The Princess Consort Has A Lethal Destiny-Chapter 71 - The Library

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Chapter 71: The Library

In reality, the Imperial City’s renowned academies had extraordinary backgrounds.

However, Pei Wanyue was unwilling. Therefore, she failed to squeeze a smile on her face and looked cold.

Xie Qiao was different.

She had her head filled with all the good things in the Royal Academy, as well as the Yang energy that was beneficial to her.

“Miss, you can’t bring a maid with you to the academy. Will you be able to cope, given your health?” Chun Er was rather concerned.

It would be hectic at the academy, whereby she would have to stay for six to eight hours per day!

“I can.” Xie Qiao looked as proud as the sun. There was even warmth in her tone now.

It was good to go to school. She finally felt high-spirited now!

In reality, her health had improved significantly since she turned 15. However, in the past…

It was a long story.

Her body had been weak not long after she was born. It was hard for her to breathe, and she would be scared by ghouls every now and then. Ever since she had started walking, she would always pass out.

It was common for her body to feel cold in the middle of the night, as if she was in an ice cave.

She would have nightmares every day from the influence of Yin energy.

Thus, she disliked sleeping. She would stay under the sun and read whenever she had time. She would even exercise a little bit to prevent getting weaker.

Learning more and working hard would make her forget the feeling of dying.

However, it was different when she was at the academy.

There were fewer men and more ladies here. There was more Yang energy than the sun’s energy at noon. She had not seen any ghouls at the academy yesterday, so she was over the moon!

If she knew that the feng shui was great here, she would have come to the Imperial City from the very beginning.

Although she had heavy evil energy in her back then, which would harm her family, she could have lived in the side courtyard…

It was a pity!

Xie Qiao was smiling for a while and sighing for a while.

At the moment, many carriages stopped outside the academy.

The academy prepared rooms for the students. However, there were more male students, as most female students would go home every day.

There were five rest days each month, and it was less strict for the ladies. They could apply for rest days if their bodies were weak and feeling ill. However, they would have to catch up with their homework as much as they could.

Everyone would have to walk after stepping into the academy’s gate. Not only that, all of them were pampered young mistresses, and maids were prohibited.

Xie Qiao dropped by the place she took the examination yesterday.

Ms. Xu had been anxious the whole day. He was ready to be blinded by a pile of silver taels.

Not only that but there were also many people watching out there. They were here to watch Xie Niushan sending actual money.

Unfortunately, Xie Niushan did not come.

Ms. Xu thought it was odd that he was not here.

“Sir, this is a gift from me.” Xie Qiao handed the painting.

Xu Mian was stunned. “A painting?”

He thought she would give silver notes even if she was not giving silver taels! In reality, silver notes were great too. They were not as shiny!

“That’s right.” Xie Qiao nodded.

Her skinny and fragile body looked rather high-spirited now. Her eyes were bright, and her soft voice was like a stream flowing, slow but powerful.

Xu Mian felt more relieved now. He thought the gift would be appropriate as long as its quality was passable.

He did not expect its value to be worth 5,000 taels of silver. It would work even if it was only worth 2,000 to 3,000 taels of silver!

However, he was dumbstruck when he rolled out the painting.

The painting style and the wild handwriting…

At that moment, his spirit was lifted, and he rolled the painting immediately. “Amazing! Great, this can be stored in the library!”

For the items that the academy collected, silver taels or notes would be put away in the storeroom, porcelain wares and precious stones in the treasury, while books and paintings in the library. The library had a few doors too. The further the door was, the more precious the items in there.

Many people were watching the library to guarantee that things would not be stolen or to prevent fire accidents.

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