The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster-Chapter 1170 - 1170 CHAPTER 1140 THE YOUNG MASTER OF THE E.W.R.

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They are selling his information to almost every buyer, his moves, his attacks, his mannerism, and much of his information were forcefully dug out and spread.

“Hahaha! I always want to know just how powerful the other younger generations of the other overlord race, let me Glob show you the might of the Everlasting Whale Race!”

A giant whale appears, everyone instantly feels immense pressure descending into them, many were forced to the ground but there are also some that were not that bothered.

Shadowslash snorts and his powerful divine sense causes the whale to freeze before crashing to the ground but before he reaches the ground, a neigh was heard and something carries it.

A majestic dragon appears but confusingly, it has gills atop of its head that make it look like a horse, if it were not for the fact that its face is a dragon, many will certainly confuse it with a seahorse.

“Welcome back Alexander, it seems that your hooves have turned into claws after your adventure.” Hearing his voice, the majestic dragon actually neighs and shakes the giant whale from its back.

GROAN! A hum that made some people’s heads buzzing spreads, the whale wakes up and glares at Shadowslash “You actually dare deal sneak attack on me?!”

“Nope, I use my powerful divine sense to cause you to faint, I did not do any underhanded attack upon you.”

“I was not prepared, it was a sneak attack true and true!”


“So when you used the innate ability of your race in order to cause chaos to these poor people is also a sneak attack, am I right?”

The giant whale becomes speechless after hearing this, it becomes sad and then lowers his head, upon seeing this, Shadowslash inwardly chuckles realising that the rumours regarding these gentle giants were actually true.

“Let us forget about this for now, you are here to challenge me right?” Quickly recalling his mission, the giant whale hurriedly nods his head.

“Then I accept your challenge.” He then turns to his “little brother” and asks.

“You wouldn’t mind me taking care of our guest, right? After all, he is a visitor, I think that it is better if he challenges me directly.” His so-called little brother quickly nods his head, inwardly, he is grateful.

He knows for a fact that he is no match against the young master of the Everlasting Whale Race, fortunately, Shadowslash saves him this embarrassment.

The giant whale instantly becomes happy, he is tasked to measure just how strong “Zendrick” truly is, he is at the peak of the Ascending Divine Rank, a little pressure is all he needs to become an Immortal and he is trying his luck against Shadowslash.

‘I might have a difficult time dealing with him with just my current form, it seems that I need to transform’ This is the thought that flashes in his mind but suddenly, Alexander lets out a loud neigh, indicating that it also wants to join the battle.

He is about to deny this request but before he can, his opponent speaks “I allow it, according to father, your clan can only release their true strength if they fuse with their mounts, I do not want you to hold back on me.”

SIGH “I say this to you beforehand, the only way for you to win or even last for a certain amount of time is to breakthrough and become an Immortal.”

“Do not look down on our race! We might not be a warring race but we are still powerful!” The giant whale actually becomes furious, quite unlike his earlier attitude.

“Only a fool will look down on your race, Do you think I am a fool?!” His solemn voice spreads throughout the arena causing everyone to feel dizzy.

“No, father said you are one of the most sly people he knows.”

Seeing that his words still have no effect on this fellow, he can only show him what he means.

“Stand down Alexander, join only after he breaks through his current bottleneck.” The two of them face each other and everyone quickly leaves in order to give them some space.

The size of the giant whale is just too big, even after such a large arena was built, it is still inadequate.

“Let us see just how strong you truly are!” Shadowslash is the first one to attack, shocking everyone who was watching, this is the first time he takes the initiative to attack.

He knows that his opponent is just too arrogant of his physical process, he needs to knock some sense into him in order to awaken his desire to battle.

“COME! LET ME SHOW YOU THE POWERFUL STRE-” Before he can finish his words, Shadowslash punches his face and he is blown back to a nearby stone formation, crashing and destroying it in the process.

That punch carries his entire strength, coupled with Leviathan’s innate strength, Metal God Technique, Dragon Qi, etc. The power of that punch can even threaten newly broken through Immortals, much less an Ascending Divine Ranker.

HUM! A whale cry spreads throughout the area, the giant whale once again floats, Shadowslash looks at him and says “Let us fight in our domain.”

The two of them get out of the rune array formation encompassing the kingdoms that they are set upon, they prevent the seawater breaking in, making the territory of the Ocean Fairy Race almost land-like. f𝐫ee𝘄ℯ𝚋no𝐯𝐞l.c𝘰m

The two of them were immediately covered with seawater, Shadowslash feels something awakening inside his avatar’s body and his eyes light up.

‘As expected, only by fighting underwater can I truly showcase just how tough this avatar truly is!’ He then turns to his opponent and his eyes are blazing with passionate battle intent.

The giant whale is also looking at him the same way, the two of them charge at each other, their speed is much faster than before.

BAM! A loud thud can be heard and everyone sees a giant entity being blown away, they look with a dumbfounded expression.

Shadowslash charges and follows up his attack causing his opponent to become helpless, it tries to retaliate but the difference between the two is just too great.

BAM! BAM! BAM! Dull thuds can be heard repeatedly, everyone sees a comical scene where a small figure is tossing a more gigantic figure around like the latter weighs nothing.

“Hahaha! As expected of the Everlasting Whale Race, you guys are truly durable, even after tanking many of my attacks, you are still able to continue.” Hearing this, the expression of the giant whale is pretty ugly.

No one wants to be a punching bag, much less someone as prideful as him but he cannot do anything about it, his body can regenerate at an almost instantaneous speed but still, Shadowslash’s attacks leaves multiple bruise marks.

This is not because his regeneration speed cannot catch up to the speed of his opponent’s attacks but because every punch that Shadowslash dishes out contains some sort of unique energy that stops his regeneration ability.

“You are not my match, this battle is becoming more and more boring to me, the only way for you to have a chance is to breakthrough to Immortal Realm and become a renowned Immortal.” Even after beating his opponent to near death, Shadowslash still has the nerve to give advice to him.

This is not him making fun of his fallen enemy but a method to goad his opponent, only by pure sheer will, can he breakthrough to Immortal Realm.

In order for him to achieve this, he either has enlightenment, only by incorporating an ability or skill into some sort of heavenly law can one reach the realm of Immortality.

This does not apply to Shadowslash since he already masters different types of heavenly laws to the point that he is now at the brink of controlling the Primordial Laws of this universe and even the Origin Law.

But he cannot transform into an Origin haphazardly, even though the true Origins of this realm are busy, they will certainly notice him if he continues to transform without any limit.

He must restrict himself in order to survive, once he conquers the lower realm, he no longer needs to hide himself and can showcase throughout the entire realm his true capability.

BOOM! The giant whale was slammed at the seabed, its head sinks in and looking at his expression, it seems that he had already fainted.

‘In the end, he is still unable to cross that level, what a pity.’ Just as he is about to leave, a powerful fluctuation can be sensed and the giant body of his opponent starts glowing.

“Hahaha! Finally!” He quickly retreats, knowing just how vast the difference between an Ascending Divine Ranker and an Immortal.

Looking at the expression of his opponent, it seems that he is now deep in his subconscious, he can attack and ruin this opportunity for him but he is not that type of individual, this is not a life and death battle.