The Undying Mecha Emperor-Chapter 64 Not By A Long Shot

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As they watched me slowly eat up the distance between us, their expressions started to get uglier and uglier.

"He-hey you. What do you want to do huh?" One particularly large boy stammered and pointed at me.

I recognized him as one of the unlucky kids who had broken their bones while attacking me earlier that morning.

I clenched my right hand and began to punch my left hand powerfully, creating unusually loud punching sounds.


"Hey! There's no fighting allowed in the second peak!" The boy shouted loudly to attract the attention of the elders. "NO FIGHTING ALLOWED IN THE SECOND PEAK!"

I ignored him and continued to make my way slowly towards them.

100 paces.

70 paces.

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO!" The little boy shouted, the fear in his voice was evident.

"Shut up!" Victor Long snarled at him. "Stop being a coward! The rest of you. Prepare to defend yourselves!"

Oh what a naive little boy.

40 paces.

10 paces.

When I reached them, the little group of twenty had already spread out in a crescent formation and was ready for me. Too bad I had no intention of launching the first blow.

"Victor Long." I said coldly with a smile.

"What do you want?" He replied in a tense voice.

By then, every eye in the second peak was upon us, and there was almost complete silence as they anticipated watching a fight break out.

"Victor Long. Your father is a man whore." I said loudly.

"What?" He shouted back in surprise.

"Master Long of the Long family is a dirty slut who slept around with all his servants! Both male and female!" I shouted as I began to warm up to my subject.

"Yo-you..." Victor Long's face began to grow slightly red out of anger.

"He slept with YOUR MOTHER!" I pointed to a particularly nasty looking little boy next to Victor.

"My mother is his father's sister!" He replied stupidly in horror.


Everybody knew that it wasn't true, of course. But it was still funny to hear such words being spoken.

Loud chuckles and sniggers began to sound from all over the peak. A few even came from the Elders who were seated in the gazebo.

Victor Long's face grew redder and redder. "SHUT UP YOU IMBECILE!" He roared in anger.

However, I was not done yet. "YOUR MOTHER! SHE SLEPT WITH-"

Victor Long finally exploded with extreme anger and charged at me.

"SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!" He roared while swinging his right arm in a powerful right hook.

"THE GARDENER! THE COOK! THE GUARDS!" I screamed. 𝑓𝒓𝚎e𝓌𝘦𝘣𝘯𝘰𝐯𝒆𝑙.c𝚘m



"GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Victor Long screamed in pain. But his anger at that time was much too intense to be dimmed by mere broken bones.

Whatever could be said about Victor Long, he was definitely a fearsome fighter. His ability to fight through even the most debilitating pain would lead him to a level of greatness that was overshadowed only by the brightness of my success.

Oh, I forgot to mention. He is a member of my little clique too.

Yes. The Shadow of the Blood Moon.

In fact, he is one of my vice leaders. A true veteran and one of the most effective fighters I've ever had the honor and pleasure of working with.

Unbelievable? Of course it is. How else do you think we get all of the critical information about our enemies?

Anyway, back to my story. He had a broken hand. But he still had another which was not.



His left hand smashed into my face and broke as well!


Victor Long leapt up high and launched a powerful axe-kick at me! If that kick had landed, he would have definitely broken his hip.

Thankfully, by that time, one of the Elders had arrived at our location and quickly intervened by grabbing Victor Long away.

"Enough!" He told Victor sternly.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Victor Long struggled mightily against the Elder, but it was no use. The Elder was much too strong.

"YOU!" I continued and pointed at the large kid who was shouting at me earlier. "YOUR MOTHER! SHE-"

"ENOUGH!" The Elder shouted at me in anger.

"What? What do you mean, enough?" I shouted in mock surprise and indignation. "HOW CAN IT BE ENOUGH? WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? WHERE IS THE FAIRNESS?!"

I whirled around and faced the rest of the Elders who were watching us with rapt attention.

"Is this how the best academy in the country treats her students?! By favoring the bigger and stronger families?" I shouted with great passion.

"I SAID ENOUGH!" The Elder shouted again and motioned for the other Long family kids to take Victor Long away from him.

"When Tes was getting mocked at, WHERE WERE YOU?" I roared at the Elder who was walking menacingly towards me.


Now that your precious LONG family is getting mocked at, you had to intervene and shut me up? WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? WHERE IS THE FAIRNESS IN THIS?"

"BIAS! FAVORITISM!" I screamed with all my might as I pointed at the Elder accusingly.

Just like Victor Long, the Elder's face grew red with anger. He raised his right hand threateningly.

I gave him a vicious smirk to encourage him to hit me.

However, Grand Elder Shella intervened and said softly. "Come back here, Elder Harris. Let the kids settle their differences by themselves."

Elder Harris' face turned extremely ugly and he spat at my feet vehemently. "Watch your back, you Whitefrost bastard." He said under his breath before going back to the gazebo.

I sneered at him and turned to the rest of the Long family brats.

I was not done yet. Oh no, not by a long shot.