The Young Master in the Shadows-Chapter 360: Captured

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Chapter 360: Captured

Mona slowly opened her eyes then abruptly sat up and began to look around.

The last thing she remembered was that deep voice scolding them for being the wrong kidnappers… Then she passed out. WTF?

Where was she anyway?

She seemed to be in some kind of cell in some dimly lit dungeon…No, it was a cage! Looking around her she could see her brother and mother in nearby cages, collapsed on the hay mattresses.

“Mom! Micheal!” Mona yelled for them worriedly as she stood up.

Moments later they both woke up and sat up abruptly. Thankfully they seemed fine.

“Where are we?” Micheal said.

“Captured…” their mother said coldly as began to feel around her body. Her phones were not on her. Even the small emergency one she secretly kept in her underwear… Damn it. Hopefully, her men are alright.

Mona too tried to look for her trusty daggers and minigun, but they were all gone! Even the secret device that was strapped up her calf was not there.

She looked at Micheal who was also searching for his…… nope, that pervert was scratching his crotch. Some fleas from the hay might have found their way there and decided to make a new home.

“How did this happen…” Micheal finally said, removing his hand from his crotch after noticing his sister's glare. “I don’t remember a thing…Who did it? What happened to Gloria? Is she alright?”

“Is that all you care about!” Mona scolded her perverted brother.

“I am just asking!” he said timidly.

“I don’t think we will have to wait long for answers…” their mother said as the room lights suddenly turned on, forcing them to close their darkness-adjusted eyes as they heard the door slowly open with a creak.

“You should oil that door’s hinge…” a young man said. “It sounds very annoying, hurting my delicate ears…”

“We will do that immediately, young master…” a little girl replied as the family of three slowly opened their eyes and watched three little maids place a couch in the center of the room facing the cages. A very handsome young man sat on it moments later, placing a stack of files on his side.

It was the one and only, VICTOR VON WEISE!

“Go to Hilda to prepare some jasmine tea and wait in the study… ” he told one of the maids who nodded, then left the room with her colleagues after a polite bow.

The door closed, leaving the young man and his captives eyeing each other.

Mona had to confess. Victor was handsome… Although she rarely cared about guys, she couldn’t help taking a few glances at him. She couldn’t do that earlier because his face was covered with the black cloth.

“WHERE IS GLORIA!” Michael was the first one to speak, making Mona return to her senses and secretly wipe the drool off her mouth… What just happened… It was as if she was hypnotized.

“ANSWER! WHAT DID YOU DO TO GLORIA!” Micheal asked again as he stood up and futilely tried to break the iron cage's bar.

Everyone ignored him.

"What did you do to us, was it a gas? how did you manage to signal your men? Were we being followed?" Mona was the one who asked this time, but Victor still ignored her and looked at her mother.

“So… Vanessa Ore..” Victor said finally as he took a file and began to leaf through it. “You are pretty impressive, taking over your gang after your husband died and leading it to safety while fighting numerous enemies,” he said. “You came a long way here from Limard Theocratic Republic… From another continent…”

“So you already investigated me…” she said. “You must be clear about why I am here, and about my other identity…”

“Yes… If Not for that DNA test I would have never believed that you are my supposed mother in law… You just look too young to be a mother!” he said directly with a bright smile as he took his eyes off the file and looked at her.

She didn’t know how to react to his words. Was she supposed to be glad he hitting on her?

If she didn’t know any better she would have really believed that he was just a pervert young master. But as someone who lived through many dangerous situations, she was not that naive.

On the contrary, the way Victor conducted himself, made her feel as if she was facing some very old snake who liked to manipulate the world around him.

She had noticed the look in his eyes as he inspected her and Mona. It was similar to the one she saw when she dealt with those old bosses… the ones who ate you all and spat nothing out!

"May I see the DNA report?" she asked calmly, hiding her nervousness.

"Yes… " Victor didn't refuse. He stood up, ignoring Micheal's and Mona's glare, then approached Venessa's cage to give her a few pieces of paper.

They contained DNA test reports.

The names Mina and Mana had a 50% match with her, 35% with Micheal, and a 100% match with Mona.

Those reports were real. She could tell.

She couldn't help but sigh in relief, Mana and Mina were really her missing daughters!

“What do you plan to do with us…” Venessa asked directly as she held her shaking hand.

“I don’t know yet… You guys tried to kidnap me after all, and I have a responsibility toward my family to keep their face!” Victor shrugged, smiling mysteriously as the room went silent making Venessa squint her eyes.

She was clear that Victor wanted something from her. If not, he would have either killed or released her by now.

“WHAT DID YOU DO TO GLORIA!” Micheal asked again.

Still no reply.

“You want me?” Mona finally asked. A smart girl… Not really, this was obvious from the way Victor kept glancing at her and secretly licking his lips.

“Who wouldn’t…” Victor said, giving her an ambiguous answer. “Mona Ore… 18 years old, studying Law at Limard’s National University. A thorny single school flower who rejected 79 men and castrated 2. Very reclusive with very few friends and an unnatural obsession with guns…Those photos you sent to that modeling agency a while ago under the persuasion of that pervert besty of yours are superb though…”

"How did you get those?” she asked angrily. They were supposed to be confidential.

“There is nothing my noble family can't know... Especially if it is something about a pretty girl...” he chuckled making her bite her lip.

“Well... Am I to your liking then... YOUNG MASTER?” she asked coldly as she put her hand on her waist, trying to grab the gravity knife that was no longer there.

“Yup… In more than one aspect… If I hadn't already seen the twins in bikinis, I would have printed your photos as posters and pasted them all over my bedroom…” he nodded repeatedly then continued to leaf through the report. “Let's see... Two years ago, you escaped home and went to Armain Federation and…” he began to speak with sparkling eyes, but Mona interrupted him.

“Would you release us if I spent a night with you?” she asked directly in a very cold freezing voice, changing the subject and diverting her family's attention. She didn’t want him to speak about what she did back then. She didn’t want her mother and brother to know.

She was totally unaware that Victor was waiting for her to ask that question. He wanted her to consider this option even for a second before he released her. It was a way to implement this thought like a seed in her unconscious, then wait for it to sprout as he watered it with his charm.

“NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Micheal yelled as he grabbed the cage's bars. "Mom, aren't you going to stop her!" he asked, noticing his mother's strange calm attitude.

“Shut up!” Venessa scolded then looked at Victor and waited for his answer. This would tell her what kind of person this young master was.

And she trusted her daughter. If Victor really slept with her, he would wake up missing his manhood!

“There is no need for such drama…” Victor sighed, surprising them as he stepped back a little then flicked his finger making two of the cage's doors open. “We are family… come, Mana and Mina want to meet you…” he said as he turned around and headed to the door ignoring the shocked Venessa and Mona who didn’t expect him to let them go this easily.

“I thought you had to keep your family's face…” Venessa asked.

“They don’t have one to begin with…They just like to pretend!” Victor said as he looked back. “Are you coming or not? Do you perhaps have some weird cell fetish?” he asked, making them look at each other and then quickly walk out while silently cursing at him. Couldn't he say anything nice?

“WAIT! WHAT ABOUT ME?” Micheal asked, banging on his cage's bars.

“Just stay here and try to enjoy yourself for now. Due to security reasons, uncastrated men are not allowed to roam my mansion freely!” Victor stated. “That cage’s former occupier was the same. He spent some of his best days here before leaving this world for a better place! Who knows, you might be able to find some of his ‘remains’ in the hay…” Victor said with a threatening look before leaving the room and making Micheal look around fearfully. Did someone die here?

The mother and daughter shot Micheal one last look then quickly followed Victor out.

“Wait!” Micheal yelled, but no one cared. He could only stand behind bars and watch them leave like an abandoned child.

“FUCK!” he shouted, kicking the hay and causing something to fly out. It was a magazine.

Micheal frowned as he bowed and grabbed it before letting go in shock and disgust after seeing the cover… WTF was that?

He had never seen anything like this before as those types of magazines are totally forbidden in Lemard. A very conservative country with a ban on everything that could be deemed inappropriate.

Micheal hesitated, then looking at the door and making sure his sister and mother were really gone, he bent down and grabbed the magazine again.


The title was written in a bold depraved font that didn’t leave a space for questions. This was a porn magazine of the filthiest kind.

Micheal couldn't help but start flipping it… Why were all the male crotches gouged out… He wondered who did it as he turned the pages. And there right in the middle of the magazine, he found a trophy. A red-colored pantie was left there as a bookmark over the double-page spread featuring a photo of a pretty naked woman crammed inside a chicken coop.

He looked at the pantie in shock after taking his eyes with difficulty off the catchy magazine photo.

Who left those here? The cell’s previous owner? Did that pervert Victor leave girls here? Did he do anything bad to them? Didn’t he say it was meant for ‘uncastrated men’?

Micheal had many questions but the most pressing one was whether this pantie was new or used? They looked very clean.

He couldn’t help but try to take a sniff.

“AH… I am sorry for interrupting… '' someone shrieked. It was a little girl in maid clothes. She had just come here to oil the door and happened to witness the very disturbing scene. “I will be back later…” She quickly began to retreat.

“WAIT!” he yelled.

“What?” The loli stepped back fearfully, putting her hand behind her back to grab her standard-issue self-protection weapon. She had been training relentlessly for the last few days, and she was not afraid to use it!

“Just a question... Do you know where is Gloria?” he asked, trying to act as friendly as possible.

“Gloria?” the loli asked, relaxing a bit. "Who is Gloria?"

“Gloria Flick… The short pretty reporter… The one with the big boobs…” he asked as the little girl knotted her cute eyebrows.

“Ah… That disgusting snooping insect! She was handed to the police. According to Aunt Hilda, She will be spending a long time behind bars after breaking her bond!” the loli said as she walk out, leaving Micheal who could only sigh.

Poor Gloria… He must find a way to help her… Those boobs of hers, are a treasure for all humanity. They should never be locked up!

Leaving the basement, Venessa and Mona warily followed Victor through the luxurious mansion while trying hard not to comment on the little maids who bowed politely as Victor walked past them without forgetting to pat their heads.


Those were Mona’s thoughts as they reached the study, where Victor opened the door and gestured for them to walk in before him.

There, inside Mina and Mana were waiting nervously sitting on a couch waiting with an older woman. They stood up as soon as Venessa and Mona entered the room.

They wanted to say something, but before they could, Venessa was in front of them in a split second, pulling them into a tight hug. She could tell… those two were definitely her missing daughters.

Updat𝓮d from freew𝒆bnov𝒆