The Royal Contract-Chapter 1306: Her reality

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Her eyes searched the mirror, trying to find what else could go wrong. In her experience, she never had been this lucky before.

Usually, when something extraordinary and incredible happened to her, something else would follow. Unfortunately, it would be the opposite.

"Is this real?" She asked one more time. "Is this happening?" Staring at her reflection in the mirror.

She loved what she saw. She was deliriously happy as a beautiful smile covered her face. However, she could not but worry, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

What else could go wrong to ruin this beautiful feeling? What would happen to wake her up and tell her this was just a dream?

"Mama?" A small voice spoke at her back as the door gently glide opened. Then, a small head peeked behind the wooden barrier. "Are you done yet?"

Slowly, he walked toward her, carrying a small bouquet of assorted gorgeous flowers. When she looked into his tiny adorable face, her son smiled, adding joy to her day.

She could look at his son all day and never get tired. Quite the contrary, she felt so much more relaxed when he was in her arms.

"Yeah!" She checked her makeup one last time. "I think so." Finding nothing else out of place. "What about you?" She asked when he finally stood before her.

Her son looked handsome in his new and expensive clothes. She guessed there were some things that money could buy. If not everything.

"Wow, you look pretty, Mama." Edison sweetly articulated as he stared at her.

She could not help but chuckle at her son's tone as he imitated his soon-to-be stepfather, or father, as Zach insisted.

Her husband-to-be did not want the label of not being her son's biological father. So, he intended to adopt him as soon as they were married.

"Do I?" She asked, but she certainly felt it. She felt beautiful, not because of her expensive dress or the coloring on her face.

She felt like she was the most beautiful woman in the world because of how she felt when Zach looked at her with adoration and love.

Of course, she was not delusional to believe Zach fell for her beauty and charm. However, she appreciated him more because he loved her despite everything she lacked. Moreover, he did not care about her flaws. Find more chapters on

"Yes, you are." Her son nodded in confirmation, standing up straight like a real man.

And how could she forget how lucky she was that the man she loved also loved her son? He never once judged her for having a child.

On the other hand, he quickly stepped onto the plate and took over the role, not caring if Edison was not his son.

"You look very handsome yourself." She complimented him as she pulled him in a soft hug. "Can you give Mommy a kiss?" She asked, wanting to feel his love and warmth.

She could feel that her son was growing too fast. It would not be long before he would not be her baby anymore.

Not only that, but she also felt that she would not have his full attention for herself. It would not be the two of them against the world anymore.

"Can we go now?" He impatiently said after giving her the warmest kiss and a tight hug. "Zachy is already waiting for us."

She could not help but feel delighted, seeing the anxiousness on his face. Her son could not wait to be with her fiancee.

Who knew she would ever find the man who would love her son like that? She had given up on love for fear that no man would accept another man's child, but not Zach.

"Of course, we can." She inhaled one last deep breath as she took her son's hand, allowing him to guide her outside her room.

Soon, she would have a husband who would be her partner for the rest of their lives. Then, her son would have a new father who would guide him to his future.

What could she ask for? From being alone to having a son, now, she would have a family. She could only feel blessed.

"Are you ready, Ria?" His familiar voice echoed in her hallway as he stood outside her door. She could only nod, feeling a heaviness forming deep inside her chest.

It was not a heart attack, but it felt that way as she felt the overwhelming joy of finally finding the man of her dreams.

But, of course, she fought off the tears from forming in her eyes. It was not the time for crying. She had enough of that. It was a time for celebration as she put a beaming smile on her lips.

"I guess this is as ready as I can be." She honestly answered her fiancee, believing that it might take more time for all of this to sink in.

However, knowing that Zach and Edison would be on her side, holding her hands through the years to come. This time, she had people to stand in her corner.

"By the way, have someone told you that you look beautiful?" Zach said to her as he held her hand and kissed her.

It was short but was more than enough to make her feel like she was floating in the air. She guessed this was the feeling of someone who just won the lottery.

But to her, it was not the money but the security of having someone who would always have her back. She felt like she had won the grandest prize ever, a love that would last her a lifetime.

"I am sorry, but somebody already beat you to it." She pointed at her son while a chuckle escaped her lips as she watched his reaction.

She watched the fake disappointment in his expression as he heard that Edison had beat him to it.

"Ok. Then, let me be the second person to tell you that you are the most beautiful woman in the room." He whispered to her as he leaned against her ears.

This time, she laughed at his very well-composed compliment. However, there was a flaw in his statement.

"I wish you could have said that once we are in the party." She countered, seeing that she was the only woman in the room since it was just the three of them in the apartment.

"I meant that." He quickly added, seeing the error of his ways.

But she knew he only meant for her to laugh so that he could drive away her nervous jitters. He must have felt how cold her fingers were as she dreaded being with his entire family.

After she met with his mother, things seemed to fall into place in their relationship. Although she could not be sure if his mother had already accepted her, at least she was civil.

"Thanks." She kissed him on the cheeks, slightly putting a red mark on his cheeks. "Wait." She quickly wiped the stain with his fingers before he pulled away.

She wished she could do more to show her appreciation for everything he had done for her. Fortunately, she would have a lifetime to do so.

And she intended to love him with all her heart until the day she died. But she guessed that was already part of her wedding vows.

"Aren't we going yet?" Edison complained as he waited by the stairs. "Grandpa is waiting." He grumbled.

Zach motioned for her to walk before him, allowing her to follow Edison down the stairs and into the waiting limousine outside her apartment.

However, she could not help but think of her son with Zach's father. She could see that the older gentleman genuinely adored his son.

Zach's father, like her fiancee, had taken the role of a grandfather without a second thought. He accepted Edison as if he was his flesh and blood.

"Where is Sasha?" She asked, not seeing the young girl with her family.

She needed them to be there since they were the closest to a family she got. They might not have the same blood type.

But they had been there for her and Edison throughout these years. Love and respect had bonded them, making them a family.

"They are already on their way," Zach explained as he helped her into the backseat, following Edison, who had already taken the opposite side.

Her son seemed to adapt to their new situation easier than her. But kids were more resilient than adults. She guessed, in her case, it might take her more time to adjust to this luxurious life, coming from nothing.

However, one thing she was thankful for. Zach seemed to have changed compared to the first time she met him. He was not the spoiled brat she once knew.

"I can't wait to marry you." He whispered as he held her cold fingers in his firm, warm hands, massaging them gently to soothe her frail nerves.

His comforting words seemed to calm her down, giving her the strength to face whatever challenges would come their way.

Because she believed there would be many. But if they worked and stayed together, nothing could break them apart.

"Me too." Ria leaned her head, resting them on his shoulders as her eyes watched her son, looking over the window, seemingly excited to reach their destination.

She could finally see that this was real. There was no waking up to another reality. She was on her way to her engagement party, hosted by his parents.

Soon, she would marry into his family. And she would become a part of a real family, where they had to attend Sunday lunches or dinners.

As she gazed into her son's eyes, she had a realization. There was no alternate universe.

This, she, Zach, and Edison.

What she had here was now her reality.