Transcendent Dawn-Chapter 288 - 0388: Fight to the Death (Third shift seeking monthly ticket)

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Chapter 388: Chapter 0388: Fight to the Death (Third shift seeking monthly ticket)

Translator: 549690339

“Are you… Mr. Black Knight?”

Dora screamed.

“Fifth Level…Legend?”

Feeling the overwhelming oppression from a higher professional rank, Angie, who was already pale, became even more translucent.

“I once…made a wrong decision.”

The black flames receded, revealing Su Lu’s real face: “Now…it’s time to correct it.”

In the exploration of the Dream of the Ancient God, besides the temple at the pinnacle of the mountain, the biggest danger is actually these two [Sinister Spirits]!

Su Lu’s identification naturally surged over, but he didn’t expect that Angie and Dora’s personalities had undergone the deepest change.

“So…you are Su Lu!”

Looking at the unmasked face of Su Lu, Dora and Angie were immensely shocked.

Their progress had been astounding, but they never expected that the boy from Posey Port they once knew had grown even faster.

At this point, he had firmly stepped into the realm of the [Wandering Mage]!

“Do you… want to eradicate me?”

Angie calmed down, her pupils turning bloody red.

“No… it’s to let you rest in peace.”

Su Lu sighed.

Perhaps the “Nameless Necromancer Book” was flawed from the start, but as far as he saw it, the sisters had already ‘died’ when they became [Necromancers].

“Heh… since this is your choice.”

Angie sneered, taking the initiative to hold Dora’s hand.

Both [Sinister Spirits] fused swiftly, transforming into a tall woman with two heads.

At the same time, their spiritual pressures were rapidly increasing, almost exceeding the limits of the fourth level.

Suddenly, the head that was Dora spoke:

“Sight… deprivation!”

As the white light emerged, it tried to steal Su Lu’s vision.

“I curse you!” Angie’s head screamed simultaneously, continuously attacking their own.

Thin streaks of the curse attempted to take effect on Su Lu, but were completely burned away by the black flames.

“What gave you the guts to dare cursing me?”

Su Lu roared, holding a rusted axe in his hand.

–The Axe of the Headless Demon!

At this moment, he was using the powers of both the Evil Spirit Knight and Headless Demon!

Clop clop!

The nightmare horse galloped, passing right by the place where the double-headed evil spirit was.

A light swing of the axe by Su Lu, and Dora’s head was chopped off.

Her face was somewhat confused, her lips moved as if she was trying to say something, but she didn’t get to speak.

The next moment, she vanished into nothingness. ƒгeeweɓn૦

The Axe of the Headless Demon carried a curse, causing true damage, and with one swing, a fourth-level [Sinister Spirit] was eliminated!

“No… what have you done?”

The beast, which lost one of its heads, screamed. A multitude of shadows exploded on its body, taking on the form of Angie.

“Death…is the best end for you.”

Su Lu charged again, hacking his axe into Angie’s back.

“What weapon…can hurt me?”

The bloody hue in Angie’s eyes swiftly faded, along with her increasingly dim figure. “I’m sorry…”

Gazing at Su Lu, a bitter smile appeared on her face as she disappeared completely.

“This… damned world.”

Su Lu looked at the figures of the sisters disappearing, murmuring to himself.

Initially, when he left the necromancer’s legacy, he genuinely wanted to help these two sisters.

But he didn’t expect that in the end, things would turn out like this.

“Perhaps…is this sort of personality change also considered a kind of loss of control…”

Su Lu felt a surge of anger building up in his heart.

The path of professional progression was fraught with danger and uncertainties at every turn.

This could come from the outside, or from within himself!

He spurred his horse, charged and galloped toward the temple at the top of the Black Peak.


Seeing the Black Knight charging, the Symbol Soldiers in the square immediately raised their spears.


With a roar from Su Lu, a gigantic wave of air formed, creating an effect like an air cannon, directly blasting away numerous first and second level Symbol Soldiers who turned into dust in mid-air.


With a wave of his hand, the spirit oppression attached to his ax head, highly condensed, forming a semi-moon-shaped light blade.

Wherever it passed, large groups of Symbol Soldiers fell like cut wheat.

“…Zyaina Alfan Zengdery…”

A multitude of voices came.

Those were the Mages located behind the ‘Formation’.

A large amount of fireballs, hail, lightning, acid took form, sweeping over Su Lu like a sky-filling net.

His pitch-black robe fluttered without wind, a ring of pitch-black flames emerged around him, directly swallowing all spells. The Nightmare Horse neighed, charging into the group of Mages, each swing of the ax resulted in hundreds of Symbol Soldiers falling.

——Sneak attacks like Angie’s, perhaps he killed more in one attack than she could in ten.

“Blasphemer! You… should not… enter… here!”

At this moment, those white sculpture-like beings that tightly guarded around the temple or tomb, their bodies engraved with numerous symbols, moved!

They spoke the Language of Arrogance, each emitting energy waves not weaker than a fourth-level Master.

Swish! Swish!

A few white forms had already teleported to Su Lu’s back, white daggers about to stab into the black robe.

They can actually ‘flicker’!

“[Dimensional Walker]? No… it should be a relationship highly integrated with the Dream of the Ancient God!”

Flicker utilizes dimensional waves, but this is the Dream Spirit World!

Therefore, this ability is more similar to Spirit World Traversal.

Black flames emerged around Su Lu.

However, these white forms did not fear death, directly using one burning arm as the price, the white dagger fiercely stabbed into the black robe.

“Humph!” fɾeeweɓnѳveɭ.com

Even with the immunity enhancement of an Evil Spirit Knight, Su Lu still felt a wave of intense pain.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

With consecutive swings of his ax, he took down two white forms.

A large amount of knowledge suddenly poured into his mind, the attribute panel kept alerting, but he had no time to look.

The few fourth-level forms at the back had already begun casting spells, trying to invade his spirit!

“Seeking death!”

Black flames spewed out from Su Lu’s eyes, burning directly on those several fourth-level forms through the spiritual connection.

Boom! Boom!

The charging white forms were completely annihilated.

But there were just too many enemies.

After wiping out one group, more soldiers surged from all directions.

With a sorrowful wail, the Nightmare Horse was the first to explode!

Su Lu landed firmly on the ground, his pitch-black eyes becoming colder: “Half-Dragonization!”

Under his skin, a layer of real dragon scales emerged.

This was the effect gained from the [Dragon Blood Baptism LV4].

Transforming into a Half-Dragon, all attributes further increased, coupled with stacked physical spell defense, Su Lu could slay a fourth-level occupational person just by strength alone right now!

“Spirit World Traversal!”

His figure disappeared and reappeared upfront the several fourth-level forms, his ax dropping down.

Thump! Thump!

Even if they were fourth-level, in front of him now, they were like ants, their lives easily harvested.

Su Lu carved out a bloody path, reached the entrance to the temple.

A dangerous aura rushed toward him!