The She-Devil And Her Alphas-Chapter 251 - Two Hundred And Fifty-one: The Young Impulsive Witch

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Chapter 251 - Two Hundred And Fifty-one: The Young Impulsive Witch

What kind of witch was she? Asher wondered. To others, it seems like she desired to help people out but to Asher, it was almost as if danger thrilled her.

That was an admirable trait yet a dangerous one if she goes off the track. Imagine making an enemy of a vampire hybrid whose knowledge grew with each battle she engaged in.

Devon doesn't have to be taught, she just needs to be shown and she has an idea of it at once. Her ability was amazing with prospects of it evolving into something huge yet dangerous in the future; never estimate the power of the brain.

"Thank you," Sabrina whispered to her gratefully. If not for her help, her knees would have given out by now as a result of lack of strength.

Two they say is better than one because, in no time, Sabrina and Devon had finished teleporting the vampires.

They both crumpled to the ground out of exhaustion.

"That was awesome!" Jubilated Devon which elicited an odd look from Sabrina.

What was this girl made of? Steel? She was so weird. Here she was, so exhausted yet this young witch was exhilarated. Perhaps, she was growing old or something?

"It's time to leave," Asher announced, putting on black gloves. He was dressed in black denim, leather jacket, and boots; he was ready to kiss some asses.

"Wait!" Devon stopped him.


"There's something you need to know before you leave," Devon said to him.

Asher's interest was piqued, what was she about to disclose? The girl had proved her capability so far, so he did not doubt that whatever she had to say was important.

"Alright, spill the beans, "

She breathed, "When you were in the Raven clan, there was a memory Ezekiel forced me to take away from you," she confessed.

His eyes widened," You erased my memory? What memory did you take from me?"

"Umm," Devon pursed her lips," Well, kind of an insignificant memory but then nothing little is too little. You better see for yourself, "

She walked over to him but Dan put himself in her way, he still didn't trust that girl.

"It's okay," he gestured to Dan to give the girl space which he reluctantly obeyed.

Devon was all smiles as she placed both hands on Asher's temple saying,

"Revelare omnia quae amissa, " 𝙛𝘳𝒆𝒆𝒘e𝗯n𝗼𝘷𝚎𝚕.𝒄૦𝓶

Asher gasped in pain which made Dan try to butt in but Sabrina held him back.

"It's normal. A memory recovery spell comes with pain but he'd survive since he's a vampire," she explained.

Asher grunted in agony, his eyes rolling back as the memories surged his head:

"Helen is my mate and that's my current weakness - no matter what, I can't harm her - so I put her into a peaceful sleep"

"You put her in hibernation, you sorted out help from a witch?"

"Do you think my mother would forgive you for what you did to her? Helen would hate you for eternity if she doesn't reject you"

"You were always jealous of my father"

"It wasn't hard, the mate bond made everything easier. Just a perfectly planned kiss and she succumbed to me"

But she could reject you, your days are numbered, Ezekiel"

"Like I would let you walk free after hearing this"

At first, Asher just remembered snippets of that stolen memory but with time, it all merged and made sense.

Devon pulled away while Asher staggered back from the spiraling experience. He was still reeling from the effects.

"If this is true," Asher thought aloud, "That means we are bringing my mother back whether she's needed for the spell or not," he announced.

"What did you see?" Dan inquired

"There's no time to chit chat. Chop chop, we have to leave now. The more time we spend here, the more dangerous it is for my people left leaderless in Raven territory.

"Sabrina should not cast spells anymore since she's exhausted and has to preserve her strength to return me to my original body when the time comes. So Dan would take her out of here," Asher assigned roles.

"Devon, you still have the orbiting orbs, so the both of -"

"There is no need for everyone to bother themselves. I've seen how Sabrina summoned the portal and I think I can do it," she informed him happily

"That portal is too strong for -"

"No, Devon, don't -!"

Sabrina and Asher were still saying when the girl conjured up the said portal.

But to their greatest surprise, a large portal opened up in the sky and the next they knew, they experienced the sensation of slightly flying in the air before they heard a loud thud and the house quaked greatly.

They all fell and slid to the side with the slanted movement of the house just before it settled. Even when the house stopped reverberating and the dust had cleared, the house was never quite level.

Sabrina had a prominent bump on her forehead; she had hit the wall hard when gravity took place. 𝐟𝐫𝗲𝙚w𝚎𝐛𝙣𝐨𝙫𝘦𝗹.c૦m

Devon was not left out either, even as the spellcaster, she had a bloody trailing down the side of her head and a cut on the bridge of her nose.

If Dan and Asher were injured, no one could tell since they were up on their feet and looked healed already.

"What the hell just happened?" The vexed Dan was the one to speak out first, helping Sabrina to her feet and checking for other injuries on her body.

"Well, in summary," Sabrina eyed Devon who was puking her gut out. The girl should have known that a spell of that enormity had its toll on the body. Does she think it was child's play when she had summoned one earlier?

"The young impulsive inexperienced witch not only summoned a portal that sucked the sum of us to Raven territory," she gestured outside, "But she brought the house with us in it which means that …"

"I might as well have never caged Lia," Asher filled in numbly.

"Yep, your house just traveled through a portal," Sabrina summarized," It's time to face the music, Asher"


Lia paced up and down the room idly, this was so frustrating. There was nothing she could do in here while the clamors of battle from downstairs filled her ears. She wanted to fight and as gory as that might sound, her anger could only be quenched after tearing those Raven freaks apart.

She would come for Raphael but that would be after rescuing her mother from his evil claws. Lia trusted Asher would find her mother but she was scared of a casualty loss.

Her mother was a human but Asher and Raphael were vampires and would not die from minor Injuries. But her mom was fragile, a small strike to the chest from Raphael would crush her sternum and the broken bones would pierce into her heart, killing her instantly, and undoubtedly, that sick psycho would try to use her mom to sabotage Asher.

Which was why Lia had to be there; at that battle. She had to ensure her mother doesn't become a victim of circumstances moreover, Lia had promised her brother that she would return their mother home safe and she would do just that.

"You know," Electra started again to her annoyance," Instead of wasting your energy being furious, you could sit down and we could have a mother and daughter bonding time," she suggested.

Lia was annoyed by her statement, she glanced over her shoulder, "Does everything seem like a joke to you?"

"No, not everything, clearly, the unnecessary ones," was Electra's answer.

Her gaze darkened," The unnecessary ones?" A wry smile was seen on her face briefly before it distorted into a furious one," My mother is being held against her wish and there's a possibility that she might not make it out alive and you think it's an unnecessary thing worrying over her?!"

"Hey, that's not what I'm trying to - " she tried to explain but the fuming Lia did not let her speak.

"I'm being hunted by a psychopathic vampire who is the half-brother to my mate and is currently possessing my mate's body and you think it's not a reason to be concerned - "

"That is not what I meant by that, I just wanted you to chill out a …. you know what ?" Electra pressed her temple with both hands," Forget I ever said anything, forget I ever wanted to help out a dumbass like you!"

The friction in the room heightened as Lia roared," That's no way to talk to me, I'm your -"

Electra took the words out of her mouth," You are not my mother and would never be my mother! So get that fact into that impaired brain of yours"

"This is it!" Lia stomped her feet, forgetting all about control.

Both women were prepared to lurch at each other, to claw, kick, punch and pull hairs when an earthquake took place, they thought.

Due to the fact they were standing, the two of them had nothing to hang onto and were thrown about violently.

By the time the building settled, Lia and Electra were moaning in pain. What the hell just happened?