense of smell." Carolyn looked at Severus thoughtfully and suspiciously. It was simply not something that could be explained away by claiming he had a good sense of smell. If that was the case he would show up as soon as the smell of food wafted in the air which he never did but he showed up right at the exact moment when food was put on plates. It was uncanny.

"He has a great sense of smell." Scarlet replied.

"Nope, " Carolyn shook her head. "It has to be more than that," she spoke as she waved the others over for breakfast. "Can animals have mental strength because I am inclined to believe he reads your mind somehow."

Scarlet almost choked on her own saliva, narrowly holding back her laughter because she had no idea how right she was about Severus reading her mind and knowing that it was time to eat.

"Is everything settled between you two?" their mother asked. She was swaddling a baby that was sucking on a pacifier which Scarlet provided. "I saw some pinching and slapping. I thought I would never see such a sight again since you are not teenagers anymore."

"We are okay." Scarlet replied.

"More than okay." Carolyn added. 𝑓𝓇𝘦𝘦𝘸𝘦𝑏𝘯𝑜𝘷𝘦𝓁.𝘤𝑜𝓂

Esong looked at Markay and Markay shrugged,, he was officially off the hook now. Nobody had glared at him for a while now, he did not say it out loud but in his opinion, they should throw him a feast for bringing this issue to the table. Thanks to him, the sisters could go back to their good sincere relationship free of any grudges.

"We still have to play a game of dodge ball though, our differences will be buried in combat." Carolyn added to her previous statement.

Esong opened his mouth to correct them by defining the true meaning of the word combat. Throwing a ball around while one jumped and dodged it was not combat. But he saw his mother-in-law Mega looking at him with one eyebrow raised up questioningly and a smile that was waiting for him to correct them so he stuffed his mouth with noodles.

"Sister this food?is so amazing, I am so glad that you did not go into a coma."

"Idiot." Adler mumbled.

"When? I want to watch." Fey raised her hand. "Can we take bets because I need to make some shopping money."

"I will bet on Carolyn, she is ruthless."

"Fool," Adler told Beord "Scarlet is quicker."

The Su's were not particular about table manners, in most noble families, there was a proper way to behave at the table which was rare since nutrition solutions did not need everyone to gather around and eat at the same time but occasionally they did. During those times for one, all conversation was kept to a minimum and when introduced, it covered topics of a developmental nature. Not talking over each other cheerfully while calling one other names like dummy, idiot, fool or stupid.?Esong and Markay continually experienced cultural shock every single day with the Su's.

"It rained last night," Esong coughed and he suddenly said. This was his way of engaging more with the family.

"Yes, and?" Adler responded immediately.

"And winter is coming, should the gatherers and hunters continue going out because it might be getting dangerous now. Some of my men captured some unknown creatures when they were installing water crawlers in the lake." he filled them in.

Little footsteps were heard and the joyful giggle of a child followed the steps.?This paused the conversation on whatever had been captured. Scarlet extended her chair back in case Justin came in and threw himself at her.

Right on cue, Esong's miniature appeared and he launched himself at her, "Mummy," he called happily. "Your baby is back."

She carried him up, sat him on her lap and he faced the rest of the family. "Grandparents, Justin is back." he went on to say.

"We see that, good morning Justin." Dorian replied and Mega wore a smile.

"Good morning," he answered "And good morning daddy, uncles and aunties." He was greeting politely but his little eyes were looking at the noodles on his mother's plate.?As the adults responded, they laughed at him.

The Wu's had come along with him, both husband and wife were here because of Cecily's insistence as she was suspicious of a few things. A whole night and early morning had gone by without the Su's contacting them to look for Justin. There had been no bed time ritual with his mother and no call from her. All this combined with the hurried way he was dropped off, something was wrong. However, on arrival, everything seemed to be perfectly fine which was surprising.

"Please join us for breakfast." Mega invited the Wu's and they did not hold back.

The maids brought noodles, bread and tea which Gertrude prepared as the two elders liked.

"Are you hungry?" Scarlet asked him.

Justin nodded, "So hungry mummy, like the wolf in little red riding hood. I can eat a whole person."

His innocent but clever words brought a smile to her face and she laughed. She was sure that he slept off when they were still reading that story, he did not know that the wolf had gone on to eat the grandmother in the story.

She would complete the story another night but for now, she fed him slowly and Anna brought him a small cup of milk and one bun.

For a few seconds, silence filled the table as everyone ate their food. Then out of nowhere, Dorian asked Esong, "What were you saying about creatures in the water?"

"Yeah," Esong nodded, "Some weird round looking creatures with ten legs, one of them pinched Folsom and almost broke a vein in his arm. We captured only five when they were on land, the rest run back into the water."

Something with ten legs that came from the water and pinched, why did that sound familiar to Scarlet?

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