The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World-Chapter 395 - 247: Specter Wolf Demon Nation_2

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Chapter 395: Chapter 247: Specter Wolf Demon Nation_2

Translator: 549690339

The demon beasts capable of moving in the netherworld are often fiercer than ghost creatures. If they are vicious and brutal, surpassing even the ghosts, how could they establish a foothold in the netherworld?

“The Specter Wolf Demon Nation is of a certain distance from here, so Donghuang ordered me to command an army and fight our way there. This way, it will be safer.”

The young boy answered his pet dog’s confusion with a smile, causing the latter’s eyes to widen in disbelief.


The very next moment, the now enlightened Black Mountain rose from the ground, raised its head towards the sky, and let out an excited roar.

Battles, slaughter; these were what it loved. Following its master on earth, although it was nice to stay by the master’s side, most of the time it was idle, serving merely as an embellishment or follower without any usefulness. This state of affairs actually depressed Black Mountain greatly. frёeweɓηovel.coɱ

Now, its master was to lead a Ghost Army all the way to the Specter Wolf Demon Nation, undoubtedly, there would be battles and killings along the way. It had finally found a capture ground for its combat skills.

“What’s there to be excited about?”

Feng Qing’an could sense Black Mountain’s emotional changes. Compared to the promotion of bloodlines, when mentioned about battles and killings, Black Mountain had a far stronger reaction, which was not surprising to Feng Qing’an.

The process of Black Mountain’s bloodline promotion was far simpler than that of the ordinary Demon Clan. Although it had undergone an extremely painful metamorphosis from an ordinary dog to a Ghost Wolf, this kind of pain would be coveted by countless demons. Even Black Mountain itself did not feel anything because it had experienced more severe pain in battles.

Exactly because the process was too easy, Black Mountain did not obsess over the strength of its bloodline, let alone take it to heart.


Feng Qing’an’s soothing words fell on Black Mountain’s ears, but rather than calming it down, it only made it more excited. Black Mountain even revealed its true form, which was nearly twenty feet tall.

Burning azure flames curled around its wolf body with fluttering fur. Black Mountain bowed its head, nudging its master onto its head thereby allowing the young man to stand on its crown.


Feng Qing’an standing on Black Mountain’s head, looked down at the ghost city in the distance, his face still wearing a gentle smile, his eyes revealing a thoughtful expression.

The words he told Black Mountain were but an excuse for his campaign towards the Specter Wolf Demon Nation.

What secret technique to break through the bloodline shackles, for ordinary Ghost Wolves, this kind of secret technique might be related to their life and death, but for him, a Beast Tamer, he would not even bother to glance at it even if it was thrown in front of him.

His real goal was to train Black Mountain to become a truly worthy Wolf King. The Demon Nation built by Ghost Wolves was his target. This idea became irrepressible as soon as he heard about it from Donghuang.

However, although Feng Qing’an had the idea, considering Black Mountain’s current strength, he came up with a seemingly simple pretext.

Otherwise, if he directly told Black Mountain to conquer the Specter Wolf Demon Nation and make several Ghost Wolf Kings submit to it, the pressure might be too tremendous. After all, it had not even promoted to a Demon King yet.


Black Mountain, which had vented its emotions, could hardly wait to ask Feng Qing’an when they would be set off.

“At latest in half a month. After I’ve handled some trivial matters, I will lead my Ghost Army on the expedition.”

The trifling matters Feng Qing’an mentioned were quite a lot. First of all, he had promised both the Spirit of the Cave Sky and Donghuang that he would find a place for the ghost creatures in the Youhuang Ghost Country who, due to frequent warfare, had fallen into a frantic state.

Doing this was not difficult for Feng Qing’an. He needed only to leave an anchor point in an appropriate place, then the Spirit of the Cave Sky would anchor it, creating a one-way entrance to the Nine Lifes Cave World, where they could only get in but not get out.

The anchor point for this Cave Sky was set up by Feng Qing’an at the peak of a mountain formed when the Dragon Father Giant descended into the underworld. On the day this Cave Sky entry point was successfully set up, the Ghost Nation sent two Ghost Kings to transport the frenzied ghost creatures from all over the Ghost Nation to this place, after which they were all sent into the Cave Sky.

In this way, the You Huang Ghost Country was rid of a major problem. Moreover, the spirits bred by the broken Cave Sky were overjoyed. Every time they saw Feng Qing’an, they would flatter him profusely, offering compliments as if they were free.

Feng Qing’an naturally ignored these. After completing this win-win operation, he sought out the Undead Nether Phoenix Youyou and asked for her help to transport him into the Netherworld Rift, a place he had been in and out of countless times.

He wanted to return to the mortal world for a while!

Before the news of his disappearance in Fengtian City spread, he wanted to see his parents and his oldest brother, who lived far away at the frontier, and tell them about his current situation and choices.

Of course, he needed to come up with a new excuse. Ordinary cultivators could not accept the idea of falling into the underworld, let alone his parents who were still infatuated with worldly fame and fortune.

Clang, Clang!

The little phoenix, primarily of a dark black color, heard Feng Qing’an’s request. Without much thought, it agreed,

“No problem, get on!”

After saying a word to the Ghost Nation, Feng Qing’an, together with Black Mountain, mounted the back of the massive Undead Nether Phoenix. Under the torrent of black flames and the meaningful glances of the Ghost Kings, he set off for the mortal world.

The desolate and lifeless landscape seemed to be an endless expanse spanning top and bottom from his perspective. Mountains, plains, hills, basins, valleys – variously different terrains flashed by below. The land, mostly in hues of black and gray, very quickly became monotonous to Feng Qing’an.

However, when the dark void spanning between the dim sky and desolate earth appeared in front of him, even Feng Qing’an, who had seen this through the perspective of Black Mountain, couldn’t help but exclaim in awe.

“The Void World!”

This darkness, through which not even light could penetrate, reminded Feng Qing’an at this moment that the underworld where he was walking was a Great Realm shattered for unknown reasons.

The dark void he now saw was at the edge of the Great Realm’s rift. Entering it, he would encounter no danger and in most cases, he would not be attacked by any terrifying spirits.

Located in the void, the truly horrifying part was losing your sense of direction. There was nothing in it – no sun, moon, or stars, no sky, no earth, no directions of up, down, left, right, and no cardinal points of east, west, south, north.

Without any guide and trapped in endless darkness was a terrifying experience. Because of this, the ghost creatures in the underworld, even the Wandering Souls in the air, avoided the dark void, which was, in fact, the Netherworld Rift.

However, for those who knew the coordinates and even more so, those who had control over some special paths, this dark void was a shortcut to quickly travel to another part of the underworld.

Like the Nether Phoenix Youyou at this moment. Knowing the coordinates and further possessing special pathways, she unhesitatingly plunged into the dark void. The flames burning on her body presented a faint light contrasted against this dark void.

The oppressive darkness didn’t last long. With the emergence of the dim sky above his head, an almost insensible Feng Qing’an immediately saw a place in the underworld that he found overly familiar. freewebnø

“Feng Qing’an!”

An ancient palace, eroded by time and wars, was nestled among many mountains. But of course, this familiar old relic couldn’t compare to a girl in a splendid court dress who was flying towards him.

“You finally came to see me.”

The girl threw herself into Feng Qing’an’s arms like a swallow returning to the woods. Reunion’s joy made the girl let out a clear and joyous laughter akin to a lark’s song echoing through a valley. The girl’s beautiful face and her laughter that emanated pure joy made the grisly surroundings seem a lot brighter.

“I missed you so much!”

“I missed you too.”

The young boy and girl embraced each other, being so close that they almost became one being…