The Ultimate Evolution-Chapter 1003: Shaking on Top…

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Chapter 1003: Shaking on Top…

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1 𝐟𝘳𝑒𝗲𝘸e𝒃𝘯𝒐𝐯e𝚕.c𝒐𝒎

"Was it here?" asked Sheyan as he walked out from the back seat of the car.

It was a place with complex terrain where multiple streets and alleys intersected with each other. The shops on both sides were mostly deserted. The pedestrians were hurrying around in their large coats, and drug addicts with pale, thin faces were everywhere. One could imagine the desolate, mysterious and gloomy atmosphere when it was nighttime. It was no wonder that Josina could hide behind an electric pole when she saw the killing and not get discovered.

Sheyan came here for the hook-nosed man, Dolittle, of course.

When Josina was following Dolittle, the latter should have been unaware of her. At that time, it was raining, so the surroundings were cold and wet, and Dolittle had just obtained some very important research material. For both work and personal reasons, Dolittle should be heading home.

This place was full of small streets and alleys, and the police coverage in this run-down area was relatively sparse. It was a good place to hide.

The FBI had probably grasped Dolittle's whereabouts at that time, so they lay here in ambush, but the power supporting Dolittle was out of the FBI's expectation. They were completely wiped out as a result.

A key point identified by Sheyan was the place where Dolittle was ambushed.

On a street.

For the police, if they had a choice, this was definitely not a good location for an ambush. Whether it be the social impact, the escape routes for the criminal, or other factors like finding evidence.

If the police had found Dolittle's lair, the location of the ambush would have been in his hiding place, beyond a doubt.

That could only mean one thing.

The FBI agents that ambushed Dolittle back then probably didn't find the man's lair. He was probably detected by surveillance, or they had received report from informants that Dolittle had appeared around here, after which the FBI hurried over to lie in ambush.

According to Sheyan's guess, the FBI must have carried out a furious cleaning-up operation in this area after the bizarre death of their men. If Dolittle's lair was still not found during the cleanup, there was no doubt that Dolittle will continue to use the place even after the contestant backing him had left the world. This was obvious.

Therefore, Sheyan thought that if he was somewhat lucky, he could find the lair that Dolittle had used and various many clues from there. If he was really lucky, he might be able to find the man himself in the lair.

Mogensha looked around while puffing on his cigar and asked, "There's a bar over there. Maybe we should go for a drink?"

Sheyan shifted his attention to the bar with a signboard that showed the outline of a naked woman, sketched with neon lights. The place was probably filled with the dregs of society, but they could probably get some good information there. He nodded and walked in with Mogensha.

There was a musty smell in the bar. It was, of course, masked by the strong smell of liquor, but the musty smell was still uncomfortable. There was still quite some time before peak hours, so the inside of the bar was brightly lit, to better help the waitresses clean the place.

Like most bars in this era, there were two billiard tables. The colour of the flannel on them had faded, and the surface was covered with scratches. The cue sticks had cracks on them and were covered with black dust.

Around the billiard tables were several men with tattoos and unkempt hair. Their biceps and chest were bare, as if they were showing off, and looked over with provoking and vigilant eyes. A queer looking fellow even showed them a lewd look. He blew a smoke ring in Sheyan's direction before finishing his drink in one gulp and placing the glass upside down on the table.

When Mogensha was called a "black lass" previously, he had really taken it to heart. Now that he saw this situation, he immediately turned to Sheyan and exclaimed in glee, "Boss, looks like someone has fallen for your beauty."

Sheyan glared at Mogensha. Just as he was about to retort, a prostitute who imitated Britney Spears' silver hairstyle came up to them with a cigarette in her mouth and asked, "Hello, gentlemen, are you here to drink or to have some fun?"

Sheyan smiled and sat down on the nearest table. He noticed that the table was a clean, round wooden table. A jack-o-lantern hung beside it.

"I'm here to give out money."

Sheyan once again launched a financial attack, which was undoubtedly a very simple but effective method. Of course, he could not rule out the possibility that some would weave out lies for the sake of profit, but Sheyan believed that it would not be difficult for his sharp eyes to identify these lies.

And so, when two men who had lied for the sake of money held their broken hands and screamed beside the table, no one else dared to risk it.

After gaining nothing, Sheyan and Mogensha left the bar and went to another bar. They were like hardworking bees rushing in between flowers. Several bars later, finally, the owner of the bar called out to Sheyan.

"Hey, you, stranger. Come here."

Sheyan walked over and leaned against the simple bar. Next to him was a rolled-up poster and a coin-operated telephone. The boss was a bearded man. As he wiped a glass with a towel, he casually said, "I heard you're enquiring the whereabouts of a man who walks with a limp, has a hook nose and has problems with his heart?"

"That's right," answered Sheyan.

The bar owner said slowly, "I know a fella with a hook nose who only drinks soda when he comes here for women. I've seen him take heart medicine before too. But both his legs are healthy, he doesn't have a limp."

That caught Sheyan's attention. He threw out a stack of bills.

"I'm interested."

The bar owner who got his cash smiled in satisfaction.

"This fella is famous among the girls working under me, first because he's generous, and second, because he's lazy in bed."

Mogensha immediately asked with keen interest, "Lazy in bed? What do you mean by that?"

The bar owner showed them a lewd look.

"His lust is strong, but because he has heart problems, he has to avoid strenuous exercises as much as possible. That's why, every time he takes a girl out, he always lies down on the bed and lets the girl do all the work on top. Every girl who goes with him complains about an aching back and sore legs, but the next time he comes to pick someone, all the girls will still scramble for the chance because he's generous in tipping."

Mogensha lifted his eyebrows a few times as he said, "He sure knows how to enjoy life. I might just try that out myself…"

Sheyan asked the bar owner, "Do you know where he lives?"

The bar owner shrugged his shoulders.

"Heck, I only sell cigarettes and alcohol, I don't do registrations. Why don't you ask the girls. They should know something about that."

"Where are your girls?"

"Why don't you order a brandy and have a seat. By the time you finish the brandy, it should be about time for the girls to come to work."

There was naught to do next but wait. Waiting sure was annoying.

But this time, Sheyan's patience was rewarded by Lady Luck! Although the guy in question would always bring the prostitutes to motels, one of the prostitutes actually saw him buy medicine at a pharmacy, then walk into an alley!

Sheyan, who had received this information, was about to follow the clue and find the alley when the door of the bar was suddenly pushed open and a man came in. The man had a hooked nose and dark eyes, with faint signs of cyanosis on his lips and skin.

As soon as he appeared, both the bar owner and the prostitutes gave him a strange look, then shifted their gazes to Sheyan's group.

No doubt, the man they were looking for had come to patronise the prostitutes again today.

Sheyan could not help but feel that his luck was truly amazing today. He gave Mogensha a look to warn him to be careful. Then, he stood up with a laugh and went up to the guy.

Under the gaze of the man that was filled with suspicion, Sheyan smiled and asked, "Mr. Dolittle?"

The man visibly trembled all over, but he tried to ask back in a casual tone.

"What did you say?"

Then, something unexpected happened. The very next second, Dolittle suddenly pulled out a large caliber M500 gun and shot Sheyan! The shot hit Sheyan's chest with a loud bang!

Sheyan staggered back a few steps while looking at the M500 gun with a little melancholy. When he had first entered the Terminator world, he had also relied on this powerful weapon to carve a path for himself. He did not expect to see the same weapon again today, but it had basically become useless against him.

After Dolittle fired the shot and saw Sheyan standing there as if nothing had happened, his pupils shrank. He immediately wanted to make the next move. But at that instant, Sheyan stepped in front of him and flashed him a smile.

"My patience has a limit, Mr. Dolittle."

Unexpectedly, Dolittle's action after that was even more surprising. When he saw the look on Sheyan's face, he suddenly showed an expression of ecstasy.

"You're…smiling? The damn Terminators don't have any facial expression programs, which means you're either a new model, or you're not a Terminator at all. And since you can withstand a direct shot from the M500 and still talk to me normally, you're not those fools from the FBI either. Are you one of those outsiders with superhuman abilities?"

Dolittle's reaction was undoubtedly beyond Sheyan's expectation, but what mattered to him was that despite all the twists and turns and all the suffering, he finally found the hidden man. That was definitely good news.