Transmigrated into One Piece world with a Gift Pack-Chapter 144: Gathering of Warlords

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Chapter 144: Gathering of Warlords

Sabaody Archipelago,

The Gathering of Warlords is taking place today in Marine Base located at GR 60. As for Blaize and Hancock, they reached Sabaody yesterday and spent the time touring the famous places.

After having their breakfast, Blaize escorted Hancock along with her snake weapon Salome to the meeting site. Just as they neared, they heard a huge commotion from the distance.

"You...what are you doing? why are you attacking me?"

"I am not, my hands and legs are moving on their own!"

When Blaize took another few steps, he noticed what's happening. A Vice-Admiral attacked the one standing next to him by slashing his sword while the other one defended, perplexed.

It's the work of Doflamingo, playing the trick by pulling his strings. It's not just him in the vicinity, as all sorts of characters gathered around.

Blaize saw Jinbe, Crocodile, Gecko Moria, and Batholomew Kuma. Crocodile and Moria watched the play in amusement while Kuma and Jinbe stood without bothering.

Among the seven, only Dracule Mihawk missed. On the Marines' side, he saw Vice-Admiral Tsuru and few other Marines of lower rank.

Doflamingo stopped his tricks as soon as he saw Blaize. His arrival attracted everyone's attention as they know very well about him, who's recently hailed by the Strongest Marine.

Blaize had a hint of nonchalance on his face, dressed in casual clothes with a Marine Coat draped over his shoulders. Without him doing anything, the warlords in the surrounding felt an overpowering sensation.

Blaize just simply looked at Doflamingo and the strings he used to control the Marine snapped and caught on fire by a bluish-white flame that burned through the strings.

Doflamingo quickly cut the strings before the flames could touch him while his forehead drenched in sweat as his senses warned him.

"Vice Admiral Blaize!" The lower-ranking marines saluted with deep respect.

Hancock's eyes, who's beside him, were filled with stars as she could sense how everyone looks at Blaize; there was a hint of Reverence, admiration, gratitude, and fear.

"Doflamingo, what are you doing, attacking the marines? Want another beating?" Blaize asked while his Conqueror's Haki crashed onto the latter nearly forcing him to the knees.

'He's even stronger than when I fought him!' Even Admirals aren't a threat in Doflamingo's eyes but Blaize is a different matter. He's a monster who doesn't listen to anyone but his heart.

"You guys may be Warlords allied with World Government but if I find any of you using the powers to hurt the innocents, I will beat you the same." Blaize as his eyes swept the crowd of Warlords. Of course, Hancock is an exception.

Hearing his threat, Crocodile and Moria's expression changed. Even though they are some lawless pirates, they have their own dignity and have a fair share of experience.

But now, someone threatened them in their face. How could they not be enraged?

Before they could erupt in anger, Sengoku arrived along with Admiral Kizaru. "My apologies for being late. I am glad you all made it.

Where's Hawkeye Mihawk?"

A Marine Rear-Admiral who's in charge of Mihawk's situation reported. "Fleet Admiral Sengoku, Hawkeye told me he will come but he's still not here yet!"

"Ok then. Let's not waste our time, everyone takes your seat. It's our first gathering, we have a lot to discuss."

Soon, everyone entered the meeting hall prepared inside the Marine base.

"Blaize, you too take the seat!" Sengoku spoke but Blaize refused.

"No, Sengoku-san, I will wait outside. There are some unpleasant faces in the room, I may accidentally kill them if I keep on looking at them!" Blaize spoke as he glanced at Doflamingo, Crocodile, and Moria.

Saying this, Blaize left while saying goodbye to Hancock with his eyes. After he left, Sengoku looked at Kizaru and nodded his head. Then, Kizaru left the hall and followed Blaize.

"Blaize-kun, where are you going? I can tag along?" Kizaru asked. freew(e)

"Of course, I am planning on drinking some wine!" Blaize replied. Recently, he's been falling in love with wine and its wonderful taste. He thought in his heart, 'No wonder many characters love wine in One Piece world.'

Just as they came out of the Marine base, they met the last warlord, Dracule Mihawk! He looked the same as shown in the series, clad in the black coat with the large sword Yoru on his back.

"Oh my...Dracule Mihawk!" Kizaru spoke in an apathetic voice as if he didn't care.

"Hawkeye Mihawk..." Blaize glanced at the latter. He could tell the latter is strong, very strong. In fact, his haki level is slightly above the Admirals.

"Vice-Admiral Blaize, I didn't expect to meet you here!" Mihawk also scrutinized Blaize. Aside from news, he heard about Blaize from Shanks when he recently met him.

"You should go, the meeting has already started." Leaving the words, Blaize went past the latter with an uninterested expression.

If he met any other person at the level of Hawkeye, Blaize would be excited to fight them but Hawkeye is different as he's a swordsman.

Besides, he's not strong enough to rouse his interest. With Blaize's current strength, only a few people in the world can rival him.

In a few minutes, Blaize and Kizaru reached GR 70 chatting with each other. Grove 70 to 79 is famous for hotels and bars so it's the right place to pass some free time.

Blaize randomly entered a hotel and ordered wine and some delicacies. Then he asked Kizaru. "Is there anything you want to talk about, Admiral Kizaru?"

"You are very keen-ne, Blaize-kun," Kizaru asked, feigning a surprised expression on his face.

"No. It's just I know you well."

"You are no fun. Sengoku-san has an important task for us. It's an absolute secret, so don't divulge the information to anyone not even to your unit."

Blaize asked, "When are we leaving?"

"We need to leave before today's sunset if we have to reach there on time." Kizaru then shared some of the mission details.


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