The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster-Chapter 1149 - 1149 CHAPTER 1118 TRICKING THE BEHEMOTH RACE

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“Darko, can you tell me more about the situation of this universe?” Darko’s father turns to him, Shadowslash was laughing in his heart.

These Behemoths are truly idiots, once they lose the protection of this universe, it will be destroyed by the different powers or beings in the void of space.

What they do not know is that, there are multiple deranged beings that were created by the chaotic thoughts of multiple intelligent beings, they only seek destruction of all life and nothing else, they do not serve any great purpose.

“I do not know anything else clan head, the worlds that I had subdued are not that strong, they are incapable of learning more information regarding the invaders, I only know that they are capable of destroying any higher plane of existence in this realm.”

The expressions of the elders become ugly, it seems that they have now accepted the decision of the current clan head.

“Clan head, can I ask for my group to be excused for the clan meeting, I need their help to gather more information in order to secure our race’s safety.”

The clan head nodded, Shadowslash then brought all of the Behemoths that have the blessing of this universe.

They flew in a certain direction, they did not stop until they reached a certain amount of distance from their territory.

They are incredibly disciplined, as long as Shadowslash does not stop, they will not also, they were confused though but since this is a command from their leader, they do not argue.


Shadowslash turns to them, seeing their disciplined appearance, he sighs and starts speaking “Let us rest here, we are going to travel towards a different world, once we reach our destination, we immediately move out.”

The Behemoths started preparing their camp, unbeknownst to them, Shadowslash had brought with him a poisonous powder that will continuously lower their mental health and defense.

It is not permanent but with such poison, he is confident that he can trap them in an illusion long enough for his main body to return to this realm and cleanse their minds of memories regarding the Behemoth Race.

“Sleep well, once you wake up, you will live a much better life.” He mumbles as he sees the Behemoths that he had brought starts dozing off.

He sighs and starts writing a rune array that will help hide these Behemoths, he knows that the Leviathans will not accept the fact that some of the older generations survive but he will not let this universe suffer.

After completing his arrangement, he finally decides to declare war on the Behemoth Race, he returns to the Behemoth’s territory and starts killing one member after another.

He did this discreetly, after the forceful ascension, the number of Behemoths that is currently in the Giant’s Plane has deceased greatly, especially their powerhouses.

Fortunately for Shadowslash, the Behemoths have been the only ruler of this plane, because of this, they were very careless and even after ten or so Behemoths disappearing, none were still alarmed.

That is until Shadowslash was found out by one of the elders, the elder was actually visiting his descendant when he saw him killing the person that he was looking for.

Instantly, the entire race was alarmed, Shadowslash knows that his job is complete, he throws a head that looks exactly like his Behemoth Avatar in order to tell the race that their so-called saviour was dead.

The entire territory of the Behemoth Race was now in a tense and oppressive mood, the current clan head was staring at the head of his son with a dazed expression.

He does not know that his son died a long time ago, Darko’s sister, Arandiel, is the only person that is happy with the current event, not knowing the importance of Darko’s death.

“Clan head, we need to prepare, if Darko is dead that means that all the elites he had brought with him have also died, not to mention, our opponent is a shape shifter.”

BANG! The clan head slams his paw on the floor and shouts “We will kill that b*stard! How dare he kill my son and many of our clansmen, I want everyone to gather, we will use the heart of this plane.”

The expression of the elders changes but they did not argue the decision that their clan head has made, recalling the last message that Darko (Shadowslash) told them, they cannot help but feel a chill running down their spine.

Shadowslash was actually present amongst the Behemoths, he was impersonating one of his victims, unfortunately, he cannot keep his illusion for a long time.

‘Seeing their expression, it seems that using the heart of this plane cost something, a very precious sacrifice that even causes their race to actually feel pain.’ Shadowslash thought.

He decides to steal the heart of this plane if he is given any opportunity, his eyes were shining, as long as he finds the location where they are hiding the heart, he will immediately make a move.

He then sighs, he had forgotten once crucial fact, there are now three Peak Ascending Divine Rankers in the Behemoth Race.

They have reached this stage not because of their hard work but actually because of him, he had obtained large amounts of resources from different worlds and shared them with the Behemoth Race.

He did this because he wants to earn their trust and that he did, that is why, during his killing spree, no one managed to discover him.

He now knows the majority of the structure of the entire territory, the only locations he hasn’t stepped upon are the forbidden grounds that are being guarded by ancient arrays that were created when this plane was still a part of the Divine Realm.

He might be confident with his strength but he is not foolish enough to enter such places, there is a great difference between the lower realm and the Divine Realm, especially in terms of power and quality.

“I, first and third elder are going to enter the forbidden ground, second elder you will stay and monitor all the members of our clan, if anyone dares to leave, you have my permission to detain them.” The clan head told everyone this, he left the second elder because other than him and first elder, he is the only one that is a Peak Ascending Divine Ranker.

Shadowslash watches them leave the room, he sneers and instantly makes a move, he knows that the second elder will notice that he had only left an illusion, once it was discovered, the situation will become more difficult for him.

His target, the third elder, even though he is an Ascending Divine Ranker, he was in the early stage, he can take care of him much faster than the first two.

Unfortunately, this plan cannot be accomplished, the three elders are now staying with each other, it seems that they take the danger he poses very seriously.

He clicks his tongue and decides to follow them secretly, hoping that the second elder will take more time to discover his illusion.

“Clan head, do you really think that we should use the heart of this plane in our current situation, once we activate the heart, we will be sacrificing more than half of our race.” Asks the first elder via divine sense. 𝒇r𝙚𝙚𝓌𝙚𝑏𝗻𝑜𝘷𝗲𝘭.c૦𝑚

Shadowslash was shocked, he can interfere with the divine sense of beings weaker than him, of course, the first elder isn’t that weak but in terms of divine sense, he is basically unsurpassable in the lower realm.

“I know but either way, if we try to fight our enemy just by ourselves, we will be exterminated, this is a much better option.” The clan head answers decisively.

The first elder sigh, he knows that this was true, they can at least have survivors, Shadowslash starts laughing inwardly, he forwarded the recorded image into his illusion and had it display the discussion between the two.

“I wonder how the Behemoths will react knowing that 50% of them will be sacrificed.” He chuckles.

In the arena, the second elder was checking every member of his race with a stern expression and keen eyes, that is when the illusion that Shadowslash had left behind explodes into pure energy.

The second elder immediately reacts, he transforms into his battle form and attacks but his paw only passes through the clouds of gas.

The gas then transforms into some sort of 3d video, the expression of the Behemoths becomes vigilant, the second elder turns towards the image and he sees the figure of the three elders.

He then hears the discussion between the two, his expression quickly changes, those at the Ascending Divine Rank in the Behemoth Race will learn about the existence of the heart of this plane.

They would also be informed about its usage and the sacrifice to activate it, after hearing the words of the two elders, everyone starts to panic.