The Substitute Madam Amazes the World Once More-Chapter 440 - Mo Zhu Cooks

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Chapter 440: Mo Zhu Cooks

After they woke up, both of them were a little hungry because they had slept the entire day.

After Huo Xuan washed up, he picked up his phone and was about to ask the hotel to prepare some delicious food to send over when he was stopped by Mo Zhu.

After placing the man’s phone on the table, Mo Zhu raised her eyebrows and looked at Huo Xuan with interest. “Master Huo, what do you think? Are you interested in tasting the dishes I make today?”

Thinking of how he had just received a call from Xu Huan, who was suffering from Jiang Yu’s terrible cooking, and considering that Mo Zhu might want to imitate Jiang Yu, he reflexively rejected her righteously, “It’s alright, it’s alright. Your body hasn’t recovered yet. How can I trouble you to cook for me? I’ll do it, I’ll cook this meal!”

Upon hearing the man’s words, Mo Zhu lowered her eyes unhappily and frowned. “Why? Are you afraid that my cooking won’t taste good and the food will turn out hard to swallow?”


Huo Xuan waved his hand and replied in fear and trepidation, “How is that possible? I’m just too worried about your health. I’m afraid you’ll be tired from cooking.”

After saying this, Huo Xuan quickly walked to the kitchen door, afraid that Mo Zhu would fight him for it. He neatly put on an apron and opened the fridge door to see what dishes there were to cook.

Mo Zhu followed Huo Xuan into the kitchen and leaned lazily against the locker. She looked up and glanced at the man. She crossed her arms and didn’t say a word, she just stared at Huo Xuan indifferently.

Sensing the girl’s displeasure, Huo Xuan smiled awkwardly. He took off the apron he was wearing halfway and took two steps forward to Mo Zhu. He adjusted the apron according to Mo Zhu’s figure and said obsequiously, “After thinking about it, the food I cook is indeed not very delicious. Xiao Zhu, you should do it.”

When Mo Zhu heard this, her brows relaxed and she smiled. She neatly tied the strap of the apron behind her and pushed Huo Xuan out of the kitchen. She said lightly, “Then wait outside the kitchen.”

After closing the door, Mo Zhu started cooking lunch for the two of them alone in the kitchen.

About half an hour later, the kitchen door was pulled open from the inside by the girl. The fragrance of food instantly assaulted his nose.

Huo Xuan obediently followed the girl’s instructions and sat at the dining table, waiting for his meal. Seeing Mo Zhu walk out with two bright colored dishes, he quickly stood up and took the dishes from the girl’s hand.

After bringing out a dish and soup from the kitchen, Mo Zhu took out two small bowls and placed them on the dining table before scooping a bowl of meatball soup for Huo Xuan.

Huo Xuan smelled the fragrance of the neatly arranged dishes and soup on the dining table in front of him and looked at the dishes. He thought for a while and picked up a small spoon with difficulty to try the meatball soup.

Mo Zhu sat down in the seat opposite him and scooped some soup for herself. She looked up and asked Huo Xuan, “How is it? My meatball soup is quite delicious, right?”

Huo Xuan had just taken a sip when the fragrance of the meatball was instantly captured by the tip of his tongue. He widened his eyes in surprise and looked at Mo Zhu in front of him. “You made the meatball soup yourself?”

Seeing that Huo Xuan did not seem to believe that the meatball soup was made by her, Mo Zhu rolled her eyes at the man angrily. “If I didn’t make it, who did? Why didn’t I know that there was a second person in our kitchen other than me?”

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Huo Xuan quickly finished a bowl of meatball soup. He raised his hand and handed the empty bowl to Mo Zhu. “It’s too delicious. Give me another bowl.”

He had thought that Mo Zhu would make him some “dark cuisine” to torture him. He did not expect this meatball soup to be surprisingly delicious. This was definitely not just ordinary cooking, just the bowl of soup he had tasted just now had the ability to fight one that was made from a star-rank chef!

When Mo Zhu heard this, she pursed her lips and took Huo Xuan’s bowl from him. She scooped another bowl for the man and said, “Drink it slowly. I’ve added some nourishing medicine to this soup. Drinking it in moderation will increase your immune system. If you drink too much and have too much nutrition, I’m afraid you’ll get a little heaty.”

Huo Xuan nodded and picked up a small spoon to take another sip of the meatball soup. He seemed to have tasted something in the soup. He frowned and asked, “Did you add special ingredients to the meatball?”