Transmigrated into One Piece world with a Gift Pack-Chapter 150: Defense vs Offense

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Chapter 150: Defense vs Offense

Crystal glared over at the huge form behind Blaize and felt a sense of crisis. He knew facing whatever that ability head-on is a foolish decision but what other choice does he have?

Because running away from the attack isn't an option, his pride as a Yonko won't allow it.

On the other hand, Blaize is taking the risk with the attack of this big as it consumes his haki too much. But, he has an edge over his opponent thanks to his advanced Observation Haki, Future sight.

Wasting no time, Blaize attacked by thrusting his palm. As soon as he did that, nearly hundreds of hands launched forward that are made of extreme heat and coated with Haki.

Facing a myriad of blue flame Fists that came at him from all directions, Crystal simply stomped his foot, and the next second, like volcanic eruptions crystal chunks that's as big as a small mountain, boomed from the ground.

Not just ten, twenty, nearly a hundred sprouted from the ground and shielded Crystal while some advanced towards Blaize. It was a good move as he defended and attacked at the same time.

But Blaize who has already seen the future effortlessly evaded the crystal chunks and sent the attacks right at Crystal. Though the latter was able to block a few with bute force, most of them found their mark.

The countless fists clobbered Crystal at the same time, forcing the latter to Crystalize his body and further reinforce them with Armament Haki.

But before the barrage of blows could end, Blaize drove his left palm forward. But halfway through the attack, he stopped as he perceived the view of Crystal escaping.

Under the torrent of flaming Fists, even Crystal who had nearly impervious defense sustained injuries so he promptly softened the Crystal surface beneath him and slipped away.

Though it may seem like the best move at that moment, it narrowed and restrained his ability. Blaize didn't expect that Crystal would make such a blunder so he took the opportunity.

"You aren't going anywhere?" Dispersing the ability behind him, he used the flames to actualize a myriad of spears and made them rotate at high speed.

Aiming at Crystal's position, Blaize waved his hand. The spears zoomed forward, they didn't cover a wide area but centered on a small area targeting the latter's retreating point. freewebnov

And, Blaize arranged the spears in four layers. The first and second layers that are entirely made of his devil fruit ability would focus on weakening Crystal's defense.

While the third and fourth layers are the real deal as they are reinforced with a huge reserve of his Haki.

Sensing the incoming danger, Crystal gritted his teeth and used his ability to create a dome made of hard crystals but it couldn't stop Blaize's flame spears from penetrating it.


The torrents of spears found the mark and the next moment, they exploded triggering a mushroom cloud and terrifying shockwave that consumed everything within a kilometer range.

The aftermath of the attack even affected the battle between the Marines and pirates that's happening far away from the explosion.

Kizaru who was fighting Silversword stopped for a moment to mumble, gazing at the frightening cloud that reached the sky. "Scary-ne, if they confronted in the land, the scale of the attack would have destroyed the entire island."

Vegapunk who was watching the battle through some kind of advanced telescope breathed quickly. "There it is! That explosion is different than anything I have ever seen. If I could learn the mechanism behind it..." 𝒇𝓻𝒆𝒆𝒘𝒆𝙗𝓷𝒐𝙫𝒆𝓵.𝙘𝒐𝒎

As for others on the ships, they gulped feeling the shockwave and intense heat even from such a distance.

Back to the battle, Blaize hovered in mid-air utilizing his devil fruit ability. Below him, there's a kilometer-long crater with at least a 200-meter depth at its center.

Crystal was in a sorry state with one of his knees touching the ground. His shirt was ripped to shred while burnt marks could be seen all over his body.

Blood oozed from his left thing and right abdomen area, exposing a punctured wound. Coughing a mouthful of blood, Crystal rose to his feet firmly while his wounds were crystalized to stop the bleeding.

Blaize frowned seeing the latter's condition. Though he knew very well about the latter's capability, he was still surprised.

Now he understands why Crystal is called a Yonko and was undefeated by many great pirate crews that vie his position.

Blaize knew Crystal's strength comes majorly from his devil fruit and how he uses it creatively. From the outside, it may seem like the latter using his ability too much but it's the complete opposite.

He actualized most of his ability from the sea that he crystallized at the beginning. Since he doesn't create them out of thin air, even if their fight extends for three or four days he won't be exhausted.

That's what makes him a formidable foe to handle. It's also the reason why Blaize chose to end the fight as soon as possible but he just found it won't be easy.

The fortunate thing is, Crystal is also human as Blaize knew his last attack injured the latter to a certain extent. Facing another two or three strikes like that even he will fall.

Crystal's biggest weapon is defense while Blaize's strong point is his offense. In this battle, the victory determines which or who is superior.


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