The Prime Minister’s Darling-Chapter 59 - : 59 Monks

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Chapter 59: 59 Monks

“I heard Liulang took the county exam.” At dinner, Master Gu mentioned Xiao Liulang.

After what happened to Young Master Xiaoqin earlier this year, although no one thought Gu Jiao had deliberately caused it, they still felt that Gu Jiao had caused Xiao Liulang bad luck, since they were now married.

Now, hearing Xiao Liulang’s name made all three, mother-in-law and daughters-in law alike, feel choked up, but they didn’t dare to speak since it was Master Gu who had brought up the topic, so they kept their heads down and quietly ate supper.

“Hmm, he only took one part.” The one who answered was Gu Dashun.

Gu Changhai wondered, “Why only one? Didn’t you take five?”

Gu Dashun thought for a moment, “Maybe he messed up? If you fail the first part, they won’t let you continue.”

Gu Changhai: “Do they refund the exam fee?”

Gu Dashun: “No refund.”

Gu Changhai picked up a piece of pickles with his chopsticks, “Tsk, two taels of silver! Even if you threw it in the dung pit, it would at least make a bubble.”

Master Gu frowned at his eldest son, and Changhai immediately shut up.

The entire table’s appetite was ruined by the mention of poop, except for Dashun’s.

Don’t think he doesn’t know, it was the headmaster himself who registered Liulang for the exam, disregarding Dashun and pinning high hopes on Liulang. Such action was destined to lead to disappointment.

A sense of revengeful pleasure rose in Gu Dashun’s heart.

After ten days, the county exam results were announced.

Gu Dashun was waiting to laugh at Xiao Liulang, but he was struck dumb by unexpected news!

On the red announcement from the academy adorned with flamboyant characters, it read – Xiao Liulang topped the County Examination!

Actually, the Yamen didn’t announce the results so quickly. The headmaster, out of urgency, personally visited the county Yamen. After inquiring about the results, he didn’t even wait for the official announcement and put up the good news himself.

It was placed in the most conspicuous position, ensuring that every passerby could see it!

The headmaster stood under the announcement, grinning like a fool.

Those in the know said his student had topped the county exam, and to those who didn’t, it seemed like his own son had passed the exam.

He even specifically called Xiao Liulang to the Zhongzheng Hall: “…. I knew my hard work wouldn’t go wasted.”

Indeed, you were moved by me!

Xiao Liulang looked at him without expression: “I just hate sitting for so many exams.”

The headmaster leisurely said: “Oh, then you could have submitted blank test papers!”

A blank submission meant you don’t have to continue further, right? Admit it Liulang, you appreciate your headmaster! You couldn’t bear to disappoint your headmaster!

Xiao Liulang didn’t bother to argue and turned to leave.

The good news hadn’t reached the village yet, so Gu Jiao was clueless. She had been staying at home for a few days due to a cold, but now she was packing up to go to the temple.

“The pastries from there were good last time, bring back some.” The old lady stopped her as she was leaving.

After thinking for a long time, Gu Jiao recalled the pastries the old lady was referring to were the ones a lady at the temple had given to her the first time she went there: “They’re not from the temple, but were brought by a visitor. I don’t know if I will run into her this time.”

That’s what she said, but in her heart, she felt that having met her twice in two trips, the probability of meeting her again was high.

Gu Jiao packed some local produce in a basket, intending to exchange them for some of the lady’s pastries.

However, until she arrived at the top of the mountain, she didn’t run into that lady. Instead, she encountered a few mischievous little monks.

The little monks finished their homework, poking their small heads over the door one after another after another, all tacked up in a pile, obviously waiting for someone.

As Gu Jiao approached carrying her basket, all their eyes widened in surprise!

“She’s here! She’s here!”

She’s here with her basket!

She’s here! She’s here!

She brought something for us!

“Quick, quick, quick, hide!”

The little monks rapidly retreated, but there were too many of them. Insistently squeezing each other, those on top couldn’t get down, and those at the bottom couldn’t back away. Finally, they tumbled over themselves, rolling around on the ground like small melons.

Looking at the lineup of little monks suddenly sprawling in front of her, Gu Jiao was confused: “….”


A large-scale collective insurance fraud?

“Jing Fan! Jingxin! Jingshan! Where did you guys go again!”

Falling flat on their faces in front of a pretty lady – they were utterly shameless! Even their senior brother is calling them out!

The little monks scrambled up to run away!

Suddenly, Gu Jiao spoke up: “What were you guys doing just now?”

The little monks halted.

Monk 1: “We weren’t watching you!”

Monk 2: “Right, we weren’t watching you!”

Monk 3 nodded vigorously!

Gu Jiao raised an eyebrow: “Then why were you watching me?”

Little monk one-two-three: “You’re pretty!”

Gu Jiao: “…”

The little monk pointed at Gu Jiao’s birthmark: “Your freckles are pretty!”

It was funny. The children in the village were terrified of her, often teasing or avoiding her, but these little monks who had never left the mountain couldn’t help but admire her birthmark.

Won over by them, Gu Jiao pulled out some sesame candy from her basket and offered it to the little monks.

“We cannot accept things from a female benefactor.” Little Monk number one refused.

Gu Jiao thought for a moment and said, “Don’t you monks beg for alms? You beg me for alms, and once you do, this sesame candy will be yours.”

The little monks thought that was reasonable! They immediately brought out their alms bowls, Gu Jiao completed the formality of begging and distributed the candies among them.

The little monks sat on the steps, holding their bowls, and started eating with zest.

Gu Jiao took a headcount and asked, “Oh? Weren’t there four of you? Now there are only three?”

Little Monk number one: “You mean Jingkong? He’s going down the mountain!”

So the one who rolled and fell was called Jingkong.

From the little monks, Gu Jiao learnt the full story. Jingkong had been adopted by a wealthy family. The couple had been married for ten years and had no children, so they were planning to raise Jingkong as their own son.

“He must be upset about leaving, isn’t he?” Gu Jiao asked.

The three little monks shook their heads simultaneously.

Little Monk number one, the most active and spokesperson of the group, replied, “Not at all, he’s been wanting to go down the mountain for a while.”

Gu Jiao was puzzled, “Why?”

Little Monk number one: “Because he said once he goes down the mountain, he can eat meat!”

Gu Jiao: “…”

What has this little monk been misled into believing?

Gu Jiao asked again, “But you guys must be upset, right?”

The three little monks shook their heads once again.

Little Monk number one: “Actually, he can’t eat meat even after going down the mountain. He’s allergic to meat, but he isn’t aware of it!”

Someone allergic to meat, you’re joking right?

Gu Jiao: “And you guys won’t tell him?”

Little Monk number one: “If we tell him, he won’t leave!”

Gu Jiao paused for a moment, then said with a sigh, “You really thought this through for him.”Getting adopted by a kind family is obviously better than being a monk on the mountain for life.

Little Monk number one, proudly claimed, “Who told him to eat so much, he finished all our food!”

Gu Jiao: “…”

What’s with these plastic monks?

But ultimately, the rolling Jingkong couldn’t leave the mountain, since the adoptive family suddenly stopped coming. The Abbot found out that the wife of the wealthy family was pregnant, their joyous news having been confirmed by the doctor the previous night.

The doctor assured them it was a boy.

When Gu Jiao went to the abbot’s meditation room, she found Jingkong sitting on a stone outside, with a brand new bundle beside him. He was still, his little figure looking rather lonely.

Obviously, he already knew he was abandoned by the family set to adopt him and was now enveloped by a wave of sadness.

Gu Jiao thought for a moment, walked over and asked, “Can I sit here for a while?”

Jingkong didn’t reply but silently moved his bundle aside.

So, Gu Jiao sat down next to him.

As a ‘beauty chaser’, Gu Jiao always found beautiful things irresistible. Even the little monks in the temple were kind of cute, but the one before her was especially adorable. With a round head, big eyes and long, dark eyelashes, he was like a cute lash demon.

“Feeling down?” Gu Jiao asked.

“What?” Little Jingkong responded, realising that Gu Jiao was asking him a question, he blurted out, “I’m not sad at all!”

His voice was childish.

Gu Jiao raised an eyebrow: “So, you don’t want to go down the mountain?”

With his hands folded on his chest, Little Jingkong turned his face and arrogantly stated, “Yeah, what’s so great about going down the mountain? I heard you get forced to eat meat! I don’t want to break my vows!”

Wow, you’re pals don’t seem to think so.

Teasing him, Gu Jiao said, “Really don’t want to go down the mountain?”

Little Jingkong looked determined: “Of course I don’t! I won’t go down the mountain in this life! I am going to be a monk for life! When I grow up, I want to be the Abbot of the temple!”

Gu Jiao silently gave him a thumbs up. That’s some ambition.

Gu Jiao glanced at him and sighed, “Well if you’re so determined, then forget it. I was going to talk to the Abbot, let you stay at the foot of the mountain with me for a few days.”

Little Jingkong with his waist cocked: “I told you I’m not going down the mountain! Especially not with you! Go on, ask me again!”

Gu Jiao asked, puzzled, “So, you want to go down the mountain with me?”

With one swift motion, Little Jingkong grabbed his bundle: “Yes!”

Gu Jiao stood there, “…!!”