Transdimensional Marketing-Chapter 322 - Attacking the Three-body System (1)

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Chapter 322: Attacking the Three-body System (1)

Chapter 322 – Attacking the Three-body System (1)

Bang, bang.

Hearing the knock on the door, Xing Biqi couldn’t help but be surprised. After hurriedly stuffing the items she had taken out back into her bag, she asked anxiously, “W-Who is it?”

“It’s me, Transdimensional’s UP.”

“M-Mr. UP?” Xing Biqi subconsciously tightened her grip on her handbag.


“Is there a problem?”

“I’m conducting an inspection.”

“An i-inspection?” The girl was stunned.

“I’ve checked everyone else as well. I just want to ask about your living experience. Open the door, or I can open it myself.”

“R-Right away.” After stuffing her handbag under the blanket, Xing Biqi took a deep breath and approached the door. She then nervously opened the door and poked her head through the gap. “H-Hello…”

“Hello.” Nodding, Chen Yu squeezed his way into the room. While pretending to look around the room, he asked, “It’s been more than 20 minutes already. How do you feel about the room? Is there anything that needs to be changed? I can make the changes right away.”

“No.” Shaking her head and taking a few steps back, Xing Biqi said, “Everything’s wonderful. I’m very satisfied.”

“Is that so…” Utterly ignorant about the meaning of politeness, Chen Yu casually took a seat on the living room sofa. He then straightened his mask and said, “But your mood has been down since you boarded the spacecraft until now. I thought you were dissatisfied with the voyage.”

“Y-You flatter me.”

“Don’t think too deeply into it. I’ve already asked the same questions to everyone,” Chen Yu said a bunch of nonsense in an earnest tone.

“Thank you very much. This place is really wonderful.” Xing Biqi bowed.

“Is it because your boyfriend didn’t manage to get aboard?”

“Huh? Ah…”

“Are you feeling dissatisfied because I didn’t wait for him?”

“No! Not at all!” Xing Biqi hurriedly answered. Forcing a smile onto her face, she continued, “I am already very grateful that you postponed my teleportation. As you’ve said, there’s no way you can waste so many people’s time because of me. It’s his bad luck for not making it in time.”

“Actually…” Leaning back onto the sofa and looking at the starry sky before him, Chen Yu muttered, “He might have been lucky.”


“It’s nothing.” Standing up, Chen Yu pointed upward and said, “Do you know the name of that star?”

Following Chen Yu’s finger, Xing Biqi squinted her slightly nearsighted eyes and said, “N-No, I don’t know. I don’t really understand anything about astronomy.”

“That star is called Sirius. It is also called Alpha Canis Majoris. On Earth, it is the brightest star we can see after the sun. In fact, it is often brighter than Mars, which is within the solar system. It is also very close to us, only 8.6 light-years away.”

“Is that so…” Evidently, Xing Biqi wasn’t very interested in this topic.

Being alone in the same room with Transdimensional’s UP made her feel nervous, embarrassed, and a little irritated.

“Sirius is a romantic star. It has a wonderful legend about love.”

“…” Xing Biqi took a step back in silence.

“Do you want to listen to its story?”


Ignoring the girl’s non-cooperative behavior, Chen Yu continued rambling on his own, “According to legend, a long, long time ago, a match-selling girl pursued after an orangutan named Sirius. However, Sirius felt that nothing good would come from two people of different races interacting. Yet, it also couldn’t bear to reject the girl for fear of hurting the girl’s heart. Hence, Sirius killed the girl.

Xing Biqi: “…”

“The road to the underworld was long and dark. Sirius knew that the girl was afraid of the dark, so it did not hesitate to light itself with the matchstick in the girl’s hand. In the end, Sirius sacrificed itself to illuminate the road to the underworld.”

Xing Biqi: “…”

“When a passing god saw this scene, he was immediately moved by this pure love. Hence, the god did not hesitate to pour oil into the fire, causing Sirius to burn even more fiercely. In the end, Sirius underwent nuclear fusion and became the brightest star in the night sky, forever burning for that match-selling girl.”

Xing Biqi: “…”

Smacking his lips, Chen Yu closed his eyes and admired the bond between Sirius and the match-selling girl. He then asked, “How is it? Isn’t this a romantic story?”


“Then…” Looking at Sirius, Chen Yu asked, “Do you want to go to that star?”

Not knowing how she should refuse, Xing Biqi smiled forcefully and said, “Y-Yes…”

“Make a wish to it, then. If Sirius hears your heart, it might grant your wish.”


“Close your eyes and make your wish.”

Helpless, the girl had no choice but to close her eyes, leaving a small gap open to watch over Chen Yu. She then inwardly thought, I’m not going to that broken place even if it kills me…unless it is with Chen Yu…

“I-I made my wish.”

“Mhm.” Nodding, Chen Yu stopped speaking nonsense and made his way to the door. “We’ll be crossing the asteroid belt soon. Come out to take a look at the FTL travel afterward.”

“Okay. Thank you very much.”

“No problem. Goodbye.”

“Thank you! Thank you, truly!” Xing Biqi breathed out a sigh of relief. She then bowed and said, “Goodbye. (I hope to never see you again!!)”


After stepping out of the room, Chen Yu closed the sliding door.

Sure enough, I am still an expert at picking up girls. I actually made her fall for me so quickly… When Chen Yu recalled Xing Biqi’s excited look as he left the room, his footsteps grew lighter. …Does this count as cuckolding myself?

Three minutes later, the Type-R Spacecraft swiftly crossed the asteroid belt. After putting on his helmet, Chen Yu gathered the event participants and turned the camera’s audio input back on. He then said to the camera, “Half an hour has gone by. I assume everyone has been waiting a long time already, right? Well, the spacecraft has successfully crossed the asteroid belt. We can now be considered to have arrived at the solar system’s outer layer in a narrow sense. Now, all we need to do is wait for the spacecraft to slow down to a halt. Once that’s done, we can begin the FTL engine.

“To minimize the cruising time, I am not going to care about the dark matter consumption and advance at maximum speed. Friends in the livestream rooms, please fasten your seatbelts. By the way, the number of IP addresses watching the livestream right now has already exceeded 180 million.”

[It’s finally starting!]

[Sitting down.]

[Almost 200 million people! Awesome!]

[The host really is famous now.]

[There are already people openly discussing Transdimensional Review on Tieba and Weibo. It seems the government has stopped deleting these posts.]

[It’s because they can’t keep up with it.]

[I really look forward to the changes that will happen to the world after today’s livestream. :)]

[The host is making global headlines 100%.]

[I’m a veteran audience! I’ve followed the UP since he reviewed the 404 Heat Ray Gun! Come worship me!]

[Fool, I’ve fallen into the hole since the Nuclear Energy Laboratory. Do you see me bragging?]

[I’ve watched the UP since he was a child. Do you see me bragging?]

[I once fought with the UP for an ovum. Do you see me bragging?]


[I give up, I give up.]

[I wonder if it’s possible to see the blueshift after exceeding the speed of light?]

[Where did the female assistant go?]

After another five minutes passed, the spacecraft’s speed finally fell to zero meters per second.


After carefully inspecting the data the spacecraft had sent to his mind, Chen Yu adjusted the camera angle and said sternly, “It has taken 39 minutes, but we have finally arrived at a position close to Jupiter. Now that we are no longer under the solar system’s strong gravitational constraints, we can now begin the FTL navigation.

“Soon, we will be stepping out of our cradle. This will be mankind’s greatest moment. Everyone in the livestream rooms will once again get to witness history in the making.

“Our destination is Proxima Centauri. Let’s see whether there are truly Trisolarans[1] there or not.” Reaching out with his hand, Chen Yu pointed at a star ahead. Under the gaze of his viewers, he then announced, “FTL engine…

