The Tutorial Is Too Hard-Chapter 413

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Chapter 413 Side Story Chapter 33 – Kirikiri (1)

Kirikiri was squatting.

She was about to jump, but then she shook her head.

The ground around her had been dug out too much for her to run around.

“Oh dear.”

The uprooted flower by her side as she sat in a squat was pushed by the wind and rolled over.

Kirikiri picked up the flowers and buried them well in the ground.

She patted the ground so that the wind wouldn’t blow it away again.

Kirikiri looked around.

It was a gruesome sight.

The soil was dug up, the grass was uprooted and swept away by the wind.

The hill disappeared, and a huge pit was dug in its place.

It was unknown how long it would take the fields to regain their original shape.

Kirikiri was upset.

A field like this reminds her of her bad past.

It’s been a long time since she became a god.

But the painful memories of the past are still not erased.

She may not be able to forget the memories because she has become a god.

Also, perhaps because it is her memory of the day she was reborn as a god, it may not be forgotten even more deeply.

Kirikiri picked up the soil around her and patted it to fill the dug up ground.

She did not know how long it would take for the fields to return to their original peaceful appearance.

Kirikiri let out a sigh.

The resistance from Yong-yong and the lava giant was fierce.

The lava giant on the 61st floor showed the ability to far exceed the power on the 61st floor, even though he lost his divinity.

In Yong-yong’s case…….

She could understand why Lee Ho-jae showed strange confidence every time he talked about Yong-yong.

That wasn’t the ability of a hatchling under 100 years old.

Kirikiri shuddered slightly.

Her ears fluttered.


someone has called

Kirikiri soon noticed who the owner of the voice was.

There weren’t many beings who called her a god.

[I’m here after being called.]


A dragon who acts as an advisor to challengers in the second half of the 50th floor.

The 50th floor section is a section where the challenger recognizes the apostles, the godhood, and the origin.

It can be said that it is one of the most important sections, so she placed Kisearin as an advisor there.

The identity of that dragon was a challenger who had cleared the previous tutorial Hell difficulty and was chosen by Kirikiri.

A challenger from Hell difficulty who was cultivated to clear the Trial Hall, but couldn’t be put into the Trial Hall because the Trial Hall was too dangerous.

Kirikiri’s original plan was to gather several challengers like Kisearin and bring them together to challenge the Trial Hall.

It was a plan with a slim chance of success as the ordeal was changed dangerously by the God of Order.

It was a plan that became useless as the irregular Lee Ho-jae came out.

“I’m sorry.”

Kirikiri apologized to the dragon.

When Hochi and Yong-yong insisted that they enter the ordeal without breaking their stubbornness.

Kirikiri was going to accompany Kisearin.

That dragon was well aware of the trial hall.

Because it was raised for that.

She believed he could play a great guide.

“They went in first.”

Hochi, Yongyong, and the lava giant on the 61st floor went in without even waiting for a guide.

Perhaps they are too powerful to be guided by the dragon.

The two are gods or beings who were gods.

One was a mysterious existence that escaped causality.

No, the reason they didn’t wait for the guide was not because of their strength.

It was because of Kirikiri.

Because she attacked their party, the guide she prepared was also uncomfortable, so they went in on their own.

After hearing that Hochi was out of causality, Kirikiri tried to check it out herself.

Somehow, she tried to attack Hochi herself.

Immediately, the dragon and the lava giant stopped them, and there was a battle.

A battle to the extent that her holy land was devastated.

At the end of the battle, Kirikiri was finally able to reach Hochi.

The result was this.

Golden metal shards were scattered around.

A golden blade that destroys all ideals and enforces only established principles.

The golden blade, feared by all gods in the world, shattered as soon as it touched Hochi’s neck.

Yong-yong’s words were true.

Hochi had no causality.

If someone is stabbed by the golden blade, they’re just stabbed.

No god could escape from that truth.

He does not twist causality, but stands outside the boundaries of causality.

A body that exists as a separate entity.

It was a strange being.

[Then I…….]

The dragon, who was quietly waiting for an answer, said.

“Go back.”

[All right.]

The dragon quietly retreated.

He seemed rather relieved.

He has been preparing for the trial hall for a long time, but he probably won’t want to go into it.

Those who went there on their own feet are strange.

Lee Ho-jae, who went in alone to save the world, and Hochi and Yong-yong, who just went to see their family.

Kirikiri thought she was a little jealous.

She was a little envious.

Even though there is a risk of death, there are family members who come to see him just because they want to see him.

Kirikiri scratched behind her ear.

She also had a family.

Her family were all buried under these fields when her adventures began.

It was childish and lowly jealousy.

Kirikiri shook her head.

What is important now is that a variable that even Kirikiri herself cannot predict has entered the ordeal.

Kirikiri predicted that Hochi, Yong-yong, and the Lava Giant would die with a high probability.

Of course, Hochi is an exception.

However, immortality was not useful in all situations.

When they were subdued by the God of Order,

Hochi may experience more pain than death.

Nevertheless, Kirikiri stood by them.

She warns of the danger, but doesn’t dislike the fact that she eventually opened the door.

Because of the variable.

She had to put in variables to twist the fortune-telling.

And now she has put the best variable.

Kirikiri once again prepared fortune-telling.

She prepared a smooth stone rolling on the floor.

The straight pedestal she had previously used was shattered by Yong-yong.

She put a pearl on a stone, and struck it down with another stone.

The remains of the pearl informed Kirikiri of the fortune-telling.

It was a terrible thing.

* * *

The hind legs of rabbits are longer than the forelimbs.

It is rather long compared to the body.

It is normally folded, but when running forward, the legs are straightened, allowing them to leap far.

Kirikiri watched the children run and play through the window.

They were running well.

When they squat, their long legs fold up, and when they run again, it stretches out like a spring.

Her feet were chubby.

Kirikiri looked down at her own feet.

She had short, white feet.

There was no fur.

Just above her feet were her ankles, followed by her calves.

It wasn’t long for her to recognize her knee.

The knee was bent like a rabbit, but it was clearly different from the rabbit’s leg joints.

Above all, it was too long.

It wasn’t a rabbit’s leg, it was a human leg.

Kirikiri scratched behind her ear.

She looked out the window, made sure there were no people around the house, and squatted down.

She jumped and jumped.

Like a rabbit.

She unfortunately couldn’t do anything as far as the rabbit.

Moreover, after only a few squats, her knees quickly got tired.

She also had a hard time balancing.

Kung kung!

It was a knock on the door.

Kirikiri stood up in surprise.

She opened the door and saw the lady next door.

The lady next door was holding a package of food.

The aunt gave the package to Kirikiri and told her to deliver it to the neighborhood a little bit higher.

Today’s food delivery was the lady’s job.

When Kirikiri asked about that, the aunt said that the neighbors a little further up said that Kirikiri had to deliver the food today.

It was strange.

Kirikiri took the bag and headed a little further up town.

Her hometown consisted of three villages.

She lives in the downstairs neighborhood.

It was a neighborhood where young rabbits who usually prepare food by gathering fruits and vegetables from the mountains lived together.

Next up is upstairs.

It is a town where a lot of old rabbits live and artisans who make clothes and make wooden furniture live.

Finally, a little bit higher.

This was a town where rabbits who saw divinations and conducted prayers for the tribal gods lived there.

Neither fruits nor herbs can be found in the upper town, which is high in the mountains.

The downstairs neighborhood had to prepare food and send it to them.

Kirikiri was able to get to the neighborhood a little further up.

The priest rabbit was there to meet her.

“Hello, Miss Kirikiri!”

“How are you, Sir Hara.”

Hara, the rabbit in charge of the priesthood, was already over 200 years old.

On the outside, he looked like a child.

Hara pointed to the sack that Kirikiri was holding, and asked what was in it.

Kirikiri knew what kind of answer Hara wanted.

It means what is the sweetest thing in the bag.


Carrots are sweet.

Carrots grown in the alpine region were small and unobtrusive, but they were sweet enough.

Hara jumped and asked for one carrot.

“One for me!”

“No. You have to eat together at mealtime.”

Kirikiri refused, raising her arms and placing the sack over her head.

Hara continued to jump and try to get his hands on the bundle, but he couldn’t take it from Kirikiri, who was almost twice as tall.

It wasn’t that Hara was short.

Kirikiri was exceptionally large.

It was big enough to not look like the same rabbit.

If Kirikiri doesn’t have rabbit ears on her head, people would believe she’s a human and not a rabbit.

Kirikiri and Hara entered the priest’s residence.

She placed the bag of food in the corner and asked.

“You can’t eat it by yourself again. Eat it together later.”

“Okay. Hehe.”

It was a purely sinister laugh.

“Come over here for a moment.”

Hara grabbed Kirikiri’s hand and led her somewhere.

Still, Kirikiri was curious as to why she had to come today, so she meekly followed Hara’s instructions.

The place that Hara took Kirikiri was the innermost part of the priest’s residence, where he could see the divinations.

Kirikiri had also been there a few times.

But it had a slightly different impression than the last time she visited.

What was the point?

“Oh my God… what is all this, Sir Hara.”

It was just that the room was too messy.

The floor was littered with white shards.

It looked like white sand.

“Is this… a pearl?”

“That’s right.”

Pearls are gems used by priests for fortune-telling.

Usually about three are used a year, but looking at the rubble on the floor now, it looks like at least hundreds of them are cracked.

“The pearls are all gone, so I guess I’ll have to buy a new one.”

Hara said, looking at Kirikiri.

“I think you should buy it.”

“Yeah… someone has to buy it.”

Pearls were essential gems for rabbits.

And it was a gem that could not be obtained on the mountain.

Someone has to go down the mountain to get the jewels.

It was understandable that that someone would be Kiriki.

It would be better for Kirikiri to go than for other rabbits to go.

Kirikiri herself thought so.

“You have to leave today.”

Kirikiri stopped at those words.

“Tomorrow… is the festival?”

Tomorrow is the day to hear the voice of the tribal god once in ten years.

It was the biggest festival for rabbits, and it was a very meaningful festival.

“You have to leave today.”

Hara said sternly.

* * *

Hara said it was a gift to Kirikiri, who was confused, and looked at the fortune-telling with the last remaining pearl.

A new start.

It was good fortune telling, and he urged her to leave the village immediately while the fortune telling remained.

Kirikiri was upset and burst into tears, but she could not disobey the priest’s words.

She returned to her own home in the lower neighborhood to pack up for the trip.

The priest Hara sat down again.

He sighed heavily.

Perhaps the poor Kirikiri thought he was kicking her out of town before the festival to ostracize her.

Hara looked back at the fortune telling he had last seen in the wreckage of the shattered pearl.

Hara said it was a very lucky fortune telling.

It was a lie.

It was a bizarre fortune telling.

The same meaning was repeated over and over.

It was a fortune telling that a new life would begin for Kirikiri.

The fortune-telling in a positive sense was correct.

However, the new direction of life to unfold for Kirikiri did not point to a positive meaning.

The future of Kirikiri, which the fortune teller was talking about.

It was a terrible thing.