The villainess shall be mine-Chapter 151 The Holy Academy’s Test

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While the other participants were busy preparing for the test, two days passed by in no time.

During this time, Rose and Azalea made a lot of improvements but as Adam expected, it was not enough for them to pass the test successfully.

Nonetheless, Adam already expected this and for the sake of his plan, the twins must attend the Holy Academy.

Such a thing wasn't of course his main concern and during the past few hours, he continued to adjust his plans.

Moreover, he had also noticed that his acting was still inconsistent so he also worked on it. ƒ𝘳ee𝔀e𝚋n૦𝐯el.c𝗼𝓂

In addition to this, Adam didn't forget his regular training, such as advanced physical training, meditation, and control.

Even though he was now thousands of times more powerful than before, he had not yet reached the peak, and it would be no joke if he became weaker because his body couldn't keep up with his power.

After finishing all of that, he began to examine the information that Cristal gathered about the Raizel family and also some interesting facts about the Empire.

Therefore, before he knew it, the time for them to go to the Empire's Holy Academy had come.

The test would only begin the next day, but all of the participants must register one day before the first test, which would be a written test, or so it was explained to the participants, but the actual content and the form of the test wasn't revealed.

The trainers did their best to prepare the participants but it was not like they could erase the doubt, fear, and anxiety that they were feeling.

Therefore, the participants were quiet and listened to Uriella's instructions.

They gathered on the airfield again, like when they first arrived, but this time, the atmosphere was more tense, even though Uriella didn't act as she did before.

In fact, she looked like she was concerned about the participants and began to give them tips and pieces of advice on how to handle their stress as well as how they should act during the test and after the test.

Of course, Adam wasn't in the slightest concerned about the text instead, he was looking forward to seeing what kind of individuals he would need to face in the future.

He didn't even join the participants and just stayed inside of his room and followed what was happening through Cristal's lenses.

"Well, where should I begin?" Adam mumbled to himself. 𝑓𝙧𝘦𝘦we𝘣𝙣𝘰𝘃𝗲

"What are you talking about? So you know, acting like your maid is extremely annoying," Blanca complained.

"Well, that happens because you don't have your priorities right. Anyway, you are doing a pretty good job. Still, it seems like this test may reserve a lot of surprises," Adam said.

"That doesn't make me happy in the least. Still, I am trusting you, so at least don't get us killed," Blanca said and stood up.

"I can't afford to die yet," Adam declared and walked towards the door. Uriella had finished his speech and the participants were now embarking inside the ships.

The coordinate to the Holy Academy was transferred inside of the ship's system so everyone should reach their destination within the same time range.

Adam and Blanca would be traveling with Amelia again, but they didn't meet or talk to each other during the last few hours.

Amelia had to work and train with everyone else, and like the twins, she struggled with physical training as her gift wasn't for fighting, to begin with.

Adam didn't really care about Amelia as a person but he found it a little bit unfair that the main parts of the test were all about fighting because there were a lot of people who had awesome gifts but couldn't fight against powerful foes.

Nonetheless, the Emperor started that this test would be special and there would be not something similar to this again, thus, he emphasized the fact that those who didn't manage to pass the test this year could try again the following year.

Adam had more or less understood why the test was like this, considering the existence of the platinum generation.

'Derige Von Blazenain, huh? The name sounds cool…' Adam thought to himself as he walked with Blanca beside him. His walking posture was perfect, as he worked hard to make his actions believable.

"The most powerful person in the Empire is an elemental gift holder. Sounds interesting," He mumbled in a low but enthusiastic voice.

Adam looked like he didn't care about the other issues at all, for example, Uriella looked like she couldn't believe Adam's attitude as he walked without care toward Amelia's ship.

"Why didn't you… Tsk!" Uriella was about to say something but once Adam turned and look in her direction, she remembered what Redmond said and walked away.

Without giving a second thought to Uriella, Adam also continued to walk to the ship but Amelia looked like she was already inside.

"What is she trying to do?" Adam sighed after he was notified by Cristal that Amelia tried to leave without them.

What she didn't know was that without Cristal, the ship wouldn't be able to take off.

Thus, the ship's main entrance opened as soon as Adam got closer and the ship's crew, who were forced to follow Amelia's order, looked surprised by what was happening and somehow relieved.

However, when Adam and Blanca boarded the ship, Amelia had already confined herself inside her room.

Adam didn't care about her, and as long as she wasn't affecting his plans, he didn't feel the need to deal with her for the time being.

After all, he had other more important things to worry about. Still, he was always on his guard when it came to an unpredictable variable such as Amelia.

The battle had already begun but he was just going deeper to the heart of the problem.

"Blanca, you can die anytime from here but I will make sure that we will live through this, so continue to give it your all. Your life and your sister depend on this," Adam said as the captain activated the hyper-speed engines.

"That should be my line," Blanca replied.


Once again, the individuals who were considered the protector of the empire, those who were given the title of Guardians we're gathered around a table.

The topic of their discussion was, of course, the Holy Academy's test, and for the first time in a while, all of the ten Guardians were present.

"So you are here, Derige. Weren't you busy with your newborn son?" A man who had a charming voice said with a bit of sarcasm.

Derige didn't answer and just continued to sit with his arm crossed. He was a hairy man, making his appearance look like an orange Lion who was waiting patiently.

The guardians were powerful but they were also prideful and arrogant, hence, they saw each other as rivals and rarely had a friendly conversation.

However, the Holy Academy's test concerned them all and this was due to the existence of new gift holders.

"The Emperor announced that a Guardian can only pick 10 participants that will become their direct apprentice after they finished their training at the Academy," the mature woman, who was the only one who appeared to take the meeting seriously spoke.

She shared information about the Guardians' role during the test with the others, but they weren't even listening.

Most of them were already checking the potential candidates and began to plan on how to recruit them.

"The Guardians shouldn't interfere, in any way, during the test. Moreover, at least three of them should be present during the whole event," the woman continued.

Derige looked like he was listening to what the woman was saying, but no one could tell if he wasn't just asleep despite his serious face.

Still, this man was known as the strongest even among the Guardians, and even though the others didn't respect him as a person because they saw him as a challenge to overcome, they respected his power, so no one didn't dare to challenge him in a serious fight and it was impossible for such a thing to happen within the Empire.

"In addition to all of that, all of the Guardians need to make a speech at the end of the events. They also…"

"Why do we need to listen to this? Can't we just enjoy the fight?"

Feeling bored of listening to all of the instructions, the woman who appeared to be the same age as Amelia complained. Though despite her appearance, she was an adult and a lot of people had a horrifying experience after underestimating her.

"Sigh… This is our job because we are Guardians. At least please pretend to listen like the others and stop complaining," the mature woman said. She looked like she had already given up on trying to do something about the other Guardian's attitude.

She just hoped that they would not cause problems during the test. People looked up to them as they were important figures but they didn't know that the Guardians were a bunch of troublesome people, or so the woman thought.