There's Something Wrong With This Account-Chapter 229 - , [World Shocked] (Late Second Update)

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Chapter 229, [World Shocked] (Late Second Update)

Translator: 549690339

At the peak of Tianque Gate, on the carcass of the giant eagle.

Lu Xun held the sword sheath in his hand, attempting to heal Tianhe Shangren.

“Plop—” Something was spat out from within the sword sheath.

It was not the mysterious green pearl, but a jujube from the back mountain.

The only difference was that the jujube was surrounded by green currents, and the currents were strong and filled with endless life energy.

It felt like a celestial fruit.

Lu Xun had prepared this on his way here by stuffing the smallest jujube into the hole of the sword sheath.

The fruits of the back mountain jujube tree were quite large and almost did not fit.

When he stuffed the jujube in, the black rope on the sword sheath couldn’t help but tremble several times.

The reason why Lu Xun did this was mainly to avoid taking out the green pearl in front of everyone.

The pearl was very mysterious, containing endless life energy, and he was not yet clear about what the pearl was.

It’s better to keep such treasures hidden first, being cautious is always right.

He came to save people, he didn’t want to fail to save people and bring trouble upon himself instead.

Lu Xun’s sword sheath was originally an intermediate purple level magical weapon, and since Shen Yan had also cast a spell on it, unless one’s cultivation base was at the same level as Shen Yan, at the eighth level, they wouldn’t be able to see through the rank of the sword sheath, let alone detect anything hidden inside it.

Leaving the pearl in the sword sheath, which sucked so tightly, was very safe.

And the green life energy wrapped around the jujube should have the same effect.

Lu Xun held the jujube in his hand, desperately trying to stuff it into Tianhe Shangren’s mouth, and said seriously:

“This is the only life-saving item given by the elder before I came down the mountain, but since it might be helpful for Tianhe Shangren’s current condition, I can’t be sure.”

The keywords were the only one and given by the elder.

In any case, he would first throw the blame on the elder, that should work!

He bundled up the jujube using his inner energy and forcibly stuffed it into Tianhe Shangren’s mouth, making him swallow it.

As for whether it would be undigested…that didn’t seem to be something to consider right now!

The green life energy began to pour crazily into Tianhe Shangren’s body. After doing all this, there wasn’t much more Lu Xun could do.

It was the life energy that had gathered on the jujube, which was extremely abundant, far more than what the old monk had absorbed that day.

If it didn’t help at all, then there really was nothing he could do.

Lu Xun jumped off the eagle corpse. The Great Elder and Second Elder of the Tianque Gate bowed to him, then continued to stay by Tianhe Shangren’s side.

Mo Beipo, the Sect Leader of the Tianque Gate, came to Lu Xun’s side with the help of an elder.

Looking at the badly injured Mo Beipo, Lu Xun felt complicated.

He bowed to Mo Beipo, saying, “Lu Xun from the Demon Sect, owes a favor to Tianque Gate.”

He didn’t feel that if he really saved Tianhe Shangren, the favor would be repaid.

At most, it would only cancel out half of it.

Besides, he was willing to lend this Tianque Gate a hand, it was necessary too.

This was not a bad thing for him. On the contrary, it might prove very useful in the future!

After saying these words, he said to Mo Beipo, “Sect Leader Mo, I won’t stay here for long. It might be better for Tianque Gate if I’m not here.”

Mo Beipo wanted to say something, but after some thought, he just nodded.

Given Lu Xun’s special identity, coupled with the jujube he had taken out, it would indeed be better for the beleaguered Tianque Gate if he were to leave quickly.

If he stayed for too long, he might just cause more trouble.

Before leaving, Lu Xun said to Mo Beipo, “From today onwards, if Tianque Gate needs help, feel free to inform me at the Demon Sect.”

After that, he was ready to leave right away. But after a thought, he decided to say a few more words to Mo Beipo.

In his view, these words could greatly benefit the future development of Tianque Gate.

He walked up to Mo Beipo and said softly, “The anomalies can be utilized.”

Upon hearing this, Mo Beipo couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

Lu Xun nodded slightly to him, without saying more.

Mo Beipo pondered over a lot of thoughts and ideas. After all, Lu Xun had a special identity. His words might even carry the elder’s intention!

Who was this elder? Since he said that the anomalies could be utilized, then they should boldly use them without hesitation!

After some thought, Lu Xun added, “If you entrust important responsibilities to the anomalies, you must be cautious!”

In his view, if important duties were given to those cool players, who knew what the outcome would be!

After saying all these, he then rode the paper crane, leaving Tianque Gate.

The Godspeed Talisman still had some residual effects, enough for him to leave here quickly.

Before leaving, he took a deep look at Tianhe Shangren.

“Everything that could be done has been done, the rest is up to fate.”

Three days later, the aftermath of the battle at Tianque Gate had basically subsided.

Yet, this battle had turned the tide for the declining reputation of Tianque Gate over the years, making it famous throughout the Three Thousand Mountain Area!

With his unmatched prowess, Tianhe Shangren, single-handedly defeated a powerful warrior who had reached the peak of the sixth realm, and a mighty eagle in the same realm. He gained the reputation of being the most powerful in the entire Three Thousand Mountain Area.

The Sect Leaders and Masters of other Sects were stunned to discover that Tianque Gate was harbouring an elder at the pinnacle of the sixth realm!

Even more startling to them was the appearance of Lu Xun!

The young elder of the Demon Sect suddenly showed up at Tianque Gate, openly declaring that he owed them a favor.

The reputation Lu Xun held bore significance. His statement of owing Tianque Gate a favor essentially implied that the Demon Sect was indebted to Tianque Gate!

From that day forward, Tianque Gate had the backing of one of the sturdiest pillars in the Heavenly Dust Continent!

Even though the people were unable to fathom the backstory, they speculated that there was more to the story than meets the eye.

But the internal affairs of Tianque Gate were not their concern. The other Sects in the Three Thousand Mountains Area only needed to recognize one thing: the new rise of Tianque Gate was not to be underestimated!

Inside the Three Thousand Mountains Alliance, the influence of Tianque Gate was undoubtedly going to change.

This could provide considerable support for Lu Xun in the future.

Especially to complete the main task of the “Foreign Invasion” plotline!

As for the players, this battle and plot development had a profound impact. fɾeeweɓnѳveɭ.com

Tianque Gate was not very well-known among the players, and didn’t hold much significance or reputation.

But now things had changed.

They were deeply moved by the sight of an elder fighting relentlessly at the brink of death, protecting his Sect till he collapsed. Moreover, the elder’s farewell words — “When it’s time to die, then die!”— left a significant impact on everybody.

For players who had joined Tianque Gate, whether it was the immersion of the game or the honor of the Sect, both had significantly increased.

This was definitely beneficial for Tianque Gate.

Moreover, the appearance of the ever-popular Purple Palace at the final moment to save Tianhe Shangren caused a sensation in the forum!

This was, after all, his first appearance since the public beta test began!

His imposing manner and status refreshed the players’ perception of Tianque Gate.

Some players even began to think: “It’s seemingly difficult to join the Demon Sect, but since the Purple Palace owes a favor to Tianque Gate, if I join them, will there be a slim chance of making contact with the Purple Palace?”

Several large guilds and professional clubs even held multiple meetings due to this plot development.

As professional players, they have more to consider than ordinary players.

They wondered, “Does this mean there are hidden plotlines related to Tianque Gate we can dig into?”

After all, everyone had previously concluded that Purple Palace was likely the World Protagonist in “Heavenly Dust”.

So, now that Tianque Gate is linked with the World Protagonist, it’s necessary to take them seriously.

After the meetings, many guilds and professional clubs decided to send some members to join Tianque Gate in order to explore the potential future narratives!

At noon, under the splendid clear sky.

In the elegant courtyard at the peak of Tianque Gate, Tianhe Shangren lying on the bed opened his eyes.

Since Mo Beipo and others were also seriously wounded, Mo Beipo’s daughter, Mo Qingqing, was his caretaker.

When she saw him awake and trying to get out of bed, she quickly assisted him.

Tianhe Shangren recognized her. Looking at the sunlight outside the window, he said, “Qingqing, help me outside.”

Mo Qingqing, not daring to disobey, helped him outside.

Outside, numerous disciples of Tianque Gate sat in meditation, guarding Tianhe Shangren.

He had guarded them, and now, it was their turn to guard him.

Upon seeing Tianhe Shangren, all the disciples shouted in unison.

“Greetings, Great Elder!!!”

Their voices were loud and clear, reverberating through the sky.

Tianhe Shangren nodded slightly. This old man with white hair looked up at the sun in the sky.

After spending hundreds of years in seclusion, he saw the long-lost sun again.

The sunlight bathed his body…

It was quite warm.