Transcendent Dawn-Chapter 404 - 0: Spread (Three more votes for monthly ticket)

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Chapter 404: Chapter 0404: Spread (Three more votes for monthly ticket)

The Crystal Core surface seemed to have a solid barrier.

A tiny snake made of conscious strength swirled over it, slowly breaking through.

After an unknown amount of time, the small snake finally bit into the core, drawing cool energy streams from it.

“This… this feeling…”

Luo Fei opened his eyes, looking at the Crystal Core that had disappeared from his hand, on the brink of tears: “I’m not crazy after all! The Electric Shock Blitz Skill also works…”

He was still worried about this.

“You idiot, fool… why did I choose you?”

The grandfather’s frustrated voice shook his heart.

“Sorry… I was wrong.”

Luo Fei scratched the back of his head and chuckled awkwardly.

“Alright, haven’t you noticed… the efficiency of absorption?”

Su Lu suddenly said.


Luo Fei was startled.

“At the Job Introduction Office, it takes about ten first-level Crystal Cores to take on a first-level occupation, but if you use the ‘Crystal Core Refining Skill’, you only need about one… That is to say, 90% of the energy or experience is deducted.”

Su Lu said.

“Speaking of which, it’s a huge conspiracy… is this the plot of aliens?” Luo Fei muttered: “Do they want us, the one billion players, to work for them?”

“That’s right… it’s all a plot!” Su Lu, seeing the kid indulging in his imaginations, went along with him: “What you need to do now is disseminate the ‘Crystal Core Refining Skill’. Believe me, it works better than many of the strategies used by elite players! This is the first step to breaking the monopoly!”

That kid is obviously asking for energy using this method.

And, there are only fourth-level Crystal Cores, lacking the fifth level, meaning the key to actual Fifth Level Professionals was missing.

Su Lu was now cutting off even his regular source of income.

The principle is simple, regardless of how much you reduce the price through the Job Introduction Office, they will definitely ‘charge a fee’, whereas the ‘Crystal Core Refining Skill’, one does by oneslef, and you can use 100% of it.

Although because of proficiency, there might be some loss during the process, it’s certainly less than being heavily taxed.

The players are all self-interested creatures who are likely to vote with their feet.

“And the second step?”

“The second step is to get you to master transcendent powers in the real world… This step is difficult and requires consuming ten times or even a hundred times the Crystal Cores…”

According to Su Lu’s study, the rules of this world are odd. The Inner World is in the ‘Spirit Tide Revival’ phase, but the Outer World is still in the Twilight phase.

The whole Inner World is like a dam, blocking the Spirit Tide, curses and beasts.

Moreover, the player’s game character is just a fragment of ‘consciousness’. The reinforcement it needs to consume naturally is small.

But what if you want to strengthen the real body?

A big feast for an ant would not even be enough to plug a human’s tooth gap.

This is also why Su Lu’s main body is almost invincible in the Inner World.

He is not an ordinary Fifth Level. Although he is still a Legend in nature, his ‘quantity’ is hundreds and thousands of times that of the Inner World’s self-trained goods!

“Ten times the Crystal Cores?”

Luo Fei’s mouth slowly opened, feeling like a pauper.

“Ten times is the bare minimum. The later stages might even require a thousand times, even tens of thousands of times… didn’t you think breaking the rules of the Material Realm would be easy, didya?” Su Lu said, “In addition to this… there is a Spirituality radiation effect in the Material Realm. If the concentration on yourself is too high, it will automatically spread into the world, which is equivalent to a continuous ‘magic power dissipation’. So, in order to maintain, you must ‘complement magic’ every once in a while, otherwise, a Transcendent will gradually become an ordinary person.”

“So many restrictions… the key is still resources.” Luo Fei frowned: “If I were a rich man, maybe I could… but now…”

“Don’t worry about resources, have you forgotten who I am?” Su Lu laughed proudly: “Although I am just a strand of consciousness, observing the world is possible. Here, I can help you find Crystal Core treasures.”

This was in fact a lie, there were no such treasures in the Inner World.

Occasionally there would be some resources, but they were quickly discovered by players and led to disputes.

But Su Lu has a physical body!

With one breath of the Destruction Dragon, millions of Warmonsters would perish, making collecting some Crystal Cores easier than expected.

At the time, quantities of crystal cores alone could heap this kid into a real-world ‘Transcendent’.

Only when Luo Fei’s strength improves, can certain things be implemented.

Guni Star apartment.

Luo Fei leaped up and looked at his body: “I feel… it seems to really work!”

He absorbed a lot of Crystal Cores in the Inner World, retrained his occupation to the first level, and felt as if he had undergone earth-shattering changes.

HIs body, slightly plump as a result of staying at home for a long time, became much slimmer, even outlining some muscles on his belly and arms.

“Charge Up!”

Luo Fei shouted, using the basic skill of the ‘warrior’ class in the game.

At this moment, he truly felt a stream of heat forming inside his body, converging on his about-to-be-used arm, seemingly increasing his strength by quite a bit.

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“Really… is this a transcendent power? The power of the real world. Oh Yeah!This is great!”

He excitedly performed a somersault.


The next moment, he fell face-down on the bed: “What… what’s going on?”

Luo Fei felt his backward somersault was smooth, but he seemed to lose his strength all at once.

“The ‘magic power’ you absorbed in the Inner World was just enough for you to use the ‘Charge Up’ skill once, what else did you expect?” In his mind, Su Lu ruthlessly struck back.

“Is this… the effect of Magic Power Dissipation? It’s horrifying.”

Feeling himself becoming weaker gradually – although he wasn’t actually weak – but the sensation of changing from a superhuman back to a common person after enjoying transcendent power made Luo Fei feel a bit down.

“Alright, now, it’s time for you to make a post.”

Luo Fei put on his mask and sunglasses, went to a quiet Internet cafe without cameras, sat in front of the open computer, and quickly typed a post.

On the final ‘Confirm to Send’ option, he hesitated for a moment.

“Hehe… once this post is published, the price of Crystal Cores in the Inner World will skyrocket once more. Are you prepared for that?”

The sound of Su Lu’s teasing voice came.

“I have thought it through. This is for the welfare of all Guni people and cannot be controlled by a few top players.”

Luo Fei took a deep breath and pressed the confirm button: “Besides… if all of this is a conspiracy, I need partners, lots of partners.”

After all this, he left the Internet café without looking back, taking a roundabout route back to the apartment. A second after, he exposed his real nature, crying and moaning: “Old man… I followed your instructions, you can’t abandon me, lead me quickly to the treasure!”