The Wealthy Eldest Sister Rules Supreme-Chapter 340 - 327: Jealousy

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Chapter 340: Chapter 327: Jealousy

Translator: 549690339

“This gives us a chance to rest, and we can start getting busy again when spring comes,” she said.

Zhuang Yutian laughed, “Although it’s only mid-July now, I’m talking a bit early.”

“It seems early, but it’s not. Time flies when you’re busy. When the time comes, it’ll be here.” Zhuang Qingning laughed, “By early October, the weather starts to get cold. The peak season for your clothing store, Uncle Yutian, is coming, and you’ll need to start thinking about the cloth business. By the off-season in spring, the mosquito repellent herbal medicine can take over, making the best of both worlds.”

In summer and winter, people need to wear clothes. But in summer, the clothes are thin and require less material. In contrast, winter clothes are different. Not only do they require more material, but more are also purchased because people need new clothes for the New Year, and the material is of better quality.

The same goes for the bed sheets and quilt covers.

So, as soon as it gets cold, the peak season for Zhuang Yutian’s cloth shop arrives. But when it gets hot, business is not so good.

Now with the mosquito repellent herbal medicine, summer will be even busier, and winter will become the off-season for Zhuang’s cloth shop.

And that’s fine too. After all, human energy is limited. Being busy all year round can be too much to handle. Having a peak season and an off-season, times to be busy and times to rest, is the best situation.

“Indeed,” Zhuang Yutian nodded repeatedly, very satisfied with the current situation of the cloth shop, “It truly is the best of both worlds.”

The source of this c𝐨ntent is freё

As the two of them chatted and laughed in the shop, an array of people bustled about the lively street outside. Suddenly, Zhuang Qingning saw a familiar shadow flash by and uttered, “Eh?”

“What’s wrong?” Zhuang Yutian was startled.

“It’s nothing, I thought I saw someone I know, but I must have been mistaken.” Zhuang Qingning smiled faintly, but she was somewhat thrown off.

Was that person Zhuang Yuanzhong?

And she hadn’t spotted Zhuang Ruman or Mrs. Song anywhere. Had Zhuang Yuanzhong come to the county town alone?

While not impossible, Zhuang Yuanzhong, despite his age, was shrewder than some adults and loved to play. Sneaking off to the county town alone was not out of the question.

But this matter had nothing to do with her, so Zhuang Qingning didn’t dwell on it. She merely continued discussing the current business situation of the cloth shop and its management strategies with Zhuang Yutian.

“Try some of this mung bean cake with shaved ice, it’s silky smooth,” Zhuang Yuanren warmly offered the cake from the food box to those around him, while saying, “My godmother said that the new chef excels at making pastries, both sweet and savory, especially this mung bean cake with shaved ice. It’s delicious.”

“It’s cool and refreshing, soft and delicate, just like sand. It melts in your mouth. Although sweet, it doesn’t feel overly so, meaning you don’t need two cups of tea to wash down a single piece of pastry. It’s something you won’t tire of even after eating a hundred times. I was first introduced to it yesterday and immediately ate two pieces.”

“Seeing how much I liked it, godmother had the chef make more specifically for me to share with everyone here. She even prepared some Maojian tea, saying that it pairs perfectly with the mung bean cake.”

“Everyone have a taste. If you think it’s not delicious, I’ll prepare some new pastries next time.”

“Brother Yuanren, you’re too modest. Getting to enjoy a piece of your cake is already a privilege; how could we nitpick?” A man with a round face and short stature laughed, “Besides, this mung bean cake is indeed delicious. I must confess, it’s the best I’ve ever had.”

“Yes, it’s truly delicious, much better than the ones sold at the pastry shop in the county town.”

“The tea is also extraordinarily good. Would it be possible to reserve some for me? I’d like to savor it slowly…”

“Let me interrupt for a moment. We can’t just eat and drink without first expressing our thanks to Brother Yuanren.”

“Many thanks to Brother Yuanren for your warm hospitality…” freё

Words of appreciation were heard continuously.

Zhuang Yuanren couldn’t help but raise his chin slightly.

Especially when he could sense the envy and jealousy contained in the word “thanks,” he felt extremely pleased.

When he first started attending the government school, he saw his classmates, all dressed in splendid attire. Even the worst off among them wore materials mixed with silk and cotton thread, while he only had thin linen clothes to wear. Washed to the point of becoming white, they even had traces of mending within.

Also, during mealtimes, others always went out to eat at restaurants or at least enjoyed a bowl of wontons or some buns at the roadside, while he could only eat the salted sesame seed cake sold at the roadside and ask for plain noodles just to drink the noodle soup.

When others asked, he could only say he abstained from meat and preferred light food. Although this was a justification, looking at the puzzled gazes of others and even hearing the “hiss” sounds, Zhuang Yuanren understood their disdain and contempt.

At that time, Zhuang Yuanren was frustrated and even a bit resentful.

He was frustrated that despite him being superior in learning, he was still poor. People talked more about his patched clothes or meatless noodles than his praised writings or beautiful handwriting.

He also resented why he was born into a poor family. He had to bear the hardship, the pointing and whispering, and couldn’t hold his head high.

But frustration or resentment, all those feelings were a thing of the past.

His life is now better.

With the Kong family as a strong backing, he transformed from a poor boy into Zhuang Gongzi in people’s mouths. His daily meals were no longer the same as before.

Zhuang Yuanren could see his classmates’ changing attitudes towards him. He also knew some still disliked him.

But it doesn’t matter. The dislike now is just pure jealousy.

He rolled down the blue satin sleeves he’d rolled up just now, saying leisurely, “No need for formalities, we should look out for each other as we are schooling at the same government school…”

Before Zhuang Yuanren could finish speaking, someone entered and said, “Yuanren, there’s a kid outside claiming to be your younger brother. He’s looking for you. Want to check it out?”

Younger brother?

Zhuang Yuanzhong is here?

I guess he probably didn’t come here alone.

Zhuang Yuanren felt a chill in his heart and was slightly unhappy.

Although there’s now money at home and life is much better than before, and they can eat better and dress better, the money is limited after all. No matter how good the meal is, it probably doesn’t cost as much as a piece of Kong family’s pastry. No matter how polished their attire is, it’s not as luxurious as the Kong family’s servant’s.

And the behavior of their family, especially Mrs. Song…

Zhuang Yuanren thanked the man and hurriedly headed out to the entrance of the academy..

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