The Wandering of an Unstuck Stepbro: Multiverse Travel-Chapter 177: *Spoiler*

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Chapter 177: *Spoiler*

(Ryoto's pov)

I was surprised by the voice behind me. It happened two times in two days. I will need to work on my instincts, but for now, I turned back to discover who snuck up to me.


I see. Of course, it would be a Captain. But of course, it couldn't be an ordinary Captain. No, it needs to be a Yamamoto fucking Genryusai. He won't hesitate to kill me if he thinks I'm a threat to Soul Society. On the other hand, he allowed Zaraki to be Captain and even wanted to teach him kendo, so maybe it won't be so bad.

I should probably answer, though, but I only nodded.

Yamamoto: "A talented youngster but a bit too bold."

Ryoto: "I won't deny it."

I acknowledged what he had just said, but the question remained. What was he doing here?

Ryoto: "So how can I help the Head Captain himself, although I doubt I would be of any assistance to someone of your status and strength."

Yamamoto: "I need to move these old bones of mine from time to time, and seeing you in the dojo, I decided to ask you for a spar."

I looked at him as if he got senile.

Ryoto: "Do I look like I stand a chance against you?"

Yamamoto: "Youngsters shouldn't think about small details like these, and I certainly didn't take you for someone who hesitates in front of a challenge."

Well, I don't lose anything here. Fighting against someone stronger is always the fastest way to improve.

Ryoto: "Well, I don't mind. Let's fight using wooden swords. The one who gives up first(me) loses."

We took the swords and got into our positions, and the first thing I did was observe. He looked relaxed, but there weren't any openings I could use to my advantage. I was expecting it but seeing it reminded me of the time I faced Gid. The difference is that this time I don't need to worry about being killed, but the feeling of helplessness is still the same.

Yamamoto was waiting for me to make a move, but I knew if I didn't do something soon, he would come at me, and being in a defensive position against him wasn't ideal.

I rushed at him with a basic swing from above the head to see his reaction.

Yamamoto, as expected, dodged it by side-stepping. I was prepared for it. I didn't stop my swing in midair but struck the ground and used the sword to hold myself in the air, and attempted to kick Yamamoto in the head.

He caught my foot firmly and effortlessly. I wouldn't be able to break free if he were to hold me with all his strength, so I didn't try it right now.

Pushing the sword against the ground, I launched myself up and used the momentum to swing at his head, but once again, he blocked it with his sword. I was about to kick using my free leg but seeing my intention Yamamoto threw me to the ground. I recovered without any issue, and now I was standing on the other side while Yamamoto didn't move from his position. I don't know why but it pisses me off.

Yamamoto: "You're very agile for someone so young. Your way of fighting is unorthodox, but you use it well."

Ryoto: "Thanks for the compliment."

I was thinking. What can I do? It's not very often I get the chance to test everything I can and on the living opponent no less.

I grinned. Not because I enjoyed fighting, but because I enjoyed improving a lot.


We've been sparring for a while now. I have lost track of time. During that time, I didn't manage to land even one hit.

I was already tired, but I had one last thing I wanted to test.

I evened my breathing, focused entirely on what I was going to do, and got into a different stance. I don't know why but I feel like I am near a breakthrough with this technique.

Seeing that something was different, Yamamoto opened his eyes slightly and was ready to take whatever attack I was about to send.

The curve of my blade was going downwards while I held the sword at the level of my head. The handle was next to my head while I had my back turned towards Yamamoto, and my sword wasn't even facing him.

(A/N You all know where this is going, right?)

(E/D: Tsubame Gaeshi!)

Shortly after, there was a silence. I was about to use the technique while Yamamoto was awaiting it.

With incredible speed, I slashed once horizontally and once vertically, but it seemed like I did these two swings at the same time. Or was it at the same time? I'm not really sure, but I couldn't do the third swing. It was beyond me right now.

Yamamoto, for the first time, seemed surprised, and before I could strike him, I was thrown to the floor before I could comprehend what had happened.

I practically didn't feel my fall, and while I was lying on the ground, I started laughing like an idiot.

Ryoto: "Hahahahaha!"

Finally progress! It's still incomplete, but I'm one step closer to obtaining this technique.

On the other hand, Yamamoto looked at me and was deciding something that I wasn't aware of at that moment. I was too busy being happy about my progress.

Yamamoto: "Boy, what was that?"

Ryoto: "Huh?"

Yamamoto: "That technique."

He clarified.

Ryoto: "Nothing much. I worked on this for about a year and have finally seen some improvements. It's the first time I was able to do two swings."

Yamamoto: "So you're saying that it's not complete."

Ryoto: "Pretty much. I don't know how long it will be before I finish it, but I'm not going to give up until I can kill a swallow with this attack."

Not expecting this answer, Yamamoto was a little confused.

Yamamoto: "You mean hollow?"

Ryoto: "Hollows are just bigger swallows."

Yamamoto: "...We will need to work on your education."

Ryoto: "We?"

Yamamoto: "Yes, since you'll become my student."

(E/D: It was fun while it lasted. Ryoto Yuuki, the protagonist of this story... I didn't like him much and his uncultured behavior pissed me off a lot of times... but still having read and edited this story for... how many chapters was it again? 26 chapters yes! I have grown close to him and now that he has become the student of Yamamoto............... I pray for him to rest in peace. Amen.)

(E/D: Did you I worked as a part-time priest?)



Title: Becoming a student

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