Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife-Chapter 141 Moving to Blue city

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Chapter 141 Moving to Blue city

Two months quickly went by and the light emitted by the suns started to dwindle. The warmth was fading and the smiling faces of many citizens stretched into frowns. It was coming, the cold season, and along with it, the hours of dread. The suns never disappeared together at once, one sun always left before the other and it would be the first sign of the changing season. When the second sun disappeared, everything would come to a stand still. Schools would be closed, most factories and businesses would shut down with the exception of the vital ones. Children would be locked indoors and almost all the night life would come to a halt, with the exception of the mecha fights. When the cold season approached the mecha fights would kick off a storm in the virtual and physical world with many people seeking a place to drown their thoughts and fears. For the last three months of the year these businesses thrived as most people locked and barricaded themselves inside their homes waiting for the official announcement from the national television that the cold season was over.

The first sun was gone and Scarlet could see the grim looks on the faces of the citizens. She knew what worried them, for one they were still living in tents and two, Esong was leaving. Some misguided people actually thought that he would stay on and protect the blue star but when he started showing signs of packing up, they became anxious. If he was gone, who would protect them?

She was in a meeting with the heads of departments, ministers and officials and the discussion revolved around the degree to which the preparations for the cold season had been achieved.

"It's time to start moving governor, we have less than a week left. A boy said he saw a drop of yellow rain, we all know what that signifies." Blad insisted against the many arguments made by his counterparts about waiting for an official another from the national television. Usually an official announcement was made which told the citizens of the empire that it was time to arm up, lock up and survive. But the yellow rain signified that the cold season was at most a week or two away. "The apartments have been ready for two weeks now, it doesn't matter if a few amenities are still missing what matters is that the people are indoors, behind walls and locked doors."

"We have a shield and a barrier, in the capital these things are usually enough to protect us. I think the movement of people into houses should be done carefully. The biggest contributors should get their pick of houses first. We all know that the prices of the houses vary from luxury to basic. Some people can afford more than one house, some want entire floors. The Carlzon's want an entire building and they should get a chance to purchase one as they wish. The blue star needs the money, our construction department needs that money." Barry Wise said, he was the head of the construction department and he was a man that believed greatly in 'those who have and those who can do' should have more privileges than others. He was skilled in handling money, talented in managing workers and excellent in construction. But his ideas about the hierarchy of society often made him the target of criticism among his peers. This was why Scarlet did not appoint him a minister, he was too inflexible with his ideals.

His words resulted into an argument which was quickly becoming louder.

"What happens to others if the Carlzon's get an entire building?" Scarlet banged a wooden gavel on the table and asked this when silence resumed.

"Exactly my point." Calitos the representative of the religious and faith council concurred with Scarlet's question. "What you are suggesting is inhumane and unrighteous. Whether one is poor or wealthy they deserve to be treated equally. In the eyes...." 𝒻𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘸𝘦𝑏𝑛𝑜𝑣𝘦𝑙.𝒸𝑜𝘮

"Oh great, another faith sermon." Barry Wise interrupted and said sarcastically. "Save the speech for the temple Calitos we all pay our dues in the form of donations. Try that guilt tripping shit on the simple minded." His face wore a bored and unimpressed but highly irritated look.

"He is not wrong though." Carolyn said loudly. "If we are going by hierarchy then the original citizens of the blue star should be ranked first because we lived here before the first immigrants."

Barry snorted and sneered at Carolyn, "It's not as if you lived in these wonderfully constructed houses which we have worked so hard on. We found you in hovels and trees like a bunch of..."

"Barry Wise." Scarlet yelled sternly. "One more unpleasant word out of you and I will strip you of your authority skill or no skill. I value you but I will not accept insults to our people or my family for that matter. For your information we had started construction of houses before you moved here. I have made up my mind, whether we need the money or not from the sales of the apartments the safety of the people should come first. All the people." She paused and looked around patiently. "I know that your lives in the capital were different but keep in mind that the blue star is not the capital. You have all had more than enough time to assimilate and this we vs you nonsense is no longer acceptable. No matter where you came from once you requested and were granted citizenship here of your own accord then you are one of us. As long as no one is greedy then the apartments will be enough for everyone. If they are not by any chance then I will welcome some residents to the outer buildings of the governor's castle. Put down your hand Barry." she said sternly.

Barry Wise grumpily put down his hand and sulked.

"The new temple is very spacious too governor." Calitos added. "We will be happy to welcome everyone that is seeking accommodation."

"Of course you would." Barry mumbled under his breath. In his opinion the people who worked with the temple and paraded themselves as righteous but did not dedicate their lives to Buddhism by becoming monks were hypocrites.

Blad then switched the hologram in the middle of the table to a different section. "The following sectors will remain open for work so you must all inform your workers about this." He announced. "Construction.."

"Why are we remaining open?" Barry asked loudly. fre

"It's only for the beginning and if the weather gets too rough you will be told to stop." Fey as Scarlet's assistant informed him.

"Health," Blad continued. This was expected so no one argued. "Food processing, the winery, media and communications, banking and all other financial services, all manufacturing departments, the RGB, the military, all the games and sports departments, cleaning departments." He got rid of the hologram. "Communicate well with your employees, it might be a challenge because some of you are not used to working in the cold season so we are going to take things slowly by working for only half of the day. If it's not hard then the hours can be increased but if it gets hard then work can be paused."

"Schools may be breaking off for the winter break but e-learning is compulsory. Children cannot simply sit at home for three months idly. All teachers should meet their department heads for a program." Scarlet reminded them.?"The meeting ends here, we have a lot to do so no redundancy please."

"What is winter?" Someone asked.

"The governor's name for the cold season, it's also used on the yellow star."

"Mr. Rodney," Scarlet called the man in charge of all media on the Blue star, "please make the announcement right now, with immediate effect the citizens should start packing up and moving to the Blue city."

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