The Sims: I Open the Immortal Path for All Beings-Chapter 498: 446: The strong fall, giving back to Heaven and Earth.

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Chapter 498: 446: The strong fall, giving back to Heaven and Earth.

Pei Xuanjing unleashed his slash, the sword cutting across the sky, revealing its extreme sharpness!

The terrifying sword intent made Ying Zhong’s face show terror, chilling him to the bone.

He immediately activated his magical domain’s power to resist the sword, countless flames gathered, once again forming the phantom of a Honghu bird, whose eyes flickered with life, let out a long cry, and soared with a flap of its wings.


The sword light collided with the phantom of the Honghu bird, causing heaven and earth to tremble and the sky to explode. The terrifying power swept in all directions with the flame magical domain receiving the brunt of it, its flames dimmed, wavering on the verge of collapse.

Clearly, this magical domain incurred substantial damage. This undoubtedly hurt Ying Zhong immensely. It took countless energy and time for him to cultivate his magical domain to its current effectiveness.

With such extensive damage this time, he didn’t know how much resources and time it would take to fully repair it.

For a powerhouse like him, any time is precious. This could reduce his chances of advancing further and stepping into the seventh level of the Spiritual Realm.

But he barely had time to feel the pain when his face suddenly changed, sensing a terrifying aura appearing once again.

“He’s going to kill me!” A possibility emerged in Ying Zhong’s mind.

Pei Xuanjing was seen slowly lifting his sword, his movements slow, his sword stance plain – green, red, yellow, white, black, purple, blue, colors revolving around him.

Under this sword stance, one could not only feel the sword intent as bright as the sun but also the vitality of spring, the blistering heat of summer, the desolation of autumn, and the severity of winter.

The four seasons evolve in no particular order, repeating perpetually as if there was no beginning or end, an eternal cycle.

Pei Xuanjing stood there, his body moved with his sword, his sword moved with his heart. At that moment, he seemed to fuse with heaven and earth, exuding an indescribable charm.

This sword is unstoppable!

This sword is even more terrifying than before, facing this sword, he clearly felt the whiff of death.

Horror grips his heart, determination flashed in his eyes, without hesitation, he unleashed his trump card: a feather about a foot long appeared in his hand out of thin air.

This feather is his totem symbol from the ancient country, Da Jiang, obtained on his ancestral land. It’s a real feather from the Eighthfold Spirit Realm, a Honghu Phoenix bird, which can summon the Avatar of the totem Honghu Phoenix bird.

Ying Zhong could never imagine that he would be forced to use such a trump card right after his arrival.

At different places, different people, almost made the same choice.

If he knew of Xue Hanyi’s actions on Shenxiao Mountain at the same time, they might feel a bit of empathy, after all, they faced the same opponent.

The true feather of the Honghu Phoenix bird was ignited, a terrifying aura suppressed everything around, making everyone feel a sense of oppression out of the blue.

Even Pei Xuanjing couldn’t help but frown at this terrifying aura.

‘This is the true feather of Honghu Fengniao, which can summon the incarnation of Honghu bird. Judging from this aura, it should be at least the eighth level Honghu Phoenix bird. We must interrupt him quickly….’ Mr. Wu’s voice clearly echoed in Pei Xuanjing’s ear.

Pei Xuanjing jolted. This was the first time he sensed apprehension in his opponent’s tone, making him realize the terrifying nature of it.

‘This sword, Shenxiao Heaven’s Intention, will send you on your way.’ Not holding back anymore, Pei Xuanjing’s voice echoed through the sky.

A sword was unleashed, it’s divine might was oppressive, judging humanity. The void where the sword light passed seemed like a celestial sword that had descended from the sky, piercing through the sun.

This sword was the most powerful one Pei Xuanjing could wield at the moment.

In the next moment, the sword light illuminated the sky as if the space between heaven and earth was filled with this sword, severing all perception.

The flame’s magical domain disappeared, Ying Zhong’s body was annihilated into nothingness. The lingering sword intent and the warmth of the flames left in the sky indicated that everything just now was not an illusion.

All were stunned by this move of Pei Xuanjing. His terrifying sword made them unable to maintain their composure, their faces showing boundless shock.

Mu Binghua was indescribable in her shock. Ying Zhong, who was in the Sixth Level Spiritual Realm, was dead, his death was so straightforward and decisive, there was not the slightest resistance. He even failed to save his life with the real feather left by the Honghu Phoenix bird of the Eighthfold Spiritual Realm.

A strong man of Spiritual Realm Sixth is just one step away from stepping into the Spiritual Realm seventh, advancing to the sixth order, and starting the qualifications to pursue the immortal Dao.

Even in the Tianhuang World, the fall of such a strong person is not a trivial matter for any force, and he would fall here.

‘A Sixth Level Spiritual Realm powerhouse actually fell like this.’ Xue Hanyi and her younger sister Xue Hanyue look at each other, both seeing a sense of relief in each other’s eyes.

Recalling when they first arrived, they also confronted Pei Xuanjing. However, unlike this, they did not go too far, bowed their heads in time, and preserved their lives.

However, they hold grudges against the ancient country Da Jiang. Seeing a strong enemy fall, they couldn’t help but feel a surge of joy in their hearts seeing their enemies weakened.


A thunderous explosion echoed through the sky.

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Then Pei Xuanjing noticed that it seemed to rain lightly, and this rain wasn’t ordinary rain, it seemed to contain some Heaven and Earth Essence Qi.

‘What is this…’ Pei Xuanjing frowned.

‘Heaven and Earth nurture all beings, and when a cultivator falls, they naturally give back to Heaven and Earth. This has been an unchanging rule since ancient times.’ Mr. Wu sighed and explained to Pei Xuanjing.

Even with his mentality accustomed to seeing all sorts of things, seeing such a strong fall and giving back to heaven and earth, he couldn’t help feeling a bit melancholic.

Perhaps, one day in the future, if he fails to pursue the Dao fruit of true immortality, he might also experience the same moment.

‘Why wasn’t this the situation when we killed the Howling Moon Gray Wolf.’ The Qingxu Taoist couldn’t help asking curiously.

That Howling Moon Gray Wolf was also a strong entity at the Fifth Level of the Spiritual Realm. Logically, he was on the same grand realm as Ying Zhong, so why was this outcome different.

‘Actually, by logic, only when stepping into the Seventh Level of the Spirit Realm, or the Sixfold cultivator falls, will such celestial phenomenon occurs.’ Mr. Wu explained. ‘Today we ascended to the Divine Dynasty, and the will of Heaven and Earth manifests. Thus, we could witness the fall of such a formidable entity and observe such celestial phenomenon. At other times, such a phenomenon would probably only occur when a Seventh Level Spiritual Realm being falls.’

Nine Realms of Spirit, only when stepping into the Seventh Level Spirit Realm is it considered to have reached the last grand realm of Spirit Realm. Stepping into the Seventh Level Spirit Realm signifies the beginning of comprehending heaven, and cultivation improvement merely reflects the understanding of the Dao and the different strength one can wield.

According to some powerful entities, if there’s a chance for immortality to appear, only entities above the Seventh Level Spirit Realm are eligible for it. If one’s power is below this level, one will not be able to bear this opportunity.